
UNH marching band

Join the UNH Band Program

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Students playing the trumpet

Concert and Jazz Ensembles

Marching band members holding flags

Wildcat Marching Band

Wildcat Marching Band
Several Beast of the East Pep Band members in navy blue and white uniform rugby shirts play the trumpet at a UNH hockey game

Beast of the East Band

Beast of the East Band

How to Join the Beast of the East Pep Band

  1. Fill out the Participation Form - Due January 20 but please complete ASAP
  2. Order Supplies - Due January 20
    • Rugby shirt required for all
    • Lyre required for all except flutes and trombones (unless you bring a music stand to every game)
    • Earplugs extremely highly recommended
  3. Register for MUSI 462
    • May be taken for 0 or 1 credit: your choice. No difference in expectations.
    • If you forgot or didn't know to register it can still be added during the first couple weeks of classes.
  4. Attend the first meeting on January 20, 6:10 to 8 p.m. on Teams.
    • See SharePoint for more information (request to join if you are not already in it)
    • All rehearsals are required
    • If you have a conflict with the Mondays 6:10 to 8 p.m. rehearsal time, you will need to wait until next semester to join.
    • Partial conflicts (e.g. classes that end at 6:30 on Mondays) may be permitted. Email to inquire.

How to Join the Symphonic Band

  1. Auditions
    • NOT required for membership in Symphonic Band.
    • Held the first week of classes fall semester only. Informal auditions for new members may be held on an ad hoc basis in the spring.
  2. Register for MUSI 453
    • May be taken for 0 or 1 credit: your choice. No difference in expectations.
    • If you forgot or didn't know to register it can still be added during the first couple weeks of classes.
    • If you are new to the group and not auditioning, please contact the director in advance to let them know what you play.
  3. Attend the first rehearsal and you're in!
    • Fall semester: Tuesday of the second week of classes
    • Spring semester: First Tuesday of classes (usually the first day of classes)

How to Join the Wildcat Marching Band

  1. Fill out the Participation Form - Due July 13
    • Most important thing to do to join!
    • This allows us to reserve your housing and meals for band camp and make sure will have everything you need.
  2. Order Supplies - Due July 26
    • Check for required vs. optional items
  3. Register for MUSI 454
    • May be taken for 0 or 1 credit: your choice. No difference in expectations.
    • If you forgot or didn't know to register it can still be added during the first couple weeks of classes.
  4. Prepare for the season! Get some exercise and keep your playing or spinning chops in shape. Music and recordings will be posted in our WMB Downloads folder as they are completed. Fill out the Participation Form to get the link.
  5. Drumline placement auditions are held over the summer in person (by video if necessary). Please see the Drumline Auditions page for more information. This is so you can prepare your parts on the appropriate instrument prior to band camp.
  6. Colorguard Spin Days are an optional but recommended chance for colorguard members to get a head start on work for the season and for the staff to evaluate skills and write work accordingly.