NHTI History Transfer Pathway

We have partnered with New Hampshire Technical Institute to offer a Pathways Program that allows you to smoothly transition to UNH. This curriculum map shows you the NHTI course sequence you should follow for seamless transfer into our BA in History degree program.


Students can take these courses at NHTI...

To fulfill these UNH degree requirements

Discovery Courses  
ENGL 101C: English Composition ENGL 401 - College Composition/Discovery Writing Skills (WS)
Writing intensive course (from approved WI Discovery list) Discovery Writing Intensive (WI)
Math elective (from approved QR Discovery list) Discovery Quantitative Reasoning (QR)
Lab Science (from approved BS Discovery list) Discovery Biological Sciences (BS)
Lab Science (from approved PS Discovery list) Discovery Physical Sciences (PS)
Social Science elective (from approved SS Discovery list) Discovery Social Sciences (SS)
Social Science elective (from approved HP Discovery list) Discovery Historical Perspectives (HP)
Social Science elective (from approved WC or ETS Discovery list) Discovery World Cultures (WC) or Environment, Technology and Society (ETS)
Language/Humanities/Fine Arts Elective (from approved H Discovery list) Discovery Humanities (H)
Language/Humanities/Fine Arts Elective (from approved FPA Discovery list) Discover Fine and Performing Arts (FPA)
Language/Humanities/Fine Arts Elective (if language, see approved UNH COLA language list) General elective or UNH COLA language requirement
Major Courses  
See approved 400-level course equivalents History Major: 400-level course requirement
See approved 400-level course equivalents History Major: 400-level course requirement
See approved 500-level course equivalents History Major:00-level course requirement
See approved 500-level course equivalents History Major: 500-level course requirement
Other Courses  
Program or General elective (if language, see approved COLA language list) General elective* or UNH COLA language requirement
Program or General elective (if language, see approved COLA language list) General elective* or UNH COLA language requirement
Program or General elective (if needed) General elective*
Quantitative Reasoning (MATH 120C or 120XC) or College Algebra (MATH 124C or MATH 124XC), if needed or higher level Math elective MATH 120C/120XC and MATH 124C/124XC does not transfer, higher level Math elective transfers as a General elective
 *Note that some program or general elective courses, such as capstone courses, internships, and some lower level math courses, may not transfer


At UNH you will complete the following requirements to earn your bachelor's degree

Major Course Requirements*
HIST 500 - Introduction to Historical Thinking
One elective at the 500, 600 or 700 level
Three 600 level History electives
HIST 797 - History Department Colloquium
Note that students need a total of 10 courses between NHTI/CCSNH and UNH, only two of which may be at the 400 level
Discovery Program Course Requirements**
World Cultures (WC) or Environment, Technology and Society (ETS) Discovery Course, as needed
Additional courses to fulfill Discovery requirements (if needed)
University Degree Requirements
General Elective Courses to fill remaining credits required for bachelor's degree (128 total)
University writing requirement***
Two semesters of an introductory foreign language****

* Specific courses selected to meet departmental guidelines, in consultation with UNH advisor

** Click here for more information about UNH’s Discovery Program and a list of approved Discovery courses offered at NHTI.

*** Bachelor degree candidates are required to complete four writing-intensive courses, which must include: English 401- First Year Writing (or ENGL 101C  at NHTI) and three additional writing intensive courses, one in the student’s major and one at the 600-level or above.

**** Students can fulfill the foreign language requirement by: A) Completing one full year of introductory level courses in any foreign language, including American Sign Language, as long as they did not study the language for 2 or more years in high school, or B) Completing one semester or an intermediate- or advanced-level foreign language course.


Also note:
UNH accepts a maximum of 72 credits in transfer from 2-year institutions. Only courses completed with a grade of C or better will be accepted as transfer credits.