
There are many opportunities to enhance your major coursework with special activities and experiences.

CAMra (Collective for advancing multimodal research arts)

CAMRA is a new interdisciplinary collective of faculty and students committed to participatory, experimental media-making as a mode of academic research.


the civil discourse lab

The CDL in partnership with Communication faculty and students focuses on fostering civil conversations on difficult subjects.

The Civil Discourse Lab


The student journal of communication, published annually both online and in print.



Internships for Communication majors integrate classroom study and supervised practical experience in a work setting.


Lambda Pi Eta

The Communication Department's student honor society.

Lambda Pi Eta

Research Opportunities

As a major research university, UNH provides all students with the unique and valuable opportunity to conduct research during their undergraduate years.

research opportunities


Please visit the COLA Scholarships & Financial Aid page for details concerning Communication scholarships.


Study Away

We offer a wide range of COLA-managed study abroad programs, and the UNH Global Education Center administers additional study abroad and exchange programs and approves scores of non-UNH programs. Opportunities for new experiences right here in the U.S. also exist with national exchange programs.

Visit COLA Study Abroad

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