North American Research Group in Ancient Myth and Mythography
Name | Institution | Fields (keywords) | |
Clifford Ando | University of Chicago | cando@uchicago.edu | Roman Myth, Late Antique Reception |
Marie-Claire Beaulieu | Tufts University | marie-claire.beaulieu@tufts.edu | Animals in Mythology, Mythical Geography, Metamorphoses, Digital Humanities |
Daniel Berman | Temple University | dwberman@temple.edu | Myth, Mythography, Topography, Ancient City Space, Thebes |
Laurel Bowman | University of Victoria | lbowman@uvic.ca | Myth and Geography, Digital Humanities and Myth |
Jorge J. Bravo III | University of Maryland, College Park | jbravo@umd.edu | Ancient Greek Religion, Aetiology, Identity, Gender and Sexuality |
Charles Delattre | Universite Paris Ouest Nanterre La Defense | charles.delattre@univ-lille3.fr | Antonius Liberalis, Metamorphoses, historia, narrative, Hellenistic mythography, Imperial mythography |
Dustin Dixon | Loyola University, Maryland | dustin.w.dixon@gmail.com | Greek Drama, Comedy and Myth, Fragmentary Comic Authors |
Radcliffe G. Edmonds III | Bryn Mawr College | redmonds@brynmawr.edu | Interpretation of Myth, Interrelations of Myth, Religion, Philosophy, Platonic Myth, Orphica |
Debbie Felton | University of Massachusetts Amherst | felton@classics.umass.edu | Folklore, Mythology, Monsters, Ghosts, Killers |
Kris Fletcher | Louisiana State University | kfletc8@lsu.edu | Roman Mythography, Hyginus, Ovid |
Milette Gaifman | Yale University | milette.gaifman@yale.edu | Greek Religion, Art, Archaeology, Ritual, Historiography, Myth in Art, Classical Receptions |
Fritz Graf | The Ohio State University | graf.65@osu.edu | Greek and Roman Myth, Myth and Epigraphy |
Patricia A. Johnston | Brandeis University | johnston@brandeis.edu | Vergil, Mithras, Juno, Greek and Roman Religion and Literature |
Sarah Johnston | The Ohio State University | johnston.2@osu.edu | Ancient Greek Religion, Comparative Study of Myth |
Andromache Karanika | University of California, Irvine | karanika@uci.edu | Semiotics, Feminism, Epic Cycle |
Thomas D. Kohn | Wayne State University | tdkohn@wayne.edu | Seneca, Ancient Theatre, Alternate Versions of Myths, Performance Criticism |
David Konstan | New York University | dk87@nyu.edu | Myth and Homer, Emotions, Sexuality, Comedy, Allegory |
Darcy Krasne | dkrasne@gmail.com | Mythic Variants, Roman Poetic Engagement with Myth, Argonautic Tradition, Mythography, Modern Pedagogy of Mythology | |
Jennifer Larson | Kent State University | jlarson@kent.edu | Ancient Greek Religion, Cognitive Science of Religion, Archaic Greek Poetry, Gender and Sexuality |
John Lenz | Drew University | jlenz@drew.edu | Philosophical Criticisms and Interpretations of Greek Myth, Greek Myths and Religion, Persephone, Athena |
Katrien Levrie | KU Leuven | katrien.levrie@kuleuven.be | Ancient Greek Mythography, Greek Mythography in Byzantium, John Pediasimos, Pseudo-Apollodoros |
Johanna Michels | KU Leuven | johanna.michels@kuleuven.be | Apollodorus, Imperial Mythography, Greek Mythographic Tradition, Interaction between Mythography and Other Literary Modes |
Silvia Montiglio | John Hopkins | smontig1@jhu.edu | Classical Myth, Medieval Mythography, Medieval and Renaissance Receptions of Classical Myth |
Helen Morales | University of California, Santa Barbara | hmorales@classics.ucsb.edu | Myth, Reception of Myth, Ancient Novel, Feminism |
Pura Nieto Hernandez | Brown University | Pura_Nieto@brown.edu | Homer, Archaic and Hellenistic Greek Poetry, Philo of Alexandria, Theory of Myth |
Joan Pages | Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona | joan.pages.cebrian@uab.cat | Mythographus Homericus, Mythographical Scholia, Textual Criticism |
Jordi Pamias | Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona | jordi.pamias@uab.cat | Early Greek Mythography |
Lee Patterson | Eastern Illinois University | lepatterson2@eiu.edu | Constructed Identities, Kinship Myth, Strabo, Pausanias |
Allen Romano | Florida State University | aromano@fsu.edu | Greek Drama, Hellenistic Poetry, Origin Myths |
Benjamin Sammons | Queens College CUNY | benjamin.sammons@gmail.com | Greek Epic and Tragedy, Historiography, Ancient Literary Criticism, Innovation and Revision of Myths |
Amit Shilo | University of California, Santa Barbara | amitshilo@classics.ucsb.edu | Afterlife, Politics, Political Theology, Greek Tragedy, Plato, Homer |
R. Scott Smith | University of New Hampshire | scott.smith@unh.edu | Roman Interaction with Mythography, Hyginus, Mythography and Latin Scholiastic Tradition, Seneca the Younger |
Jacob Stern | City University of New York | strnjcb@aol.com | Mythography and Paradoxography |
Stephen M. Trzaskoma | Greek Mythographical Tradition, Apollodorus, the Ancient Novel | ||
Nereida Villagra | Centro de Estudos Classicos. Universidade de Lisboa | nereiday@gmail.com | Imperial mythography, Mythographus Homericus, scholia to Pindar, scholia to Apollonius Rhodius |
Roger D. Woodard | University of Buffalo (The State University of New York) | rwoodard@buffalo.edu | Greek Religion and Myth, Roman Religion and Myth, Indo-European Religion and Myth, Near Eastern Religion and Myth |
Timothy Wutrich | Case Western Reserve University, Department of Classics | trw4@cwru.edu | Greek and Roman Drama, Vergil, Classical Tradition in European Literature and Art |