Declaring a Major

To declare a major in sociology, students must have completed Introductory Sociology (SOC 400) or a 500 level sociology course with a grade of C or better.

If you declare sociology as a major upon, or before, entering UNH for the first time, you must enroll in Introductory Sociology (SOC 400) during your first semester and earn a grade of C or better to maintain your status in the program. If you received transfer credit for Introductory Sociology from another institution, and earned a C or better, you do not have to take SOC 400 at UNH. Students who leave UNH and are subsequently readmitted must complete Introductory Sociology (SOC 400) or a 500 level sociology course with a grade of C or better before declaring sociology as their major.

Once you meet the criterion, please complete the change of program process outlined below.

Change of Program Process

Use this process in the following situations: declaring or changing a major within a college, declaring a major in or changing a major to a different college, adding a dual major, adding a second major:

  1. Sign in to
  2. Search for Webcat and select
  3. Select Student Records
  4. Select Change Major/Option and follow prompts

Use this process in the following situations: declaring a dual degree, declaring or changing to a self-designed major, declaring a third major:

  1. Obtain a paper yellow change of program form from the Registrar's Office or download one here.
  2. Meet with your advisor, and obtain signature and your student academic file.
  3. Go to your current Dean’s Office, obtain signature.
  4. Bring your signed form and file to our office where we will instruct you on next steps.