Poster Submission Form

A poster submission pertains to one paper submitted by an individual that will be presented in a poster format. To submit a poster, you will need to complete our online poster submission form. When composing your abstract, please use a text editor (i.e. MS Word or WordPerfect) and then cut and paste it into the box provided on the form. DO NOT type your abstract directly into the box!  

Please note: If you submit an abstract for a poster presentation, it should be understood that you will present on a poster board space and need to bring materials to the conference.

The abstract should include purpose, method of study and, if available, results and conclusions. Abstracts will be part of the program book available to conference attendees. Please be sure to fill in this form as completely as possible and read all the requirements below for abstract length.

Abstracts will be part of the program book available to conference attendees. Please be sure to fill in this form as completely as possible and read all the requirements below for abstract length.

Presenter Information
Biographical Information
Do you have a professional license
Paper Information
Poster Abstract
This overview will be published in the program book so it must not exceed 1400 characters (including spaces and punctuation). The title need not be repeated in the body of the abstract.
I would like this poster submission to be considered for Data Blitz
Indicate what the learner should be able to do (e.g., define, state, describe, discuss, explain, etc.) after attending your presentation.
Describe how the presenter’s current position/experience relates to the topic being presented.
Would you be willing to moderate a session if your paper is accepted at this year's conference

(Please be sure to read over your form before submitting it, as the information given will be entered as received.)

Should you encounter any problems, or notice any issues with what you have submitted, please use the contact information below for assistance.

Contact Information:

Amanda Gourgue, Conference Administrator
Family Violence Research Conferences
McConnell Hall
Academic Way
University of New Hampshire
Durham, NH 03824
Phone: (603) 862-0767 


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