Syllabi Resources

Resources for Creating Inclusive Syllabi

Below are some suggested statements faculty can include in their syllabi.

COLA Mission Statement

It is the purpose of the College of Liberal Arts, as a center of learning and scholarship, to help students achieve an understanding of the heritage of civilization and to educate them in the tradition of the past and realities of the present so they may recognize and act upon their obligations to the future. The College seeks to meet the educational needs of each student through the development of interests and skills, which, combined with the individual’s potential, make possible a richer, more useful life.

UNH Presidential Commissions Respectful Classroom Climate Statement:

Individual class members may have strong opinions about material on this syllabus or about the content of in-class lectures and discussions. Members of the class are encouraged to express their opinions, explore controversial material, risk making mistakes in writing about and discussing issues, and ask for help in understanding ideas they do not understand. This intellectual work may be uncomfortable at times, but risking such discomfort often leads to insight. If discussions get heated, I will slow down our conversations to ensure that students have the opportunity to clarify their points. These guidelines should help create a non-discriminatory classroom climate: speak from your own experience and reading; engage thoughtfully with the content of the class; listen to others' thoughts and feelings, even if they differ significantly from your own; and do not expect yourself or other class members to speak as representatives of a social/cultural group.

Mandatory Reporting Warning

Please be advised that we encourage students to come forward for assistance and analysis if you have been impacted by sexual harassment &/or abuse. Note that as a faculty member I am required to report any disclosure of: sexual harassment, sexual assault, unwanted sexual contact, domestic violence, relationship abuse, dating violence and stalking to UNH police and university administrators. If you do not want this information reported, you are encouraged to seek the counsel of one of the non-mandatory reporters available at SHARPP and Health Services.

Beaugard Center Syllabi Review

The purpose of the syllabi review process is to provide faculty with a new, outsider perspective. The Center advocates for syllabi that utilize student-centered language, demonstrate inclusive teaching practices, provide accessibility, and serve as a guide for a positive classroom experience for all. 

The syllabi review process

  1. Faculty submit their syllabus online via the form below
  2. Two person review process (2 week turn around time)
  3. Faculty are sent an e-mail with feedback/rubric
  4. Faculty are offered 1:1 consultation via zoom or in person with BC staff
  5. Courses that participate in this process posted on our website

Submit Your Syllabus For Review >