Designed by Eden Suoth
The UNH Socratic Society is an undergraduate student-run discussion group that meets weekly at The Freedom Café in Durham to thoughtfully discuss current events, social and political topics, and interesting ideas from a philosophical perspective. The group fosters an atmosphere that encourages attendees from all disciplines and backgrounds to form strong arguments and to improve their abilities of discussion moderation and public speaking, all within a comfortable and supportive environment.
Previous meeting topics include
- Consciousness
- Incel Culture
- Can You Separate the Art from the Artist?
- Body Modification
- Fishing
- Pacifism
- Space Colonization
- Nostalgia
- Grocery Store Lobster Tanks
- Fate and Destiny
- Solipsism
- Fashion Ethics
Socratic Society Social media and links:
Linktree: https://linktr.ee/socraticunh
Instagram page: (@socraticunh) https://www.instagram.com/socraticunh
Catalyst page: https://unh.presence.io/organization/the-socratic-society
Discord server: https://discord.com/invite/DGpdQj4fCp
Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/unhsocratic/
email: socraticunh@gmail.com