The purpose of this journal is to provide a venue for UNH students to publish and share their work with the university community and the general public. As a discipline, anthropology has numerous subfields, including archaeology, medical anthropology, applied anthropology, socio-cultural anthropology, visual anthropology, and socio-linguistics, among others. We encourage submissions from all subfields, but will also consider interdisciplinary work.
We hope that this journal is a venue where students also can receive constructive feedback on their projects, exchange ideas, and share innovative approaches, techniques, study areas, and media for doing, producing, and representing anthropological projects. This is not a peer-reviewed journal. The editorial board rotates annually and consists of two anthropologists, ideally representing different subfields (e.g., a socio-cultural anthropologist and an archaeologist).
Spectrum, the online anthropology journal of UNH undergraduate student work, comes out once a year. Students are encouraged to consider submitting scholarly papers and other projects, and faculty are asked to look out for outstanding work that deserves nomination.
Spectrum is looking for original anthropological work of all kinds, including but not limited to
- research articles based on your term papers, senior theses, or capstone projects
- reviews of lectures or conferences you have attended
- reports on hands-on research that you have conducted in any subfield
- photos, photo-essays, or short films (up to 10 minutes long)
- poems, opinion pieces, or personal essays informed by your studies in anthropology.
Curious about Spectrum? Check out previous issues at https://scholars.unh.edu/spectrum/
In order to be considered, all works MUST be nominated by a faculty member from UNH or another university. Nominations may be made by email, phone, or in person. Scholarly papers should be NO MORE than 4,000 words, including all text, figures, and bibliography. Authors must follow the Chicago Manual of Style in formatting and author-date citations. If you’re submitting something other than a research article, please include a brief essay (up to 1000 words) explaining the anthropological aspects of the project with the support of scholarly references. All submissions must be originally authored. It is the submitter’s responsibility to obtain any necessary permissions for the use of copyrighted works.
Please send your submissions or any questions to Pr. Sara Withers.