Robin Hackett Recent Publications

Robin Hackett Recent Publications
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“Free Speech and Academic Freedom in the Era of the Alt-Right: An Annotated Bibliography.” Radical Teacher. 2020.

A guide on how to teach studies in sexuality, gender, and race in the face of attacks by conservative protestors.

This essay is written in two parts: "The Weaponization of Free Speech," describes a series of events on a university campus. The narrative clarifies the nature of current right-wing attacks on personnel and programs in women, gender, and sexuality studies, and in race and ethnic studies. "An Annotated Bibliography on Academic Freedom" collects and describes materials that can assist campus communities in building cultures of resistance and resilience in the face of these attacks.

“The Lesbian Herstory Archives at Forty-Five.” Interrogating Lesbian Modernism: Histories, Forms, Genres.

What is ‘lesbian modernism,’ and what can we learn from it?

This edited volume presents twelve newly commissioned chapters that reassess and interrogate the meanings, uses, and limitations of lesbian modernism by exploring a broad range of authors, genres, and histories. Individual chapters investigate what work the concept of ‘lesbian modernism’ has done in the past, how its boundaries have been defined and contested, and what voices have been included and excluded. The book demonstrates how the concept of lesbian modernism can be mobilized in new and meaningful ways to continue to inform and enrich modernist studies.