Public Writing Project

UNH Department of Women’s and Gender Studies

Paid Research Opportunity for Spring 2022!! Critical Race Studies Under Attack

The Women’s and Gender Studies Department (WGS) will hire up to 5 students in Spring 2022 to research and write about the ongoing local attack on social justice education. Like many other states, New Hampshire is witnessing a cascade of legislation and social-media harassment of teachers who have sought to educate about systemic oppression. The spring research cohort will produce public writing about this new politicization of Critical Race Theory (CRT). 

This opportunity is open to UNH students from any discipline, undergraduate or graduate. The cohort will meet each week for 6 weeks from mid-February to mid-April, and each participant will receive a stipend of $1500.

To apply to the cohort, please submit (1) a writing sample of no more than 5 pages and (2) the name of one UNH faculty member as a reference to by 5 pm January 31.


Critical Race Studies Under Fire: A Public Writing Project

The Women’s and Gender Studies Department (WGS) has received $15,000 to launch a public writing project to help educate our campus and the broader public about Critical Race Studies (CRS). Our donor wishes to enlist faculty and students in the fight against the current, well-funded and concerted misinformation campaign that is playing out not only nationwide in legislation aiming to restrict teaching about racism and bias, but also in New Hampshire with the recent prohibition on teaching “divisive concepts.”

We invite proposals from faculty, students and staff across the University system, individually or in teams, for public writing projects including but not limited to letter-writing campaigns, op-eds, videos and/or social media campaigns. Awards may run anywhere from $500 to $5000 and may cover, for instance, relevant books and materials; or supplemental pay for faculty or students to devote time to this writing.

Successful applicants will commit to share their work in progress at two public writing workshops (one in early winter, the other in the spring); and will indicate specific plans for publication and dissemination of their work.


To apply, send a 1-2 page proposal to by 5 pm October 15.