The Global Racial and Social Inequality Lab (GRSIL) is a dynamic hub of faculty and undergraduate student research, pedagogical activity, and community engagement. Faculty and students already working on or interested in projects that engage with racial and social inequality are invited to connect with GRSIL initiatives and resources. Additionally, we broaden faculty and student engagement in these thematic areas by incentivizing new and continuing research with external funding support. GRSIL also provides workshops that cover evolving best practices for creating inclusive syllabi and classrooms, and that serve as a venue for broader discussion of complex pedagogical issues. Finally, GRSIL also uses its expertise to facilitate community partnerships, develop internships, and expand collaborative relationships with community colleges and non-profit organizations in the region.


About Our funding

GRSIL draws on funding from an Andrew W. Mellon Foundation grant and College of Liberal Arts donor gift funds. These funds enable faculty and students to pursue projects that are effective in addressing today’s pressing societal problems. A key component of this work is a collaborative partnership between the College of Liberal Arts (COLA) at UNH, the state’s flagship public and research-intensive university, and the Community College System of New Hampshire’s (CCSNH) seven community colleges.