Psychology Department

  • Ellen Cohn
    Justice Studies/Psychology; Professor
    Research Interests: Jury Deliberation, Justice, Race, Social psychology; with an emphasis on legal socialization
  • Pablo Chavajay Physcology; Associate Professor
    Research Interests: Attention management, Children’s engagement in problem solving with caregivers and other children, Cultural perspectives on human development, Culture, cognition, and communication, Generational changes in childrearing practices, International university students’ acculturation processes
  • Lisa Jones Pyschology; Associate Professor
    Research Interests: Child Abuse/Neglect, Child victimization and abuse, with a focus on epidemiology and prevention research, Human Trafficking, Law enforcement, Youth Internet victimization
  • Michelle Leichtman Justice Studies/Psychology; Professor
    Research Interests: Developmental psychology, focusing on memory development in educational and cultural contexts
  • Kimberly Mitchell Psychology; Associate Professor
    Research Interests: Adolescent Health, Adolescent Sexual Behavior, At Risk/High Risk Populations (Health), Child Abuse/Neglect, Child/Maternal Health, Cyberbullying, Firearms/Guns, Hate/Hate Crime/Hate Speech, Opiates / Opioids, Resilience, Suicide, Trauma, Violence Prevention