
UNH Journal Holdings

The UNH library has subscriptions to a number of linguistics journals. Most of them are listed here.
(Please contact us if you know of others that should be added.)

Theoretical linguistics

Journal of Linguistics, Journal of Phonetics, Language, Language and Speech, Linguistic Analysis, Linguistic Inquiry, Linguistic Review, Linguistics, Linguistics & Philosophy, Modern Philology, Natural Language and Linguistic Theory, Studies in Philology, Word

Language acquisition and teaching 

Bilingual Review / La Revista Bilingue, Canadian Modern Language Review (PB5 .C36), English Language Testing (ELT) Journal, Foreign Language Annals (PB1 .F57), Forum: A journal for the teacher of English outside the United, States (IA 1.17), Journal of Child Language, Language Learning, Language Testing, Speaking English (LB1576 .S5), Studies in Second Language Acquisition, Teaching Language Through Literature (PB11 .M68), TESL Talk (PE1128.A2 T454), TESOL Journal (PE1128.A2 T4518), TESOL Quarterly (PE1128.A2 T454)

Applied Linguistics 

Applied Linguistics (P129 .A66), Annual Review of Adult Learning and Literacy (LC5225 .R4 A55), Annual Review of Applied Linguistics (P129 .A55), IRAL: International Review of Applied Linguistics (P1 .I2), System (P51 .S95), World Englishes

Studies in language variation 

Bilingualism, Journal of Sociolinguistics, Language Variation and Change

Language- and area-specific studies 

English Today, International Journal of American Linguistics, Russian Linguistics

Cognition (many language-related topics are covered) 

The Behavioral and Brain Sciences, Brain and Language, Cognition, Cognitive Psychology, Journal of Memory and Language

General Linguistics Information 


Phonetic fonts for your computer

You can download font files to install on your Mac or PC.

  • SIL Doulos is the most widely used phonetic font.  It's available in versions for either Mac or PC.

Typology, Syntax, and Morphology

  • The World Atlas of Linguistics Structures on-line is an excellent resource if you want to see what sorts of syntactic and morphological structures can be found in particular parts of the world.  Check out the neat maps.
  • The Corpus of Contemporary American English (COCA) is a database of 385 million words that is publicly available with a user-friendly interface.  You can use it to find items with the same prefixes or suffixes, or longer collocations of words.  It's updated with 20 million words each year.\
  • The British National Corpus (BNC) is an older database of approximately 100 million words.  Same interface as the COCA.
  • Ethnologue is a site that lists all of the languages in the world, along with their family classification and often some references to dictionaries and grammars.  If you want to find out what family a language belongs to, or whether something is a dialect of something else, this is the place to go.


Express Scribe is really excellent FREE transcribing software (for Mac and Windows). This lets you control a digital recording (Play, Stop, Rewind, change speed, etc.) from inside your word processing program for efficient transcription of recorded speech. You can download it for Mac or Windows. It's very quick and easy to learn. You stop and start the recording using Hot Keys.

There is one little piece of information that isn't mentioned in Express Scribe's help files that you'll need to know, at least for the Mac version. In order for the program to read the .wav (or .aif or .mp3) files on your computer, you need to go in to the Incoming panel of the Preference settings and designate a folder where you will/have put the sound files, choose how you want the files to load (one at a time or all at once) and choose what file types you want it to load.

A Pictorial Guide to Fourier Analyis