Tuesday, June 4 – Hamilton Smith Hall, UNH Durham
9:00-9:30am – Hamilton Smith 210 (enter via stairway facing Main St., take a right)
Registration & Coffee Reception
9:30-10:30am – Hamilton Smith 210
Opening remarks on NHHC
Welcome & Grant Overview – Michele Dillon, Dean of COLA UNH
Role of the Humanities – Reginald Wilburn, Assoc. Dean COLA UNH
Achievements & Programs – Leslie Barber & Paul Robertson
10:30am-11:30am – Hamilton Smith 210
Student Panel 1: Navigating the Liberal Arts
Catherine Peebles (UNH Honors Program Director), Honors students, COLA Navigators
Discussion: Honors Pathways (Gaudet/Butterfield); Honors in CCSNH (Walters)
11:30am-12:30pm – Hamilton Smith 210
Fall Events: Mock Nominating Convention (Lyon/Baer) & Democracy Now! (Roper)
12:30-1:15pm – Hamilton Smith Atrium
1:15-2:30pm – Breakout Rooms in Hamilton Smith (130, 140, 150, 210, 240)
- Faculty: Mock Nominating Convention (Lyon, Baer)
- Ice-breakers, introduction of projects
- Discussion of objectives, desired resources
- Development of materials, e.g. position papers for classes
- Staff & Faculty: Articulations & Pathways maintenance (Barber, Robertson)
- Successes, goals, challenges
- Recruitment, pipeline
2:30-3:00pm – Hamilton Smith Atrium
Break for food and music
3:00-4:00 – Breakout Rooms in Hamilton Smith (130, 140, 150, 210, 240)
- Faculty: Mock Nominating Convention (Lyon, Baer)
- Run mock nominating convention with faculty
- De-brief
- Administer Qualtrix forms for empiricals around attitudes
- Staff & Faculty: Articulations & Pathways maintenance
- Present website, feedback – Ball
- Rural colleges: specific challenges and initiatives – Ansell, Freeborn, Achor
5:00pm – Three Chimneys Inn in Durham
Drinks & Hors d’Oeuvres
6:00pm – Three Chimneys Inn in Durham
Wednesday, June 5
8:00-9:00am – Hamilton Smith Atrium
9:00-9:15am – Hamilton Smith Atrium
Opening Remarks – Ross Gittell, Chancellor of Community College System of NH
9:15-10:00am – Hamilton Smith Atrium
Student Panel 2: Community college students & transfers (Walters, Robertson)
Self introductions, experiences
Attitudes toward transferring, the humanities, different institutions
What does it mean to be a humanities major at a community college?
Challenges, desired resources, enrichment opportunities, recruitment
10:00-11:00am – Breakout Rooms in Hamilton Smith (Atrium, 130, 140, 150)
Small grants: introduction, collaboration, workshop and submission (Robertson)
Small groups by area breakouts, e.g.: admissions, faculty, admins
11:00-11:30am – Hamilton Smith Atrium (or 210)
Address by UNH President James W. Dean Jr.
11:30-11:45am – Free time
11:45am-12:30pm – Hamilton Smith Atrium
12:45-2:00pm – Atrium and/or Breakout Rooms
Workshop “Democracy Now!” proposals, collaborations, conversations (Roper, Sasso)
Small grant workshopping, proposal submission (Robertson)
2:00-2:30pm – Atrium
Break for food and music
2:30-3:30pm – Atrium
Looking ahead:
Ideas for next year’s grant/event? E.g., Jazz Age (Wilburn)
How to increase collaboration between institutions, areas, students, faculty, staff?
3:45-4:00pm – Atrium
Closing Address (Dillon, Gittell)
Feedback forms (McCarthy)