Justice Studies Department

  • Amy Michael Anthropology/Justice Studies; Assistant Professor
    Research Interests: Anthropology, Archaeology, Bone and tooth histology, Dental anthropology, Dental Health & Hygiene, Effects of drugs and alcohol on skeletal microstructure, Forensic anthropology, Forensic Science, Maya bioarchaeology, Microscopy, Pathology, Skeletal Diseases, Skeletal trauma, Skull-photo superimposition and image comparison
  • Danielle Pillet-Shore Communication/Justice Studies/Linguistics; Associate Professor
    Research Interests: Acute Care/Medicine, Animal Communication, Anthropology, Breastfeeding, Broadcast Media, Caregivers, Child/Maternal Health, Children/Youth, Classroom Instruction, Community and School Relations, Culture, Early Childhood Education, Education, Elementary Education, Ethnography, Family, Fieldwork, Health Communication, Human Factors, Lactation, Language and social Interaction; examines video-recorded, naturally-occurring face-to-face casual and professional interactions, Mass Communication/Media, Medical Sociology, Nonverbal Communication, Parent Involvement, Primary Care, Social Control, Social Exclusion, Social Inclusion, Social Psychology, Sociolinguistics, Sociology, Women's Health
  • Lucy Salyer History/Justice Studies; Professor
    Research Interests: American legal history, Progressive era; race, ethnicity, and immigration
  • Katherine Abbott Sociology/Justice Studies; Senior Lecturer
    Research Interests: Courts, Crime and deviance, Immigration, Law and society, Perceptions of justice
  • Mary Banach Justice Studies; Associate Professor
  • Andrew Christie Jr Philosophy/Justice Studies; Associate Professor
    Research Interests: Asian traditions, Legal issues, Pragmatism
  • Ellen Cohn Justice Studies/Pyschology; Professor
    Research Interests: Jury Deliberation, Justice, Race, Social psychology; with an emphasis on legal socialization
  • David Finkelhor Sociology/Justice Stuies; Professor
    Research Interests: Applied Sociology, At-Risk Children/Youth, Child Abuse/Neglect, Child/Youth Health Services, Children - Services For, Children (Patients), Children/Youth, Crime, Emotional/Mental Health--Child/Adolescent, Family Violence, Infant / Child Mortality, Internet Safety, Psychology/Abused Children, Sociology of the Family, Victimization/Compensation
  • Laurence Armand French Justice Studies; Affiliate Professor
  • Alynna Lyon Political Science/Justice Studies; Professor
    Research Interests: Ethnic conflict, Humanitarian intervention, Peacekeeping, United Nations, US Foreign Policy, World politics
  • Mary Fran Malone Justice Studies/Political Science/Women's & Gender Studies
    Research Interests: Crime, Democracy, Immigration, Latin America, Legitimacy of police, Political behavior, Public opinion, Rule of law
  • Kevin O'Shea Justice Studies; Adjunct Faculty
  • Donna Perkins Justice Studies; Clinical Associate Professor
  • Susan Siggelakis Justice Studies/Political Science; Associate Professor
    Research Interests: Budapest study abroad, Judicial politics, Phi Beta Kappa, Political thought, United States Constitution
  • Nicholas Smith Philosophy/Justice Studies; Professor
    Research Interests: Aesthetics, Apologies and forgiveness, Contemporary continental philosophy, Criminal Justice, Economic Justice, Human Rights & Justice Issues, Philosophy of law, Social and political philosophy, Social Justice
  • Karen Van Gundy Sociology/Justice Studies; Professor
    Research Interests: Gender, Life course, Sociology of mental health, Substance use
  • Michelle Leichtman Justice Studies/Psychology; Professor
    Research Interests: Developmental psychology, focusing on memory development in educational and cultural contexts