Pre-Law Timeline



This pre-law school timeline is for students at the University of New Hampshire. It is not an exhaustive timeline or list of activities of everything that a student interested in attending law school should or may undertake. It is intended for guidance purposes only.

Freshman and Sophomore Year at UNH

There are several things that you can do to prepare for law school in your freshman and sophomore years at UNH.

  • Map out potential law-related courses with an advisor
  • Take courses related to the law
  • Look up law-related clubs such as the Pre-Law Society or the Order of Justice
  • Investigate honors societies and apply
  • Investigate and participate in internships
  • Participate in study abroad programs
  • Work with pre-law advisors
  • Develop a rapport with professors whom you would like to write your recommendation letters

Pre-Law School Timeline: Admission Fall 2024 /Months before you begin law school.

Junior Year at UNH

  • Decide when you’ll take the LSAT. Many law schools require that the LSAT be taken by December for admission the following fall. However, taking the test earlier — in June or September/October — is often advised (LSAC).
  • Investigate and decide how you’ll prepare for the LSAT.
  • Confirm your LSAT dates.
  • Register with the Law School Admissions Council.

    LSAC has numerous resources available for you:
    Free Resources for Aspiring Lawyers
    Admission Checklist
    Admission Brochure
  • Meet with your pre-law advisor and attend UNH pre-law events.
  • Attend Free Pre-Law Forums. Consider attending the UNH Pre-Law Committee-sponsored forum or third-party free pre-law forums.

  • Purchase LSAT prep materials.
  • Create a FREE KHAN Academy account for LSAT study guides.
  • Register for the LSAT.
  • Register for Credential Assembly Service, How CAS Works.
  • Prepare for the summer LSAT. Consider an LSAT tutor.
  • Identify the people you want to provide recommendations.
  • Talk with recommenders about providing recommendations.
  • Continue researching law schools and refine your list.

  • Deadline for registering for June 9, 2023, LSAT.

  • Take the LSAT.

  • Deadline for registering for August LSAT. Dates for LSAT Administration post-June 2023 will be coming out sometime in March of 2023. Check the LSAC website for updates.
  • Receive and evaluate your LSAT score. If you’re not satisfied with it, explore whether you should retake the exam.
  • Plug your undergraduate GPA and LSAT score into the LSAC search tool to help you determine where to apply.
  • If not done already, register for the CAS through LSAC. This requires that you pay their separate fee. This does not happen automatically when you register for the LSAT, nor when you get a generic LSAC account or number.
  • All law schools require that you register for the CAS.

  • Prepare for the summer or October LSAT.
  • Revisit law school websites and become familiar with schools. Continue to work on your list of potential law schools.
  • Contact law schools about tours and visits.

  • Take the LSAT. Dates for LSAT Administration post-June 2023 will be coming out sometime in March of 2023. Check the LSAC website for updates.
  • Deadline to register for October 2023 LSAT. Dates for LSAT Administration post-June 2023 will be coming out sometime in March of 2023. Check the LSAC website for updates.

Senior Year at UNH

  • Attend the Pre-Law New England Law School forum at UNH.
  • Request transcripts from the UNH registrar and from other colleges/universities you have attended.
  • Visit law schools, if possible.
  • Verify the accuracy of CAS information.
  • Reconnect with people providing recommendations.
  • Request LSAC email to recommenders with upload link (or print and give recommendation form to recommenders).
  • Make final decisions about which schools to apply to.
  • Draft personal statement, other essays and résumé.
  • Ask a faculty member or advisor to review your personal statement, essays and résumé.
  • Complete applications online.

  • Deadline to register for November LSAT. Dates for LSAT Administration post-June 2023 will be coming out sometime in March of 2023. Check the LSAC website for updates.

  • Take the LSAT (if you did not take it over the summer). Dates for LSAT Administration post June 2023 will be coming out sometime in March of 2023. Check the LSAC website for updates.

  • November 2023 LSAT (think of this LSAT only as your backup plan, not the “ideal” timeline). Dates for LSAT Administration post-June 2023 will be coming out sometime in March of 2023. Check the LSAC website for updates.
  • Finalize applications and transmit.
  • All applications and materials should be submitted prior to Thanksgiving.

  • Check on LSAC that files are complete; follow up if necessary.
  • Confirm Receipt of Law School Applications.
  • Obtain confirmation letters/emails that your applications are complete from any remaining law schools.

  • Wait.
  • Wait some more.
  • Submit updated transcript to LSAC.

  • Investigate when to file FAFSA and financial aid applications.
  • Draft Financial Aid Applications.
  • Finish drafts of your financial aid applications.
  • Submit financial aid applications.

  • Notifications arrive from law schools.
  • Revisit law schools if desired and helpful to your decision.
  • Weigh offers, scholarships.
  • Make a decision.
  • Pay seat deposit.