Global Studies Dual Major

Global Studies Dual Major
UNH International Affairs student

The Global Studies dual major program at UNH addresses critical global issues such as migration, climate change, health pandemics, and human rights through interdisciplinary coursework, language studies, and rich international experiences. This dual-major program allows students to combine Global Studies with another major, preparing them to become critically minded and responsible global citizens. Students gain international experience through study-abroad programs, directed research, internships, or service opportunities. The program culminates in a capstone research project, often presented at UNH’s Undergraduate Research Conference, and offers additional opportunities like the Model United Nations team.

What is Global Studies?

The most pressing matters of our time —migration, climate change, violent conflict, human rights, economic globalization, health pandemics—transcend national boundaries and require a global response. The global studies degree program will equip you to take on these worldwide challenges through rigorous interdisciplinary coursework, language studies and a rich international experience. Combine the dual major with another major at UNH and graduate as a critically minded and responsible global citizen ready to contribute meaningfully to the world.

Why study Global Studies at UNH?

Our global studies dual-major is available to UNH students, allowing you to combine your studies with disciplines ranging from business and natural resources to political science and the arts. You’ll gain international experience through your choice of a study-abroad program, directed research, an internship or a service opportunity. You’ll also participate in a capstone research project drawing on your experience abroad, typically presenting at UNH’s annual Undergraduate Research Conference. Explore additional opportunities in the college’s study abroad programs and the Hamel Center for Undergraduate Research. Connect with fellow students through the UNH Model United Nations team.

Potential career areas

  • Education
  • Foreign service
  • Global development and aid
  • Global health
  • Global intelligence
  • Human rights
  • International business
  • International environmental policy
  • International trade and policy
  • Journalism
  • Peace Corps
  • Public relations
POLT/IA Advisor and Academic Department Coordinator
Phone: (603) 862-1767
Office: Political Science, Horton Social Science Center Rm 312C, Durham, NH 03824
Assistant Professor & Program Director International Affairs
Phone: (603) 862-3356
Office: UNH Political Science, Horton Social Science Center, Durham, NH 03824
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Curriculum & Requirements

The Global Studies (GS) dual major complements and adds a global dimension to any major at UNH. The completion of the dual major requires no additional credits for graduation beyond the 128 required of all UNH students.

Note: The Department of Civil Engineering has developed a dual-major program in civil engineering and Global Studies. Students do not need to have pre-existing skills in a foreign language before coming to UNH.

Degree Requirements

Minimum Credit Requirement: 128 credits
Minimum Residency Requirement: 32 credits must be taken at UNH
Minimum GPA: 2.0 required for conferral*
Core Curriculum Required: Discovery & Writing Program Requirements
Foreign Language Requirement: Yes, if primary major is a Bachelor of Arts
Declared Primary Major

All Major, Option and Elective Requirements as indicated.
*Major GPA requirements as indicated.

Global Studies Dual Major Requirements

All coursework required for Global Studies must be completed with a grade of C or better.

Students who wish to declare the Global Studies dual major must earn a C or better in IA 401, have declared a primary major, and have a 2.5 cumulative grade-point average. Students are expected to maintain at least a 2.5 grade-point average, the minimum required for study abroad at UNH.

Required Core Courses
IA 401International Perspectives4
IA 501Global Issues in International Affairs4
IA 701Exploring International Challenges and Opportunities4
Select one of the following:4
ECON 401
Principles of Economics (Macro)
ECON 402
Principles of Economics (Micro)
EREC 411
Environmental and Resource Economics Perspectives
Global Studies Language Requirement 1variable
International Experience - Study Abroad 2variable
Electives - see list below
Select one course from each category list, plus one more course from either category (3 courses total):12
Politics, Culture, & History
Science, Environment, Economy, & Health

Global Studies Language Requirement
GS majors must demonstrate functional reading, writing, and speaking ability equivalent to a second-year, second-semester college level (504). Students may take placement tests to establish proficiency. Native second language speakers are exempt from this requirement - speak to an GS advisor. Language study may be pursued at UNH; through study abroad in the summer, J-term, or academic year; or through transfer credits from other institutions with the permission of an GS advisor.


International Experience - Study Abroad
Minimum of eight weeks. The GS international experience is typically conducted in a country or region that uses the student’s second language. Students may pursue their international experience elsewhere after consultation with an GS advisor.

The international experience (typically completed in the junior year) is completed before taking IA 701 in the senior year. Students may spend an academic year, semester, or summer in an academic institution, in an internship with a private or public organization, or in purposeful travel/research. Students must meet with the Study Abroad Advisors at the Global Education Center to plan their international experience, typically a year in advance of study abroad.

Electives (three total)

  • Select one elective course from the Politics, Culture, and History category list.
  • Select one elective course from the Science, Environment, Economy and Health category list.
  • Select one additional elective course from either category list.

Electives are offered across the university and may be used to fulfill Discovery, Honors Program and/or other minor requirements. Up to 8 credits may be double counted between your primary major and the dual major. Additional courses taken in the primary major may count for the dual major if the courses are not counted toward the primary major requirements. Electives may be taken at UNH, during the international experience, or transferred from another university with the permission of the Global Studies advisor.

Politics, Culture, & History Electives
ANTH 411
Global Perspectives on the Human Condition: An Introduction to Anthropology (or ANTH 411H)
or ANTH 411W
Global Perspectives on the Human Condition: An Introduction to Anthropology
ANTH 500
Peoples and Cultures of the World (area specific) 1
ANTH 501
World Archaeological Cultures
ANTH 640
Anthropology of Islam: Muslims' Everyday Lives in Contemporary Communities
ANTH 697
Special Topics
ANTH #750
Islam and Gender: Gendered Lives of Muslims
ARTH 674
Greek Art and Architecture
ARTH #675
Roman Art and Architecture
ARTH 678
Romanesque and Gothic Art
ARTH #679
Northern Renaissance Art I
ARTH #680
Iconoclasm and Collecting: The Art of Early Modern Northern Europe
ARTH 681
Early Renaissance Art
ARTH 682
The High Renaissance
ARTH #684
Baroque Art in Northern Europe
ARTH 688
Histories of Late 19th & 20th Century European Modernism
ARTH 695
Topics in Art History
CHIN 425
Introduction to Chinese Culture
CHIN #521
What does it Mean to be Modern? Lenses of Modern Chinese Literature and Film
CLAS 403
Introduction to Greek Civilization
CLAS 404
Introduction to Roman Civilization
CLAS 510
Building Rome
Classical Society, Politics and Ethics: Greek and Roman Religion
Identities and Difference in the Ancient World: Greek and Roman Women
FREN 525
A Road Trip Through France: Baguette, Brie, Bordeaux, and Beyond
FREN 651
Love, War, and Power in French Literature
FREN 652
Greatest Hits of French
FREN 676
Topics in Francophone Culture
FREN #765
Rebellion and Upheaval in 18th-Century Literature and Culture
GCHS 710
Conflict & Human Security
GCHS 720
Global Governance
GEOG 401
World Regions: Europe and the Americas
GEOG 402
World Regions: Asia and Africa
GEOG 530
China: People, Politics and Economy
GEOG #540
Geography of the Middle East
GEOG 550
Sub-Saharan Africa: Environmental Politics and Development
GEOG #584
Political Geography
GERM #521
Major German Authors in English
GERM 525
Introduction to German Culture and Civilization
GERM 797
Special Studies in German Language and Literature
GERM 798
Special Studies in German Language and Literature
HIST 421
World History to the 16th Century
HIST 422
World History in the Modern Era
HIST 425
Foreign Cultures (area specific; or HIST 425H) 1
HIST 436
Europe and the Modern World (or HIST 436H)
or HIST 436W
Europe and the Modern World
Honors/Citizens and Persons
Honors/Islam, Art, and the Past
HIST #444D
Slavery and Society in Pre-Colonial Africa
Honors/Global Citizenship: In Pursuit of Liberty
HIST 483
History of World Religions
HIST 498
Explorations of Historical Perspectives
HIST 532
Modern Latin America
HIST 537
Espionage and History
HIST #538
Modern European War and Society: The Napoleonic Wars to World War II
HIST #560
Modern Britain
HIST 563
Introduction to Russian Culture and Civilization
HIST 565
Women in Modern Europe
HIST 566
Comparative Revolutions: How to Make a Revolution in the World before Marx
HIST 575
Ancient Near East
HIST #579
History of China in Modern Times
HIST #580
History of Japan in Modern Times
HIST 585
Medieval Islam
HIST 588
History of Modern Africa: 1870 to the Present
HIST 595
HIST 600
Explorations 1
HIST 609
Special Topics in American Legal History
HIST 619
Foreign Relations of the United States
HIST 620
Foreign Relations of the United States
HIST 632
Latin American History: Topics 1
HIST 633
Medieval England 800-1300
HIST 641
Europe after the Black Death
HIST 642
Saints, Sinners, and Heretics: Europe in the Age of Religious Reform
HIST 656
Twentieth Century Europe
HIST #662
England in the Tudor and Stuart Periods
HIST 675
History of Ancient Greece
HIST 676
Topics in Ancient Greek History
HIST 677
History of Ancient Rome
HIST 678
Topics in Ancient Roman History
HIST 690
Seminar: Historical Expl
HIST 797
Ancient Humanities: Cultures and Empires
Ancient Humanities: Cultures and Empires
Ancient Humanities: Cultures and Empires
HUMA #510D
Ancient Humanities: Cultures and Empires
Medieval Humanities: Rise of Global Empires
Medieval Humanities: Rise of Global Empires
Medieval Humanities: Rise of Global Empires
Modern Humanities: Colonies, Constitutions, and Capital
Modern Humanities: Colonies, Constitutions, and Capital
Modern Humanities: Colonies, Constitutions, and Capital
Global Humanities
Global Humanities
Global Humanities
HUMA #700
ITAL 425
Introduction to Italian Studies
Italians Come to America: Representing Emigration and Immigration on Both Sides of the Atlantic
Mamma Mia! Italian Motherhood from the Virgin Mary to Carmela Soprano
ITAL 521
Medieval and Renaissance Italian Culture
ITAL 522
Modern and Contemporary Italian Culture
ITAL 525
Italian Cinema
ITAL 651
Introduction to Italian Culture and Civilization I: Middle Ages, Renaissance, Baroque
ITAL 652
Introduction to Italian Culture and Civilization II: Age of Enlightenment, Romanticism, Modernism
Ancient and Medieval Italy
Ancient and Medieval Italy
LING 606
Languages of the World
LLC 535A
Professional Culture in Europe
PHIL 520
Introduction to Eastern Philosophy
PHIL 620
20th Century European Philosophy
POLT 403
United States in World Affairs
POLT 544
Of Dictators and Democrats
POLT 545
People and Politics in Asia
POLT #546
Wealth and Politics in Asia
POLT 550
Comparative Government and Society
POLT 552
Contemporary European Politics
POLT 554
Revolution and Protest in Latin America
POLT 556
POLT 559
Comparative Politics of the Middle East
POLT 560
World Politics
POLT 562
Strategy and National Security Policy
POLT #565
United States Policy in Latin America
POLT 569
The Rise of China
POLT 592
Selected Topics in International Politics
POLT 740
States and Societies in the Middle East
POLT 748
Food and Wine Politics
POLT 760
Theories of International Relations
POLT 778
International Organization
Seminar in International Politics
Devils, Deities, and Madness in Russian Literature
RUSS 525
Russia: Mythology and Propaganda
SOC 444A
Honors/Society in the Arctic
SOC 693
Global Change and Social Sustainability
SPAN 525
Introduction to Spanish Cultures
SPAN 526
Introduction to Latin American Cultures
SPAN 647
Topics in Hispanic Cultural Studies
SPAN #651
Introduction to Spanish Literature and Thought
SPAN 652
Introduction to Spanish Literature and Thought
SPAN 654
Introduction to Latin American Literature and Thought
Science, Environment, Economy, & Health Electives
ANTH #440A
Honors/Medicine and Culture: Science, Technology and the Body
ANTH 610
Medical Anthropology: Illness and Healing
ANTH 685
Gender, Sexuality and HIV/AIDS in Sub-Saharan Africa
ANTH #695
Globalization and Global Population Health
BIOL 520
Our Changing Planet
CEE 520
Environmental Pollution and Protection: A Global Context
CHBE 410
Energy and Environment
Environment, Technology and Ancient Society: Sustaining Ancient Rome Ecology and Empire
Environment, Technology and Ancient Society: Roman Houses, Domestic Space and Public Life
Environment, Technology and Ancient Society: Tech, Tools and Engineering in the Ancient World
CMN 670
From Silicon Valley to Foxconn: Global Digital Capitalism
CMN 696W
Seminar in Media Studies
ECON 645
International Economics
ECON 655
Innovation in the Global Economy
Languages of the World
EREC 444
The New Pirates of the Caribbean
ESCI 405
Global Environmental Change
GEOG 560
Natural Hazards and Human Disasters
GEOG 581
Society, Environment and Justice
GEOG 582
Global Trade and Local Development
GEOG #590
Field Research
GEOG 670
Climate and Society
GEOG 673
Political Ecology
HIST 522
Science in the Modern World
HIST 654
Topics in History of Science
HMGT 570
International Food and Culture
HMGT 771
International Wine and Beverage
HMP 715
Environmental Health
ITAL 635
Italian Food Studies
ITAL 675
Special Topics in Italian Studies
JUST 405
Technology, Crime, and Society: A Forensic Exploration of High-Tech and Digital Crime
LING 779
Linguistic Field Methods
MGT 755
Global Mindset for Sustainable Business
MKTG 760
International Marketing
NR 415
Natural Resources Field Methods
NR 435
Contemporary Conservation Issues and Environmental Awareness
or NR 435H
Honors/Contemporary Conservation Issues and Environmental Awareness
NR #502
Forest Ecosystems and Environmental Change
NR 606
International Energy Topics
NR 720
International Environmental Politics and Policies for the 21st Century
NR 784
Sustainable Living - Global Perspectives
NURS 794
Special Topics
or NURS #794W
Special Topics
PHIL 424
The Future of Humanity: Science, Technology, and Society
or PHIL 424H
Honors/The Future of Humanity: Science, Technology, and Society
POLT 444
Politics and Policy in a Warming World
POLT 568
International Security
POLT 592
Selected Topics in International Politics
POLT #751
Comparative Environmental Politics and Policy
POLT 762
International Political Economy
SOC 565
Environment and Society
SOC 665
Environmental Sociology
SW 625
Social Welfare Policy: Analysis, Activism, and Advocacy
TOUR 510
Tourism and Global Understanding

Check with GS/IA Program Assistant

  • Demonstrate intermediate level proficiency in a foreign language;
  • Apply different disciplinary approaches to the study of international affairs, including key themes and theoretical frameworks employed in these disciplines;
  • Use critical thinking skills to analyze and discuss important global issues;
  • Engage with cultural diversity and complexity through the international experience;
  • Demonstrate familiarity with different types of data and sources and their appropriate use in analyzing selected topics in international affairs;
  • Demonstrate competence in research design. Students will develop inquiry-based research questions, conduct a literature review, employ appropriate methods and data collection, and interpret their findings accurately.

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