Dual Majors

The University offers a number of dual majors. These are majors that can ONLY be second majors; i.e., students must have a major in some other department or discipline before adding these majors. Three dual majors that Political Science students often find complement their studies are Global Studies (formerly International Affairs), Justice Studies and Sustainability.

Global Studies

Expand your global horizons and extend your career opportunities into the international arena by combining your major with the Global Studies Dual Major.

Multi-disciplinary IA/GS courses are taught by faculty from many different departments. The courses are designed to help students appreciate the complex interrelationships and interdependencies among nations and peoples and to equip students with the analytical skills and broad perspectives necessary for both public and private sector international careers.

To learn more, visit the International Affairs major website.

Justice Studies

The justice studies dual major is intended for students who are looking for careers in the justice system or who seek graduate training in law or social sciences and humanities related to the law. Students will be required to choose a first major before they will be able to declare justice studies as a second major.

The dual major in Justice Studies requires students to take a minimum of 8 courses (32 credits) each completed with a grade of a C- or better. The dual major can not be declared until after a first major has been declared and you must have a GPA of a 2.50 or better at the time that you are declaring. Students are not allowed to count more than 2 courses from any one department (except for Justice Studies) towards their Dual Major. An unlimited number of Justice Studies dual major courses can be used to satisfy General Education requirements.

To learn more, visit the Justice Studies website.


The sustainability dual major is a program of study that enables students to understand and act on the environmental and social challenges and solutions needed to create a more sustainable world.

To learn more, visit the Sustainability website.