Classics Major: Classical Languages & Literatures Option (B.A.)

Classics Major: Classical Languages & Literatures Option (B.A.)
Classics Student

What is the study of classical languages and literatures?

In choosing the classical languages and literatures degree option, you’ll study ancient Greek and Roman history, philosophy and language, exploring the cultural foundations of Western civilization. This option includes language requirements in Greek and Latin, preparing you for graduate studies in the classics or teaching Latin at the secondary school level. Classical studies provide an excellent liberal arts foundation and you also will be well prepared for work or further studies in fields such as business, communications, law and medical school.

Why study classical languages and literature at UNH?

At UNH, you’ll have the opportunity to pursue your own interests and will be encouraged to study course offerings outside the classics department in areas such as archaeology, ancient philosophy, linguistics and English literature. We are part of the consortium of universities that supports the Intercollegiate Center for the Classical Studies in Rome, and our department also manages a popular January-term course in the ancient city, as well as programs in Greece and Budapest.

Potential careers

  • Business owner 
  • Diplomat 
  • Government consultant 
  • Journalist 
  • Lawyer 
  • Linguist 
  • Museum curator 
  • Professor 
  • Researcher 
  • Translator 
  • Writer
  • headshot
    Classics and Russian Majors | Owner of Linguistics Company
    What are you currently doing for work and how did you get to this point? After graduating Summa Cum Laude with a dual degree in classics and Russian and a minor in linguistics, I went on to earn my M.A. in translation from the University of Exeter in south England. From there, I worked as…
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Curriculum & Requirements

The Classical Languages and Literatures (CLL) option allows for the most in-depth study of the ancient languages and requires knowledge of both Ancient Greek and Latin. It thus provides the strongest preparation for students considering graduate study in classics or related areas, and can also be an appropriate choice (with careful planning) for those thinking about teaching Latin in secondary schools. At the same time, it is designed for any student who desires a solid liberal arts education.

Degree Requirements

Minimum Credit Requirement: 128 credits
Minimum Residency Requirement: 32 credits must be taken at UNH
Minimum GPA: 2.0 required for conferral*
Core Curriculum Required: Discovery & Writing Program Requirements
Foreign Language Requirement: Yes

All Major, Option and Elective Requirements as indicated.
*Major GPA requirements as indicated.

Major Requirements

Candidates for a degree must satisfy all of the University Discovery Program requirements in addition to satisfying the requirements of each individual major program. Bachelor of arts candidates must also satisfy the foreign language proficiency requirement.

Classics majors may use two major-required courses to satisfy two Discovery category requirements.

The required minimum overall GPA in major coursework is 2.0.

To complete the CLL option of the classics major, a student must complete 10 courses (40 credits), distributed as follows:

Language Courses 1
Select at least 12 credits at the 503 level or above 212-24
Select at least one class at the 700 level in the primary language (GREK or LATN)
Select at least one class at the 504 level or above in the secondary language (LATN or GREK)
Non-Language Courses
Select at least 16 credits in CLAS courses. As many as 28 credits may be counted toward this option. 316-28
Select an approved capstone experience of the following:
Senior thesis
Honors thesis
CLAS capstone course at the 600 or 700 level
At least 8 credits in 700-level LATN or GREK courses
Approved internship
Approved semester study abroad focused on the classical world
Total Credits40

No credits from language courses at the 400 level may be counted toward this option.


Students may count as many as 24 toward the CLL major option.


No more than 4 credits may come from courses at the 400 level. There are also courses taught outside of the program that are approved substitutes for CLAS courses, and the department will accept up to 8 credits from such courses. An up-to-date list of these courses is available from departmental advisers and additional exceptions are allowed with the written approval of the adviser.

Student Learning Outcomes for Classics Major: Classical Languages and Literatures Option

  • Translate, contextualize, and interpret key texts in their primary language (Greek or Latin) at the upper level.
  • Translate, contextualize, and interpret intermediate-level texts in their secondary language (Greek or Latin).
  • Demonstrate an accurate understanding of linguistic concepts related to Greek and Latin including the elements of phonetics, semantics, and morphology and syntax at an upper level for their primary language and at an intermediate level for their secondary language.
  • Analyze and critique, including in essays or papers, the cultural, literary, and historical significance of the ancient Greeks and Romans, and how they have been received in later periods.

Explore Program Details

A detailed overview of the corpus of Antoninus Liberalis’ Collection of Metamorphoses, defining the text, considering the authorship and date, and analyzing the narrative strategies and networks within the corpus.

Charles Delattre, U. Paris Ouest Nanterre
Publication Date: 
Friday, September 15, 2017
Research Topic: 
Roman myth and mythography 

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