Using Learning Lab to Address Everyday Discrimination in a Predominantly White Middle-Class School District


  • Dr. Dian Mawene


Eastflower School District (ESD) 1 , in New Hampshire, is a predominantly white middle-class school district and is well known for its well-resourced and academically high-performed schools. However, ESD and its community have some challenges serving students and families from historically marginalized backgrounds (e.g., Black, Asian, Latinx students, students with disabilities, and students from the LGBTQA+ community). In ESD, White students make up 90% of the total school district population while only 3.5% of students are Asian, about 1% of students are Black, almost 3% of students are Hispanic, and 2.3% of students are multi-racial. Despite being only 10% of the total district population, racially marginalized students in ESD have been experiencing discrimination through overrepresentation in school disciplinary practices and in certain special education categories (Office for Civil Rights, 2017).  

In this research project, Dr. Mawene will collaborate with ESD to systemically address why everyday discriminatory incidents are not reported and recorded in the school district system.  They will research why are everyday discriminatory incidents that occur between students not reported and recorded and therefore investigated? How does the existing system capture (or not) those incidents?  The goal of this project is to improve the school’s existing reporting system so that it can capture everyday discriminatory incidents accurately.