Students create digital map of public art on campus

Students from Professor Melinda White's English 510: Introduction to Digital Humanities class collaborated with Otto Luna, the Digital Resources Curator in the Department of Art and Art History, and art history major Natalia Tomahatsch ('26), to develop an interactive digital map showcasing the public art on the UNH campus. Professor White asked the students to take photographs of the various artworks—including bike racks, murals, and sculptures—and to research and write clear, concise descriptions for each piece. The project culminated in the creation of the map itself.

Explore the Map


Digital Map Creators
  • Lily McDonough
  • Ava Garcia
  • Jason Drinan
  • Mark Shaw
  • Olivia Teague
  • Lauren Barnes
  • Alexa Prewitt
  • Alexander Maly
  • Logan Lemay