
Ryan Gibson

Assistant Professor
Faculty Fellow
Office: Sociology, McConnell Hall Rm 341E, Durham, NH 03824

<p>Dr. Ryan Gibson is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Sociology, a Faculty Fellow at the Carsey School of Public Policy, and founder of the Inclusion and Innovation (InNova) Lab at the University of New Hampshire.&nbsp;<br><br>Dr. Gibson is a social psychologist whose research explores how being a part of a group shapes our perceptions and judgments. He specializes in using quantitative methodologies to empirically examine the complex ways that race and ethnicity influence perceptions, particularly through the use of online experiments and structural equation modeling. His work in this area has appeared in flagship sociology journals, including Social Psychology Quarterly, Ethnic and Racial Studies, and Social Forces. Ongoing projects include research across various domains, including business, healthcare, the environment, and criminal justice.<br><br>Prospective Graduate Students: I am looking for students interested in enhancing group cooperation and human-AI interaction through social research. This work explores how people navigate cooperation, using behavioral experiments, online studies, and AI-driven approaches. Students eager to engage with these topics and gain research experience are encouraged to reach out.<br><br>Recent PhD Placements: Florida State University ('25), Northeastern University (’23)</p>

Courses Taught

  • SOC 530: Race and Racism
  • SOC 595: Independent Reading & Research
  • SOC 636: Sociology of Justice
  • SOC 697: SpcTop/Social Psych of Justice


  • Ph.D., Emory University
  • M.A., Emory University
  • B.A., Kennesaw State University

Research Interests

  • Perceptions of justice
  • Quantitative methodology
  • Race and racism
  • Social identity
  • Social psychology

Selected Publications

  • Johnson, C., Gibson, R., Hawks, K., & Hegtvedt, K. A. (2024). Emotional Benefits of Leader Legitimacy. Social Psychology Quarterly, 87(4), 357-379. doi:10.1177/01902725231199720

  • Brewer, K. B., Gibson, R., Tomar, N., Washburn, M., Giraldo-Santiago, N., Hostos-Torres, L. R., & Gearing, R. E. (2024). Why Culture and Context Matters: Examining Differences in Mental Health Stigma and Social Distance Between Latino Individuals in the United States and Mexico.. J Immigr Minor Health, 26(2), 278-286. doi:10.1007/s10903-023-01550-w

  • Hawks, K., Hegtvedt, K. A., Gibson, R., Johnson, C., & Zion, J. (2024). Pathways to Legitimacy for Black and White Authorities: Impressions of Competence and Warmth. Social Psychology Quarterly, 87(1), 84-105. doi:10.1177/01902725231162068

  • Gibson, R. (2022). Does the perception of discrimination impact Asian American boundaries? An analysis of group threat and closure ideology. ETHNIC AND RACIAL STUDIES, 45(12), 2362-2389. doi:10.1080/01419870.2021.2015417

  • Hegtvedt, K. A., Johnson, C., Gibson, R., Hawks, K., & Hayward, J. L. (2022). Power and Procedure: Gaining Legitimacy in the Workplace. SOCIAL FORCES, 101(1), 176-201. doi:10.1093/sf/soab103

  • Most Cited Publications