Bibliography and Resources


Measurement Research Program (Measure Bib)  



The Revised CTS 3

Original CTS 3




Catania, J., Turner, H., Pierce, R., & et al. (1993). Response bias in surveys of AIDS-related sexual behavior. AIDS Survey Research Methodology. National Institute of Mental Health.Moore, David W. & Straus, Murray A. 1995. Tolerance for slapping a spouse: Higher than we thought. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Association of Public Opinion Research. Durham, NH: Family Research Laboratory. V57.Moore, David W. 1989 "Effects of Interviewers' Sex on Reported Rates of Child Abuse and Attitudes Toward Child Raising Practices." Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Association of Public Opinion Research. Durham, NH: Family Research Laboratory. *CA2, $1.50Straus, Murray A. 1980. "The 'ZP' scale: a percentaged Z score scale." Durham, NH: Family Research Laboratory, University of New Hampshire. *M23, $1.50.Straus, Murray A. 1964. "Measuring families." Chapter 10 in Harold T. Christenson (ed.),Handbook of Marriage and the Family. Chicago: Rand McNally. #39.Straus, Murray A. 1969. "Phenomenal identity and conceptual equivalence of measurement in cross-national research." Journal of Marriage and the Family 31 (May):233-239. *SC11, $2.00.Straus, Murray A. 1969. Family Measurement Techniques. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. Revised Editions: 1978 (with Bruce W. Brown), and 1990 Handbook of Family Measurement Techniques (with John Touliatos and Barry Perlmutter).Straus, Murray A. & Fumie Kumagai. 1980. "An empirical comparison of eleven methods of constructing indexes." Durham, NH: Family Research Laboratory. *M25, $2.00.Straus, Murray A. 1990. "The Strength of Weak Indicators: A Response to Gilles, Brown, Gallate, and Deluxe." Sociological Quarterly31:619-624. SR35X.Straus, Murray A. 1992 "Assessing Family Functioning Via Questionnaire and Interview Measures." Paper prepared for the NIMH working group on Methodological Issues in the Study of the Family. Washington, D.C. M37.Straus, Murray A. and Barbara Wauchope. 1992. "Measurement Instruments." Pp. 1236-1240 in Encyclopedia of Sociology, Vol. 2, edited by Edgar F. Borgatta and Marie L. Borgatta. NY: Macmillian Publishing Co. *M35, $1.50.Straus, Murray A., and Susan M. Ross. 1995. "Measures of Family Characteristics." Encyclopedia of Marriage and the Family. NY: Macmillian. *M39, $1.50.

Straus, M. A. (1998, February). The Controversy over Domestic Violence by Women: A Methodological, Theoretical, and Sociology of Science Analysis. Paper presented at the Claremont Symposium on Applied Social Psychology on Violence in Intimate Relationships, Claremont Graduate University, Claremont, CA, 28 February 98. To appear in Arriaga, X. & Oskamp, S. Violence in Intimate Relationships. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. *CTS21, $2.50.


The revised CTS has two versions, one for use with married, cohabiting, or dating partners (called the CTS2), and the other to obtain information about the behavior of parents toward a child (called the CTSPC).The original CTS has three scales: Reasoning, Verbal/Symbolic Aggression, and Physical Violence. The (CTS2) has improved versions of the three original scales (renamed as Negotiation, Psychological Aggression, and Physical Assault), and new scales to measure Sexual Coercion and Injury. The CTSPC has improved versions of these scales (now named Non-Violent Discipline, Psychological Aggression, and Physical Assault) and new supplemental scales to measures Weekly Discipline, Neglect, and Sexual Abuse.

Straus, Murray A. HANDBOOK FOR THE CONFLICT TACTICS SCALES. Durham, NH: Family Research Laboratory, University of New Hampshire. This 350 page handbook includes all versions of the CTS and most of the currently available CTS series publications listed below, plus some other papers, and Spanish translations of the original CTS, and the CTS2. See Table of contents attached to this document. *CTS Handbook $25.00.

The Revised CTS

The revised versions of the CTS are copyright instruments. If you wish to use either the CTS2 or the CTSPC, see the Terms of Agreement and the application form at the end of this document. If you are printing this form and it does not print clearly, you can write or e mail for a copy to be sent by mail.

Straus, Murray A., Hamby, Sherry L, Sue Boney-McCoy, and David B. Sugarman. (1996). The revised Conflict Tactics Scales (CTS2): Development & Preliminary Psychometric Data. Journal of Family Issues 17(3):283-316 This paper includes a copy of the revised CTS. *CTS15 $3.00.Straus, Murray A., Hamby, Sherry L., Finkelhor, David., Moore, David W. & Runyan, Desmond. (1998). Identification of Child Maltreatment with the The Parent-Child Conflict Tactics Scales (CTSPC): Development and Psychometric data for a National sample of American parents. Child Abuse and Neglect22: 249-270. *CTS17. $5.00.Straus, Murray A. (1999). Child report and adult recall versions of the revised Conflict Tactics Scales. Durham, NH: Family Research Laboratory, University of New Hampshire. *CTS24. $2.00.

Hamby, Sherry L. and Tsang, Chiu-Wai Rita. (1996). Respondent comments on the CTS2: Implications for assessment of partner violence. Durham, NH: Family Research Laboratory, University of New Hampshire. CTS20

Original CTS

Most of the content of the following items also apply to the CTS2 or the CTSPC.

Aldarondo, Etiony and Murray A. Straus. 1994. "Screening for Physical Violence in Couple Therapy: Methodological, Practical, and Ethical Considerations."Family Process, 33:425-439. *CTS10 $2.50Ford, David A. 1990. "Validity of Using the Conflict Tactics Scale in the Indianapolis Prosecution Experiment." Durham, NH: Family Research Laboratory, University of New Hampshire. CTS9 Hamby, Sherry L., Valerie C. Poindexter., & Bernadette Gray-Little. 1996. "Four Measures of Partner Violence: Construct Similarity and Classification Differences." Journal of Marriage and the Family. 58(1):127-139. *CTS16 $2.50.Straus, Murray A. 1979 "Measuring Intrafamily Conflict and Violence: The Conflict Tactics (CTS) Scales." Journal of Marriage and the Family 41(1):75-88. A revised version is in Straus and Gelles (1990) Physical Violence in American Families. *CTS2X $2.00Straus, Murray A. 1990 "Injury, Frequency, and the `Representative Sample Fallacy' in Measuring Wife Beating and Child Abuse." In Physical Violence in American Families: Risk Factors and Adaptations to Violence in 8,145 Families, edited by Murray A. Straus and Richard J. Gelles. New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Publications. *CTS6 $1.50Straus, Murray A. 1990 "New Scoring Methods for Violence and New Norms for the Conflict Tactics Scales." Appendix B in Physical Violence in American Families: Risk Factors and Adaptations to Violence in 8,145 Families, edited by Murray A. Straus and Richard J. Gelles. New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Publications. *CTS5 $2.00Straus, Murray A. 1990 "The Conflict Tactics Scales and Its Critics: An Evaluation and New Data on Validity and Reliability." In Physical Violence in American Families: Risk Factors and Adaptations to Violence in 8,145 Families, edited by Murray A. Straus and Richard J. Gelles. New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Publications. *CTS4 $2.00Straus, Murray A. 1993. "Identifying Offenders in Criminal Justice Research on Domestic Assault." American Behavioral Scientist. 36(5):587-600. *CTS8, $1.50Straus, Murray A. 1994 "Bibliography of Research on the Conflict Tactics Scales, 2nd edition." Durham, NH: Family Research Laboratory. *CTS11 $2.00Straus, Murray A. and Sherry L. Hamby. (1997). "Measuring Physical and Psychological Maltreatment of children with the Conflict Tactics Scales"In Kaufman Kantor, G., and J. L. Jasinski (Eds.) Out of the darkness: Contemporary research perspectives on family violence. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. $3.00. The data in this article are based on the original CTS. However, most of the material applies to both the CTSPC as well as to the original CTS. *CTS7 $3.00.

Yodanis, Carrie, and Murray A. Straus. 1995. Tabular summaries of methodological characteristics of research using the CTS. Durham, NH: Family Research Laboratory, University of New Hampshire. *CTS18 $8.00


Saunders, Daniel G., Ann B. Lynch, Marcia Grayson and Daniel Linz. 1987. "The Inventory of Beliefs About Wife-Beating: The Construction and Initial Validation of a Measure of Beliefs and Attitudes." Violence and Victims2 (Spring):39-57. VX29, $1.50Straus, Murray A. 1991. "Conceptualization and Measurement of Battering: Implications for Public Policy." Pp. 19-47 in Michael Steinman, Ed. Woman Battering: Policy Responses. Cincinnati: Anderson Publishing Co. *VB30, $2.00.Straus, Murray A. 1992. "Measurement Instruments in Child Abuse Research." Paper prepared for at the National Academy of Sciences, National Research Council, panel on research on Child Abuse and Neglect. *M38, $1.50

Sugarman, David B. and Gerald T. Hotaling. 1996. "Intimate Violence and Social desirability: A Meta-Analytic Review" Journal of Interpersonal Violence. 12 (2): 275-290. *MT5, $2.50.


The PRP is a multi-scale instrument that, when completed, will provide a profile of scores for variables that have an empirically demonstrated relationship with physical violence against a partner in a marital, cohabiting, or dating, relationship. The PRP will measure two types of "risk markers" (1) Interpersonal, i.e. characteristics of the relationship such as the balance of power, (2) Intrapsychic, i.e. characteristics of the respondent such as antisocial personality. There will be about 8 interpersonal and 8 intrapsychic risk factor scales. The average testing time will be about 20 minutes. Seventh grade reading ability is needed. The PRP is described in paper PR6, listed in the next section. The scales developed so far are described in the following papers:

Hamby, S. L., & Bushman, C. A. (1996, August).Dominance and violence among female group members in same-race and mixed-race relationships. Paper presented at the 104th annual meeting of the American Psycholgical Association, Toronto, Ontario. *PR10, $2.00.Ross, Susan M., and Murray A. Straus. 1995. "The Social Integration Scale" Paper presented at the 4th International Conference on Family Violence. Durham, NH: Family Research Laboratory, University of New Hampshire. *PR2 $2.00Straus, Murray A., E. Milling Kinard., and Linda Williams. 1995. "The Neglect Scale" Paper presented at the 4th International Conference on Family Violence. Durham, NH: Family Research Laboratory, University of New Hampshire. *PR1 $2.50.The Dominance Scale. See Hamby reference in the section on Power and Dominance.Straus, Murray A. And Carrie L. Yodanis. 1996. Gender hostility and violence against dating Partners. Paper presented at the 12th World Meeting of the International Society for Research On Aggression. Strasbourg, France, August 27. *PR5, $2.00.

Yodanis, Carrie L. and Murray A. Straus. 1996. You can’t live with them: Development of an improved measure of gender hostility. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Eastern Sociological Society, Boston: March, 1996. *PR4, $2.00.


The FVAT will combine the Revised Conflict Tactics Scales (CTS2) and the Personal and Relationship Profile (PRP) as an integrated pair of instruments in a format designed for self-administration. In a clinical application, the CTS2 part of the FVAT will identify cases in which there is physical, sexual, or psychological abuse of the partner, and the PRP part will provide information on the extent of each of 16 variables known to be associated with partner violence.

Straus, Murray A., Sherry L. Hamby., Sue Boney-McCoy., and David B. Sugarman. 1995 "The Family Violence Assessment Tools: A package of Instruments for Research and Clinical Screening of Couple Violence" Paper presented at the 4th International Conference on Family Violence. Durham, NH: Family Research Laboratory, University of New Hampshire. *PR6, $2.00


Allen, Craig M. 1984. "On the Validity of Relative Validity Studies of `Final-Say' Measures of Marital Power."Journal of Marriage and the Family 46:619-629. *M33, $2.00.Allen, Craig M. and Murray A. Straus. 1984. "`Final Say' Measures of Marital Power: Theoretical Critique and Empirical Findings From Five Studies in the United States and India." Journal of Comparative Family Studies XV:329-344. *M32, $1.50Bulcroft, Richard A. and Murray A. Straus. 1975. "Validity of Husband, Wife, and Child Reports of Conjugal Violence and Power." Durham, NH: Family Research Laboratory. *V14, $1.50.Hamby, Sherry L. 1995. "The Dominance Scale" 1996 "The Dominance Scale" Violence and Victims. 11(3): 199-211. *PR3, $2.00.

Straus, Murray A. And Solomon Cytrynbaum. 1962. "A scoring manual for intrafamilial power and affective support." Minneapolis: Minnesota Family Study Center, University of Minnesota. #36.


Finkelhor, David. 1986. Questions used in surveys to elicit histories of sexual abuse., Pp 54-59 in Sourcebook on Child Sexual Abuse. Thousand Oaks, CA: SageKendall-Tackett, Kathleen. 1991. "Beyond Anatomical Dolls: Professionals' Use of Other Play Therapy Techniques." Child Abuse and Neglect. 16:139-142. *SX14, $1.00Kendall-Tackett, Kathleen. 1992. "Professionals' Standards of `Normal' Behavior With Anatomical Dolls and Factors That Influence These Standards." Child Abuse and Neglect. 16:727-733. *SX15, $1.50Kendall-Tackett, Kathleen and Malcolm W. Watson. 1990. "Factors that Influence Perceptions of Behavioral Indicators of Child Sexual Abuse." "Anatomical Dolls." In A Common Ground November, Pages 3 and 9. *SX13, $1.00Kendall-Tackett, Kathleen and Malcolm W. Watson. 1991. "Use of Anatomical Dolls by Boston-area Professionals." Child Abuse and Neglect, 16(3):423-428. SX16.

Finkelhor, David., David Moore., Sherry L. Hamby., & Murray A. Straus. 1997. "Sexually abused children in a national survey of parents: Methodological issues. Child Abuse & Neglect. 21(1): 1-9. *VX81. $1.50.

SIMFAM Technique for Observed Family Interaction Measurement

Straus, Murray A. and David H. Olson. 1972. "A diagnostic tool for marital and family therapy: the SIMFAM technique." Family Coordinator 21 (July):251-265. SC10. Straus, Murray A. and Irving Tallman. 1971. "SIMFAM: A technique for observational measurement and experimental study of families." Pp. 378-438 in Joan Aldous et al. (eds.), Family Problem Solving. Hinsdale, Ill.: Dryden Press. SC3.

Straus, Murray A., Irving Tallman and Lance R. Wilson. 1974. "SIMCAR: A game simulation method for cross-cultural family research." Social Science Information 13 (April):121-144. #78.


These measures consist of scores for each of the 50 states. They can be used for macro-sociological research, or the scores for each state can be used as social context variables in individual-level research. The three books listed below give the scores for each overall index for each state, arrayed in rank order. They also list the scores for each state on the separate indicators making up each index. Finally, the three books also include many state-by-state rankings of variables from standard sources such as the U.S. Census, the Uniform Crime Reports, and the Vital Statistics, but these are not listed below because they can be obtained from those widely available references.

Baron, Larry, and Murray A. Straus. 1989. Four Theories of Rape in American Society: A State-Level Analysis. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press.

Gender EqualityGini Index (income inequality)Legitimate ViolenceNon-traditional Sex Role AttitudesSex Magazine CirculationSexual LiberalismSocial Disorganization

Linsky, Arnold S., Bachman, Ronet, & Straus, Murray A. 1995. Stress, Culture, and Aggression. New Haven: Yale University Press.

State Stress Index, 1976State Stress Index, 1982Each of the above has subindexes for economic, family, and community stressorsSubjective StressPerceived StressStatus IntegrationCigarette consumption per capitaPercentage of smokersRestrictive Drinking NormsFrequency of DrunkennessHeavy DrinkingAlcohol consumptionSuicidal IdeationGun Magazine Circulation RateHomicide rates for types of victim- offender relationship, gender, & weapon

Linsky, Arnold S. and Murray A. Straus. 1986. Social stress in the United States: Clues to regional patterns of crime and illness. Dover, MA: Auburn House/Greenwood Press.

State Stress Index, 1972Many measures of health problems and crime

Straus, Murray A. 1985. "The validity of U.S. states as units for sociological research." Paper presented at the 1985 meeting of the American Sociological Association, 1985. *SR21, $2.00.Straus, Murray A. 1988. "Validity of Aggregating Individual-Level Survey Data for Macro sociological Research Using U.S. States." Paper presented at the 1988 annual meeting of the American Sociological Association. *SR42, 2.00.

Straus, Murray A. 1994. "State-to-State Differences in Social Inequality and Social Bonds in Relation to Assaults on Wives in the United States." Journal of Comparative Family Studies, 25: 7-24. *VB13, $2.00.


These multi-scale instruments were intended to provide standardized measures on a numbed of important family dimensions. Due to a shift in research interests at the time, I never got to use them in published research. Consequently construct validity evidence is not available. Nevertheless, I list them here because I think they are still promising. The Family Patterns Profile is also unique in the method used to control for social desirability and other response sets.

Straus, Murray A. 1965. The family interaction schedule. Minneapolis: Minnesota Family Study Center. 1965. Available from the Educational Testing Service, Test Library, Princeton, NJ. Measures intrafamily communication (5 subscales), Support (subscales for each family role-relationship, e.g. H to W, W to H), Task Roles (subscales for Task Activity and Task Differentiation). Decision Roles (subscales for Decision Activity, and Decision Differentiation of Husb, Wife, and Children), Immediate Power, i.e., control of day to day activities (subscales for each family role relationship), Ultimate Power, i.e., who has the final say when decisions are contested (three subscales), Consensus/Conflict (subscales for each role-relationship) #44.

Straus, Murray A. 1965. Family patterns profile. Test and test manual." Minneapolis: Minnesota Family Study Center. 1965. Available from the Educational Testing Service, Test Library, Princeton, NJ. #45 (measures Achievement Expectations, Emotional Neutrality, Self-orientation, and Role Differentiation) #45.


Straus, Murray A. 1956. "Personality testing the farm population." Rural Sociology 21 (September-December):293-294. #13.Straus, Murray A. 1957. "Direct, indirect and disguised measurement in rural sociology." Pullman, Washington: Washington Agricultural Experiment Station, State College of Washington,Technical Bulletin 26 (August). #17.Straus, Murray A. and Allen J. Estep. 1958. "Do questionnaires tell the truth?" County Agent and Vocational-Agricultural Teacher 14 (October):26-29. #25.

Straus, Murray A. 1959. "A Technique for measuring values in rural Life." Pullman, Washington Agricultural Experiment Station, State College of Washington,Technical Bulletin 29 (August). (Now available from the Test Library, Educational Testing Service, Princeton, N.J.). #21.



Murray A. StrausFamily Research Laboratory, University of New HampshireDurham, NH 03824 603-862-2594


Measuring Intra-family Conflict and Violence: The Conflict Tactics (CT) Scales * 3The Revised Conflict Tactics Scales (CTS2): Development And PreliminaryPsychometric Data (CTS15) 14Identification of Child Abuse with the CTSPC: Development & Psychometricdata (CTS17) 32Child report and adult recall versions of the revised Conflict Tactics Scales 56-AThe Conflict Tactics Scales And Its Critics: An Evaluation and New Data OnValidity And Reliability * 57New Scoring Methods For Violence And New Norms For the Conflict Tactics Scales * 75Validity of Using the Conflict Tactics Scales in the Indianapolis ProsecutionExperiment (V47) 88Injury, Frequency, and the "Representative Sample Fallacy" in Measuring WifeBeating And Child Abuse * 92Measuring Psychological And Physical Abuse Of Children With The Conflict Tactics Scales (CTS7) 102Identifying Offenders In Criminal Justice Research On Domestic Assault (CTS8) 119


How Violent Are American Families? Estimates From The National Family ViolenceSurvey And Other Studies* 127Societal Change and Change In Family Violence From 1975 to 1985 as Revealedby Two National Surveys" * 139Physical Punishment and Physical Abuse of American Children: Incidence Rates by Age, Gender, and Occupational Class * 154



ON THE CONFLICT TACTICS SCALES . . . . . . . . . . . . 187

Publications Arranged By Topic1. Critques, Discussions, Methodology, Reliability, Validity2. Dating Couples3. Married and Cohabiting Couples (see also 5)4. Parental Behavior (see also 5)5. Both Couples and Parental Behavior6. Children's Behavior7. Elder Abuse8. Verbal Aggression9. General Aggression/Violence  * Indicates a reprint from Physical Violence In American Families. If you have this book or plan to purchase it, the remaining items are available separately.



1. This agreement is between the authors of the Revised Conflict Tactics Scales (CTS2) and the Parent-Child Conflict Tactics Scales (CTSPC), hereafter referred to as the Test Authors or the Authors, and the person or persons listed requesting permission to use these tests, hereafter referred to as the Cooperating User or the User. The agreement covers use of the CTS2 or the CTSPC (hereafter referred to as the Tests) for the research or clinical trial described below.2. The Test Authors grant permission to use one or both of these Tests and to waive all royalty or permission fees solely for the research or clinical trial described below.3. If the Cooperating User does not intend to carry out and publish a psychometric analysis of the data (such as factor analysis, item analysis, and construction of normative tables), she/he agrees to provide the Test Authors with a copy of the data to permit the Test Authors to use it for that purpose. If the data is provided, it is further agreed that it will be the data on responses to each item in the Tests, together with as much as possible of a list of demographic information to be provided by the Test Authors.If the User intends to carry out and publish psychometric analyses, but the User’s plans change and a copy of a paper or other suitable publication reporting the psychometric analysis is not sent to the Test Authors within a period of two years from the date of testing, the User agree to provide a copy of the data to the Test Authors for purposes of psychometric analysis.4. The Test Authors agree: (A) To use the data provided by the Cooperating User for the sole purpose of psychometric analyses and not to use the data to investigate a substantive issue. (B) That the Cooperating User has the exclusive right to use the data for substantive analyses such as research on etiology, consequences, or treatment outcomes. If the Test Authors publish information based on data provided by the User signing this agreement, the Authors will acknowledge the source of the data in any publications which reports information based on the data provided by the Cooperating User.

5. In the case of students, permission to use the CTS will be granted to the advisor on behalf of the student, and must be signed by the advisor. The advisor agrees to assist the student in fulfilling this agreement, but assumes no other obligation to the Test Authors.


Murray A. StrausFamily Research Laboratory, University of New Hampshire

Durham, NH 03824 PHONE 603-862-2594 FAX 603-862-1122

Please provide as much as possible of the following. I will be glad to assist you with questions or problems. E mail is best. Please try again if I do not reply in a reasonable time. Thanks.  Murray Straus

* Description of the sample, including method of recruitment and key characteristics such as age, gender, whether a treatment group of some type, etc.

* Descriptive statistics for each scale:Frequency distributionMean, Standard Deviation, Median

The above should be provided for the total population and for relevant subgroups such as men and women, treatment and control group, offenders and victims, etc.

You can send a computer printout, but please be sure it is labeled to indicate the scale. If you provide separate statistics for subgroups such as men and women, please check that the group is identified and if not, write it in.* Alpha coefficient of reliability for each scale. Be sure to indicate the sample this applies to.* Results of factor analysis: the factor structure, percent of variance explained by each factor etc.

IMPORTANT: Please attach a copy of the CTS as it was printed for your use.



If YES, please attach a paragraph describing your plan

If NO, please indicate the form in which you plan to provide data to us for purposes of our conducting psychometric analyses

Test answer sheets or test booklets (these will be returned to the Cooperating User by the Authors)

File of data on disk in one of the following formats (circle one) ASCII, Word Perfect, Word, SPSS, SAS, STATA. Name of Cooperating User:


PHONE( ) FAX( ) E-Mail I agree to the terms of agreement on page 2 and to provide data as indicated above.CooperatingUser Signature DATE STUDENTS: Please have the faculty advisor for this research sign this form:Faculty Advisor Signature DATE Advisor Name, Title, and Institution:  For the Test Authors*: DATE * The Test Authors of the CTS2 are Murray A. Straus, Sherry L. Hamby, Sue Boney-McCoy, and David B. Sugarman. The Test Authors of the CTSPC are Murray A. Straus, Sherry L. Hamby, David Finkelhor, David W. Moore and Desmond Runyan.


Publications on Corporal Punishment of Children (CPP) 

Family Research Laboratory
University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH 03824, USA

Ph: (603) 862-2594
Fax: (603) 862-1122



  • Donnelly, Michael and Murray A. Straus (editors). 2000 expected. Corporal Punishment of Children in Theoretical Perspective. New Haven: Yale University Press.
  • Straus, Murray A. 2000. Beating the Devil out of Them: Corporal Punishment in American Families and Its Effects on Children, 2nd Edition. New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Publishers. See table of contents at end of this document.
  • Straus, Murray A. 2001 expected. Corporal Punishment by Parents in Social Context. In Preparation.

* Indicates items available from the Family Research Laboratory.


Brown, Bruce. 1979. "Parent's discipline of children in public places." The Family Coordinator28:67-71. $1.00. *CP1B

Burns, Nanci M., and Murray A. Straus. 1987. "Cross-national differences in corporal punishment, infant homicide, and socioeconomic factors." . Durham, New Hampshire: Family Research Laboratory, University of New Hampshire. (The main findings are summarized in Beating the Devil out of Them (Chapter 7). $1.50. *V42

Carson, Barbara A. 1986. "Parents who don't spank: Deviation in the legitimization of physical force." . Durham, New Hampshire: University of New Hampshire.: Ph.D dissertation. VX43

Cook, Kimberly J. 1993. "Pro-Death politics: Debunking the "Pro-Life" agenda." in Political crime in contemporary America: A critical approach, edited by Kenneth D. Tunnell. New York, NY: Garland Publishing, Inc. $2.50.*SR65

Dietz, Tracy. 1997. "Disciplining children: Characteristics associated with the use of corporal punishment and non-violent discipline." Durham, NH: Family Research Laboratory: University of New Hampshire. $2.50. *CP45

Gelles, Richard J., and Murray A. Straus. 1975. "Family Experience and Public Support of the Death Penalty." American Journal of Orthopsychiatry 44 (July):596-613. Also reprinted in Hugo Bedau and Chester M. Pierce (eds.), Capital Punishment in the United States. New York: AMS Press, 1976; and in David G. Gil (ed.), Child Abuse and Violence. NY: AMS Press, 1979. $1.50. *V11

Giles-Sims, Jean., and Julie Mason. 1993. "Parent attitudes about corporal punishment and child behavior problems: a longitudinal study". Paper presented at the 1993 meeting of the American Sociological Association, 13 August 1993. CP17

Giles-Sims, Jean., Murray A. Straus, and David B. Sugarman. 1995. "Child, maternal and family characteristics associated with spanking." Family Relations 44:170-176. $1.50. *CP16

Moore David W. and Murray A. Straus. 1988. "Corporal Punishment by New Hampshire Parents and its Correlates." Durham NH: Family Research Laboratory, University of New Hampshire. $2.00. *CA4

Steinmetz, Suzanne K. 1974. "Occupational Environment in Relation to Physical Punishment." Pp. 166-172. In Steinmetz and Straus (eds.), Violence in the Family. NY: Harper and Row (Originally published by Dodd, Mead). VX2

Stewart, Julie H. 1998. "Pro-Violence attitudes and approval of corporal punishment." Durham, NH: Family Research Laboratory, University of New Hampshire. CP57

Straus, Murray A., & Julie H. Stewart. 1999. "Corporal punishment by American parents: National data on prevalence, chronicity, severity, and duration, in relation to child, and family characteristics." Clinical child and Family Psychology Review. 2(2)55-70. $2.50. *CP36

Straus, Murray A. 1971. "Some Social Antecedents of Physical Punishment: A Linkage Theory Interpretation." Journal of Marriage and the Family. 33 (November)659-663. $1.50. *V2

Straus, Murray A. 1983. "Corporal Punishment, Child Abuse, and Wife Beating: What Do They Have in Common?" (Former title "Ordinary Violence, Child Abuse, and Wife Beating: What Do They Have in Common?") In The Dark Side of Families: Current Family Violence Research, edited by David Finkelhor, Richard J. Gelles, Gerald T. Hotaling, and Murray A. Straus. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage. Also in Straus and Gelles (1990) Physical Violence in American Families. $1.50. *V33

Straus, Murray A. 1992. "Physical Punishment by Parents and Human Social Evolution." Paper presented at the 13th Annual Darwin Festival. Salem MA: Salem State College. February, 1992. CP8

Steinmetz, Suzanne K. 1971. "Occupational and Psysical Punishment: A Response to Straus."Journal of Marriage and the Family 33 (November):664-666. VX1

Straus, Murray A. and Anita K. Mathur 1996. "Social Change and Change in Approval of Corporal Punishment by Parents from 1968 to 1992." In Frehsee, D., Horn W., and Bussmann, K. (Eds)Family violence Against Children: A Challenge for Society. NY: Walter de Gruyter. $2.00. *CP27

Straus, Murray A. and Denise A. Donnelly . 1994. "Corporal Punishment of adolescents by American Parents." Youth & Society 24:419-442. Also Chapter 3 in Murray A. Straus. 2000. 2ndEdition. Beating the Devil out of Them: Corporal Punishment in American Families and Its Effects On Children, 2nd Edition. New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Publishers. $1.50. *CP12

Straus, Murray A. and Glenda Kaufman Kantor. 1995. "Trends in Physical Abuse by Parents from 1975 to 1992: A Comparison of Three National Surveys" Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Society of Criminology, Boston. Durham, NH: Family Research Laboratory. $2.00. *V57

Straus, Murray A., and Teresita Camacho. 1993. "Corporal punishment by Hispanic parents." . Durham, NH: Family Research Laboratory, University of New Hampshire. $2.50. *CP4

Walsh, Wendy. 1997. Social Influences on spanking Master's thesis. University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH. CP44

Walsh, Wendy. 1998. "Planting seeds for nonviolent homes: Parent educators' experiences presenting a no-spanking discipline curriculum." Durham, NH: Family Research Lab, University of New Hampshire. CP56

Wauchope, Barbara A. and Murray A. Straus. 1990. "Physical Punishment and Physical Abuse of American Children: Incidence Rates By Age, Gender, and Occupational Class." In Physical Violence in American Families: Risk Factors and Adaptations to Violence in 8,145 Families, edited by Murray A. Straus and Richard J. Gelles. New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Publishers. $1.50. *VB9


Larzelere, Robert E. 1986. "Moderate Spanking: Model or Deterrent of Children's Aggression in the Family." Journal of Family Violence 1(March):27-36. $1.00 *VA41

Owens, David M. and Murray A. Straus. 1975. "The Social Structure of Violence in Childhood and Approval of Violence as an Adult." Aggressive Behavior l:193-211. Also reprinted Pp. 107-125, in Irwin H. Hyman and James H. Wise (eds.), Corporal Punishment in American Education: Readings in History, Practice and Alternatives. Temple University Press, 1979. $1.50. *V6

Straus, Murray A. 1991. "Discipline and Deviance: Physical Punishment of Children and Violence and Other Crime in Adulthood." Social Problems 38(2):101-123. $2.00. *CP1

Straus, Murray A. 1991. "New Theory and Old Canards About Family Violence Research." Social Problems 38(2):180-197. (Reply to critiques by Kurz, Loseke, and McCord). CP1X

Straus, Murray A. and Kimberly A. Hill. 1997. "Corporal punishment, child-to-parent bonding, and delinquency." paper presented at the 5th International family violence research conference. Durham, NH: Family Research Laboratory , University of New Hampshire. $2.00 *CP42

Straus, Murray A. & Vera E. Mouradian. 1998 "Impulsive Corporal Punishment by Mothers and Antisocial Behavior and Impulsiveness of children." Behavioral Sciences and the Law. 16: 353-374. $2.50. *CP39

Straus, Murray A. and Carrie L. Yodanis. 2000. "Physical Abuse." Chapter 6 in Murray A. Straus, Beating the devil out of them: Corporal punishment in American Families And Its Effects on Children, 2nd Edition. New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Publishers. $2.00. *CP13

Straus, Murray A. and Carrie Yodanis (1996). Corporal punishment in adolescence and physical assaults on spouses later in life: What accounts for the link? Journal of Marriage and the Family, 58,(4)825-841. $2.50. *CP23

Straus, Murray A. and Sean Lauer 1992. "Corporal Punishment of Children and Crime In Ethnic Group Context." Paper presented at the 1992 Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology. $2.00. *CP10

Straus, Murray A., David B. Sugarman., and Jean Giles-Sims. 1997. "Corporal Punishment by Parents and Subsequent Anti-Social Behavior of Children" Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine, 155, 761-767. $2.00. *CP24

Tsang, Rita. 1995. "Social Stress, Social Learning, and Anger as Risk Factors for Corporal Punishment". Durham, NH: Family Research Laboratory, University of New Hampshire. CP26

Wolak, Janis. 1996. "Patterns of Parental Control and sibling Violence". Durham, NH: Family Research Laboratory, University of New Hampshire. *CP33

Yodanis, Carrie L. 1992. "Corporal punishment and the fusion of love and violence." . Durham, New Hampshire: University of New Hampshire. CP14


Straus, Murray A. and Mallie J. Paschall. 1999. "Corporal punishment by mothers and children's cognitive development: A logitudinal studyof two age cohorts." paper presented at the 6th International Family Violence Research Conference. Durham, NH: Family Research Laboratory, University of New Hampshire. $2.50. *CP51R

Straus, Murray A. 1995. "Corporal Punishment of Children and Depression and Suicide in Adulthood." In Joan McCord (editor) Coercion and Punishment in Long Term Perspective. NY: Cambridge University Press. Also Chapter 5 in Murray A. Straus, 2000. 2nd Edition. Beating the Devil out of them: Corporal Punishment in American Families And Its Effects on Children. New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Publications. 2000. $2.50. *CP3

Straus, Murray A. and Anita K. Mathur 1995. "Corporal Punishment and Children's Academic Achievement" Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Pacific Sociological, San Francisco, April 7, 1995. $1.50. *CP29

Straus, Murray A. and Denise Donnelly. 2000. "The fusion of sex and violence." in Murray A. Straus, 2nd Edition. Beating the devil out of them: Corporal Punishment in American Families and Its Effects on Children. New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Publishers. $1.50. *CP28

Straus, Murray A. and Glenda Kaufman Kantor. 1994. "Corporal Punishment by Parents: A Risk Factor in the Epidemiology of Depression, Suicide, Alcohol Abuse, Child Abuse and Wife Beating"Adolescence 29(115):543-561. $2.00. *CP5

Straus, Murray A. and Holley Gimpel. 2000. "Alienation and Reduced Income." Chapter 9 in Murray A. Straus, 2nd Edition. Beating the Devil out of them: Corporal Punishment in American families and Its Effects on Children. New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Publishers. $2.00. *CP7

Turner, Heather A., and David Finkelhor. 1996. "Corporal Punishment as a Stressor among Youth." Journal of Marriage and the Family. 58(1):155-166 $2.50. *CV10



Straus, Murray A. 1998 "A quasi-experiment on changing community norms about spanking as a method of reducing delinquency, violence, and other crime." Paper presented at the 93rd Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association. San Francisco, 22 Aug 98. CP52

Straus, Murray A. 1998 "Spanking by Parents -- Some ideas on measurement and analysis of a neglected risk factor for serious mental health problems". Behavioral Measurements Letter. 15(2)3-8 $1.50. *CP49

Straus, Murray A. 1999. "Child report and adult recall versions of the revised Conflict Tactics Scales." : Durham, NH: Family Research Laboratory, University of New Hampshire. CTS24

Straus, Murray A. 2001, In preparation. "Attempts to stem the tide: Demystifying the defenses of corporal punishment." in Murray A. Straus, Corporal Punishment by Parents in Social Context. $3.00. *CP64

Straus, Murray A., and Sherry L. Hamby. 1997. "Measuring physical and psychological maltreatment of children with the Conflict Tactics Scales." in Out of the darkness: Contemporary research perspectives on family violence, edited by Glenda Kaufman Kantor and Jana Jasinski. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. $2.50. *CTS7

Straus, Murray A., Sherry L. Hamby, David Finkelhor, David W. Moore, and Desmond Runyan. 1998. "Identification of child maltreatment with the parent-child Conflict Tactics Scales: Development and psychometric data for a national sample of American parents." Child Abuse and Neglect 22:249-270. $3.00. *CTS17


Kandel, Elizabeth. 1991. "Physical Punishment and the Development of Aggressive and Violent Behavior: A Review." Durham, NH: Family Research Laboratory, University of New Hampshire. CP2

Straus, Murray A. 1996. "Corporal punishment in American and its effects on children." Journal of Child Centered Practice: Special issue on Corporal Punishment 3:57-77. $2.50. *CP35

Straus Murray A. 1992. "Adverse Effects of physical punishment: The experiences of two nationally representative samples" Paper presented at the 1992 meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association. CP9

Straus, Murray A. 1993. "Corporal Punishment: Background and Goals Of the Task Force on the Effects of Corporal Punishment on Children." Child, Youth, and Family Services Quarterly. 15: 1-2. (Division 37 of the American Psychological Association). $1.00. *CP15

Straus, Murray A. 1993. "Corporal Punishment by parents and the effects on children". Paper presented at the Autumn General meeting of the American Philosophical Society, Philadelphia, 12 November 1993. CP19

Straus, Murray A. 1994. "Is Corporal Punishment by Parents Abusive?" In Eillen Gambrill and Mary Ann Mason, editors. Children and Adolescents: Controversial Issues. Newbury Park, CA: Sage. $1.50. *CP6

Straus, Murray A. 2000. "Ten myths and spanking children." Chapter 10 in Murray A. Straus, 2ndEdition. Beating the Devil Out of Them: Corporal Punishment in American Families and Its Effects on Children. New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Publishers. $2.00. *CP11

Straus, Murray A. 1995. "Corporal Punishment by Parents and its effects on children" In Richard J. Gelles (ed.). Families & Violence, Abuse, & Neglect. Minneapolis: National Council on Family relations, Vision 2010 Series.3(1):20-21. $.50. *CP30

Straus, Murray A. 1996. "Spanking and the making of a violent society." Pediatrics 98:837-842. $2.00. *CP31

Straus, Murray A. 1997. "Beating up the bearer of the bad news about corporal punishment."Contemporary Psychology 42:759-761. $1.50. *CP38

Straus, Murray A. 1997 "Should parents spank their kids?: It can leave Psychic Scars". New York Daily News. (Sunday October 5, 1997, pp 51) $1.00. *CP48

Straus, Murray A. 1997. "New evidence and new controversy about corporal punishment." paper presented at the EPOCH-Worldwide Conference. Barcelona, Spain. CP50

Straus, Murray A. 1998. "Comments on : Bum Rap: Antispanking activists should take a time-out." Durham, NH: Family Research Laboratory, University of New Hampshire. CP59

Straus, Murray A. 1998. "New and more definitive evidence about the benefits of avoiding corporal punishment." Paper presented at the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children. London. Durham, NH: Family Research Laboratory, University of New Hampshire. CP58

Straus, Murray A. 1999. Spanking teaches long-term violence. The Union Leader, Manchester NH. (Monday July 12, 1999, pp A10) $1.00 *CP53

Straus, Murray A. 1999. "Is it time to ban corporal punishment of children?" Canadian Medical Association Journal 161:821-822. $1.00. *CP63

Straus, Murray A. 2000. "The benefits of never spanking: New and more definitive evidence and a possible backlash." in Murray A. Straus 2nd Edition. Beating the devil out of them: Corporal punishment and its effects on children. New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Publications. $2.50. *CP41

Straus, Murray A. In Press. "Commentary: Corporal punishment and primary prevention of physical abuse." Child Abuse & Neglect . $2.00. *CP65

Straus, Murray A. 2000, In Press. "Corporal punishment by parents: The cradle of violence in the family and society." Virginia Journal of Social Policy and the Law . $2.50. *CP62

Straus, Murray A. 2001, In Preparation. "Corporal punishment research and the culture wars." in Murray A. Straus, Corporal punishment by parents in social context. CP40

Straus, Murray A., and Carrie Yodanis. 1995. "Corporal Punishment by parents: Implications for primary prevention of assaults on spouses and children". The University of Chicago Law School Roundtable: Chicago. 2(1): 35-66. $2.50. *CP25

Turner, Heather. 2000, In Press. "Corporal Punishment and the stress process" To appear in Michael Donnelly and Murray A. Straus (Eds.), Corporal Punishment of Children in Theoretical Perspective. CP18