Advising & Registration


When you formally declare Communication as your major, you are assigned an Academic Adviser. You must meet with your adviser when you register for courses.  Please contact them to confirm how they plan to hold their office hours. You are always encouraged to speak with your adviser when you wish to discuss career choices, graduate programs, plans of study, and academic problems or concerns. The best time to speak with your adviser is during his or her regularly scheduled office hours.  

Academic Adviser

Our Academic Adviser, Mr. Andrew Sharp, invites you to call him at (603) 862-1991 or email Mr. Sharp to set up an appointment.

Office Staff

Our office staff can give you information about faculty office hours, registration instructions, add/drop instructions, and so forth. Please email questions to for assistance.


Enrolled students register in the middle of one semester for courses to be taken the following semester. All registration is now done online using MyUNH. The Time & Room Schedule will be available online at MyUNH. Follow the directions online for web registration. The Registration Access Code (RACs) number required for online registration will be given to you by your Academic Adviser after he/she has approved your proposed Undergrad Registration Worksheet.   Please follow the following steps:

  1. Check this website for posted ADVISER'S OFFICE HOURS for registration. 
  2. Prepare a TENTATIVE COURSE SCHEDULE (with alternates).
  3. Contact your advisor to make an appointment via Zoom.  Please have your tentative course schedule completed prior to contacting your advisor.

Add/Drop Period

Add/Drop will be fully online. Therefore, paper add/drop forms will not be used.  Students will make all add/drop changes on Webcat for the full add/drop period

Add or Drop a course via WebCat through the published deadlines posted on the Master Academic Calendar.

General Communication Course Information


If you are absent on the first day of class and there is another student present who wants to add a class, you may be dropped from the course. You are expected to attend all class sessions unless you have an emergency and to take the initiative in making up work if you are absent. If a serious illness or a death in the family will result in you missing a lecture, an assignment deadline, or an exam, please follow the university procedures for notifying the dean's office, which will, in turn, notify your instructors. If you are absent, it is your responsibility to get the notes from a fellow student.

Course Papers

Unless you are given other instructions by a professor, assume that all course papers should be:

  1. Typed in dark, easy-to-read print (10-12 characters per inch) on good quality white paper (8 1/2' x 11")
  2. Double-spaced with 1" margins all around and page numbers on each page
  3. Stapled in the upper-left-hand corner (no paper clips or other fasteners). Proofread and revise your writing (spelling, grammar, and style always "count"). Always back up your computer work. See that your name is on the paper. Keep a copy of your paper for your files until your original is returned by the instructor.

Academic Honesty

The work you hand into professors must be your own. UNH does not tolerate plagiarism, cheating on exams, or receiving unauthorized help on out-of-class work. Plagiarism means claiming someone else's words or ideas as your own. If you make use of someone else's ideas anywhere in your papers, provide the source references. Always put quotation marks around direct quotes, but remember that paraphrasing does not relieve you of the responsibility of referencing the source of an idea. (Simply listing a book or article in a bibliography is also insufficient, unless it is clear within the paper which ideas are yours and which ideas are derived from specified others.) Remember, too, that you are not allowed to hand in the same paper for more than one course (unless you are doing a double project that is approved by both instructors). You are also not allowed to share the research or writing with another person unless you receive explicit permission from the instructor to work on an expanded joint project. (See the university's Student Rights and Rules for more examples of academic dishonesty.) If a professor believes that a student has engaged in academic dishonesty, the professor will first discuss this with the student informally and attempt to resolve the issue in a mutually acceptable manner. A plagiarized paper will typically lead to an F (0 points) on the assignment, a possible doubling of the weight of the failed assignment, and a potential F in the course. When notified, the College Dean may decide to take further action (including suspension or expulsion from the university). If a student decides to refute a dishonesty accusation and/or appeal the penalty imposed by the instructor, the Department Chairperson will appoint an ad hoc faculty committee to hear testimony from both the faculty member and the student and to recommend sanctions in cases of proven academic misconduct. Recommended sanctions may be lighter or heavier than those initially imposed by the professor. (See UNH's Student Rights and Rules publication and your faculty adviser for more information.)

Course Problems

If you have any serious difficulties with a course, you should see your instructor during his/her office hours or set up an appointment for a different time. (Although it's often possible to ask instructors a quick question immediately before or after class, these are not usually the best times to have serious, detailed conversations.) You may also draw on the suggestions of your academic adviser or the department chairperson. If you feel you need improvement in general academic skills, we recommend the Center for Academic Resources in Smith Hall,  which offers instruction in note-taking, textbook reading, time management, exam preparation and strategies, writing skills, and organizational strategies. If you need help with writing contact the UNH Writing Center (Dimond Library). The center offers free consultations on all aspects of writing, including subject choice, research, composing processes, genre, organization, style, grammar and conventions, and punctuation and spelling. For real-time answers to questions on grammar and form, contact the UNH Writing Center.