Tuition & Financial Aid

Tuition & Fees

The cost of the MAJS program is tuition for three semesters. Students will be charged full-time semester tuition for the Fall and Spring semesters and a half semester's tuition for each of the two summer semesters. Mandatory fees and health insurance charges will be based on actual credit hour rates.

Students who register for more than 16 credit hours will be charged per credit hour for each credit over 16. Courses taken for audit are charged at the same rate as for-credit registrations. However, graduate students who register for more than 16 credit hours will not be billed an overload charge for auditing courses.

Find more information on current tuition rates and fees on the UNH Business Services website.

Financial Aid

Several kinds of financial aid are available for MAJS students.  


Every year, we have at least one (some years three) assistantship to support our students. An assistantship provides you with free tuition for the fall and spring semesters, free health insurance for a year, and a stipend for nine months of work 20 hours per week. Students split their assistantship time between research and teaching.    

Work Study

We hire MAJS students on work study to be instructional assistants for Justice Studies classes.  

New England Regional Student Program

If you are a resident from a non-New Hampshire New England state (MA, ME, CT, RI, VT) you are eligible for the New England Regional Student Program (NERSP). The NERSP is a reduced tuition rate (in-state tuition rate plus 50 percent). As a graduate student, you are eligible for financial aid independent of your parents' income.

Other Resources

You may wish to visit the financial aid section of the Graduate School website for more information about the types of aid available to graduate students.


In order to qualify for federal financial aid, you must complete the FAFSA form and submit your application to the MAJS program by March 1.