Courses Taught
- JUST 401: Intro to Justice Studies
- JUST 505: Analysis of Hollywood Crime
- JUST 595: SpcTop/Breaking Down Break Bad
- JUST 601: Internship
- JUST 602: Research Internship
- JUST 701/801: SenSem/Prisons & Punishment
- JUST 802: Law and Society
- JUST 830: Theories of Justice
- JUST 865: Spc Top/Crim Thoery
- JUST 901: Prosem: Intro Justice Studies
- JUST/SOC 535: Homicide
- JUST/SOC 865/815: Spc Top/Criminilogical Theory
- SOC 400: Introductory Sociology
- SOC 450: Contemporary Social Problems
- SOC 515: Introductory Criminology
Research Interests
- Courts
- Crime and deviance
- Immigration
- Law and society
- Perceptions of justice
Selected Publications
Abbott, K. R. (2014). Courting media: The applicability of mass media analysis on immigration courts.. In S. Morewitz, & M. Goldstein (Eds.), Courting media: The applicability of mass media analysis on immigration courts. (pp. 403-431). Springer.
Johnson, J. M., Prior, S. F., Ableser, E. Z., & Abbott, K. R. (2012). Theories on Justice.
Johnson, J. M., Abbott, K., Prior, S. F., & Ableser, E. (2011). Theories on Justice.