Geisel and UNH Team Up to Launch COVID-19 Survey
Researchers at Dartmouth’s Geisel School of Medicine, in collaboration with the University of New Hampshire (UNH) Survey Center, have launched a COVID-19 community survey, in an effort to track the progress of the outbreak in New Hampshire and factors associated with transmission.
The online survey has been launched and sent to the Granite State Panel—a cohort of nearly 3,400 New Hampshire residents that have been randomly selected over the past few years and have agreed to participate in statewide research. The Panel has been part of an effort by the Survey Center to investigate new ways of gathering and understanding the opinion of New Hampshire residents.
In addition to tracking an expanding list of daily symptoms, the study will allow the researchers to gather other important data such as: factors associated with household transmissions, how often people practice hand sanitizing and social distancing, how often they leave their homes to do shopping or other activities, and how using supplements like vitamin D and probiotics may influence symptoms.
This project is supported by emergency funding from The Hitchcock Foundation, Dartmouth College COVID-19 Spark funding, and in-kind support by UNH Survey Center staff.
On this page, the UNH Survey Center will be releasing reports and interactive maps as the study progresses.
Resources and Press Releases
Dartmouth College Epidemiology COVID-19 Survey Page
Employment Press Release - 6/16/2020
Stress Press Release - 6/15/2020
Testing Press Release - 6/10/2020
Testing Press Release - 5/26/2020
Stress Press Release - 5/18/2020
Social Distancing/Restarting Economy Press Release - 5/11/2020
Geisel and UNH Share Updates from Statewide COVID-19 Survey - 5/7/2020