Comm-entary is the annual student journal of communication, founded in 1981. Articles are "blind-reviewed" by a student editorial board, that is, the editors do not know the names of the authors of submitted work until after an article has been accepted for publication. Copies of Comm-entary and a folder with the tables of contents of all issues are available for reference in the department office. Current and past editions also may be viewed on the Comm-entary website, or downloaded through the online Scholars Repository.
Any communication major, as well as any other undergraduate student, may submit material for consideration and possible publication. Submission guidelines are available in the department office. Students interested in working on the editorial board of Comm-entary should contact the department.
Note: Since most of the articles in Comm-entary are based on papers students have written for upper-level communication courses, the journal is also an excellent way for prospective majors to preview the type of projects that majors work on in advanced courses.