- Thomas Safford Sociology/International Affairs; Associate Professor
Research Interests: Applied Sociology, Applied; qualitative methods, Coastal Environment, Environmental Planning/Policy, Ethics/Values in Science and Technology, Globalization, International Affairs, International Planning/Policy, International political economy, International/Global Development, Marine Environment, Natural Resources Management, Organizational, environmental, science and technology, Social Change, Sociology, Sociology of Science - Katherine Abbott Sociology/Justice Studies; Senior Lecturer
Research Interests: Courts, Crime and deviance,Immigration, Law and society, Perceptions of justice - David Finkelhor Sociology/Justice Studies; Professor
Research Interests: Applied Sociology, At-Risk Children/Youth, Child Abuse/Neglect, Child/Youth Health Services, Children - Services For, Children (Patients), Children/Youth, Crime, Emotional/Mental Health--Child/Adolescent, Family Violence, Infant / Child Mortality, Internet Safety, Psychology/Abused Children, Sociology of the Family, Victimization/Compensation - Karen Van Gundy Sociology/Justice Studies; Professor
Research Interests: Gender, Life course, Sociology of mental health, Substance use - Cliff Brown Sociology; Associate Professor
Research Interests: Comparative historical sociology, Environment and social change, Race and ethnic relations, Social stratification, US labor movement - Michele Dillon Sociology; Dean College of Liberal Arts
Research Interests: Aging and life course, Culture, Irish society, Religion, Sociological theory - Ryan Gibson Sociology; Postdoctoral Research Association
Quantitative methodology, Race and racism, Social identity, Social psychology, Sociology of mental health - Rebecca Glauber Sociology; Associate Professor
Research Interests: Families, Gender, Labor markets, Social stratification, Work - Lawrence Hamilton Sociology; Professor
Research Interests: Arctic, Climate Change, Climate Change - Impacts, Data Analysis, Demographic Change, Environmental sociology, Migration, Renewable Energy Sources, Sociology, Statistics, Surveys & Survey Research - Kenneth Johnson Sociology; Professor
Research Interests: Demographic Change, Demography, Quantitative analysis, Rural and urban sociology, Rural Studies, Sociology - Nena Stracuzzi Sociology; Senior Lecturer