Feminist Mentorship Program


The Feminist Mentorship Program’s mission is to give new women’s and gender studies (WGS) students a network of classmates, faculty, staff and alumni that they can count on during their time at UNH. Because WGS is a small department, new students can feel isolated and unsure about their major. We want to make sure each of our students understands that they are valued and that there are many opportunities for them while in school, and after they graduate.


  • Community: in keeping with longstanding feminist practice, we value community over individualism
  • Academic success: we consider feminist inquiry to be as serious as all other academic disciplines, and support each other in intellectually rigorous work
  • Self-Care: university life (and indeed a feminist life) can be demanding, and requires attention to our mental, physical and emotional selves if it is to be sustainable
  • Life after UNH: because we value community and the intergenerational production of feminist knowledge and experience, we make every effort to keep in touch with our alumni


Though any student new to the major can have a mentor, the program is geared toward first year and transfer students.

Students will be assigned a mentor during the first week of classes, and will have the opportunity to meet with them throughout the academic year.


At the end of the year, each mentee and mentor will be required to submit an assessment of the program.

Faculty Involvement:

Faculty will be available to meet mentees and mentors to create relationships and bonds to the program. These meetings may be informal, or during a planned WS event.

Alumni Involvement:

We now pair all graduating seniors with a WGS alumni to advise them as they transition to post undergrad life. If you are interested in being a mentor please email Womens.Studies@unh.edu