Departmental Honors

Students who may or may not be in the University Honors Program, but who meet the requirements for Departmental Honors, are entitled to graduate with Honors in Selected Major on their diploma and academic record. If you pursue this option, you must take at least 16 credits of Honors work in your major. Typically, these will not be discovery category classes, and most programs have strict guidelines for what can count as Honors work. At least 4 credits of your major coursework will be a senior thesis.

Departmental Honors Programs

Departmental Honors

Students who may or may not be in the University Honors Program, but who meet the requirements for Departmental Honors, are entitled to graduate with Honors in their Selected Major on their diploma and academic record. If you pursue this option, you must take at least 16 credits of Honors work in your major. 


French or French Studies majors who have achieved a minimum grade point average of 3.25 may elect to graduate with honors. This can be accomplished by doing honors work in any combination of three courses listed below, plus a Senior Honors thesis (French 799 for two semesters). Honors students are expected to do extra readings, attend tutorial meetings and complete at least one additional paper or project in the courses designated as “Honors.” Honors students must maintain an overall minimum GPA of 3.25 and 3.25 in the course work for the major.

Courses for Honors in the French and French Studies Major (16 credits)

Students must complete:

  • at least four of their French courses at the 600 and 700 level using the Honors Designation. The Honors Designation Form must be filed during the first three weeks of registration.
an Honors Thesis

French 799: Seniors Honors (4 cr.)

In addition to the three 700 courses required to complete the major, Honors students must write a Senior Thesis (French 799). In this course, which is the last taken among the Honors courses, the student will undertake a research project supervised by a Professor in the French Program. The topic of the Senior Honors Thesis will be chosen by the student under the guidance of a professor familiar with the subject. The work includes the following phases: proposal development, bibliographical search preparation, critique of drafts, and submission of a written thesis. The student will finally make an oral presentation of the project to faculty and students in the French Program.


1. Eligible students who are interested in doing Honors in French or French Studies should talk to their advisor to receive information about the program and complete the application form.

2. During pre-registration time, the student should meet with the professor with whom he/she will take the Honors course to fill out the “Honors in French Proposal Form.”  A copy of the completed form must be given to the coordinator of Honors in the Major, who will keep it in the student’s folder.  The student will register for FREN 799 with a signature from their Honors advisor.

The proposal for French 799 must be completed and submitted to the coordinator of the French Honors Program before the end of the semester prior to that in which the work will be done.  It is the student’s responsibility to make all arrangements with the professor who will supervise the project. The initial contact with the supervising professor to discuss the project and obtain approval should be made well before pre-registration.

Students who may or may not be in the University Honors Program, but who meet the requirements for Departmental Honors, are entitled to graduate with Honors in Selected Major on their diploma and academic record. If you pursue this option, you must take at least 16 credits of Honors work in your major.


Students must successfully complete three of the following courses at least one of which must be a 700-level course:

GERM 630H German Narrative Forms (4 cr.)
GERM 631H Advanced Communication Skills I (4 cr.)
GERM 632H Advanced Communication Skills II (4 cr.)
GERM 640H German Drama (4 cr.)
GERM 645H Contemporary German Literature (4 cr.)
GERM 720H Images of Women in German Literature (4 cr.)
GERM 721H German Culture and Civilization (4 cr.)
GERM 724H The Age of Goethe (4 cr.)
GERM 727H German Literature of the 19th Century (4 cr.)
GERM 728H Modern German Literature (4 cr.)
GERM 798H Special Topics (4 cr.)

In addition to the regular coursework, students will complete a research paper or, with approval of the faculty, a special project in creative writing or film/video. Study abroad work may not be used for Departmental Honors work.

Students must successfully complete GERM 795H and 796H Independent Study (4 cr.). GERM 795H (1 cr.) involves consultation with adviser and surveying literature in the area of proposed topic and completion of a formal proposal and bibliography. GERM 796H (3 cr.) is the research and writing of the thesis. The thesis will be presented to a department colloquium.

Departmental Honors

Students who may or may not be in the University Honors Program, but who meet the requirements for Departmental Honors, are entitled to graduate with Honors in their Selected Major on their diploma and academic record. If you pursue this option, you must take at least 16 credits of Honors work in your major. 


Russian majors who have achieved a minimum grade point average of 3.2 may elect to graduate with honors. This can be accomplished by doing honors work in any combination of two courses listed below, plus a Senior Honors thesis (Russian 795H and Russian 798H). Honors students are expected to do extra readings, attend tutorial meetings and complete extra work in the courses designated as “Honors.” Honors students must maintain an overall minimum GPA of 3.2 and 3.2 in the course work for the major.

Courses for Honors in the Russian Major (16 credits)


Students must successfully complete the following:

  • at least two of the following Russian courses, using the Honors Designation. The Honors Designation Form must be filed during the first three weeks of registration

Russian 691H           Readings in Russian Literature

Russian 790H           Advanced Language and Style

Russian 797H           Special Studies in Russian Language, Literature, and Culture

Study abroad courses may be used for Departmental Honors work when approved by the Russian faculty.

Students must complete an honors thesis or, with the approval of the faculty, a special project in creative writing or film/video.

Students must successfully complete the two thesis-writing/project courses:

Russian 795H Independent Study in Russian (fall semester for research; consultations with advisor, surveying proposed topic and completion of formal proposal and bibliography).

Russian 798H Special Studies in Russian Language, Literature, and Culture (spring semester for completing research and writing of thesis/completion of project).

The thesis/project will be presented to a department colloquium of faculty and students.


1. Eligible students who are interested in doing Honors in Russian should talk to their advisor to receive information about the program and complete the application form.

2. During pre-registration time, the student should meet with the professor with whom he/she will take the Honors course to fill out the “Honors in Russian Proposal Form.”  A copy of the completed form must be given to the coordinator of Honors in the Major, who will keep it in the student’s folder.  The student will register for Russian 795H with a signature from their Honors advisor for the fall semester. 

The proposal for Russian Honors must be completed and submitted to the coordinator of the Russian Honors Program before the end of the semester prior to that in which the work will be done.  It is the student’s responsibility to make all arrangements with the professor who will supervise the project. The initial contact with the supervising professor to discuss the project and obtain approval should be made well before pre-registration.

Students who may or may not be in the University Honors Program, but who meet the requirements for Departmental Honors, are entitled to graduate with Honors in Selected Major on their diploma and academic record. If you pursue this option, you must take at least 16 credits of Honors work in your major. 


Spanish majors who have entered the University in the fall of 2008 and in subsequent years and have achieved a minimum grade point average of 3.4 may elect to graduate with honors. Students enrolled prior to the fall of 2008 need a minimum GPA of 3.2.  This can be accomplished by doing honors work in any combination of three courses listed below, plus a Senior Honors thesis (Spanish 799). Honors students are expected to do extra readings, attend tutorial meetings and complete at least one additional paper or project in the courses designated as “Honors.”  Honors students must maintain an overall minimum GPA of 3.4 and 3.4 in the course work for the major.

Courses for Honors in the Spanish Major (16 credits)

Students will complete a total of three Spanish courses using any combination listed below:

  • Any two 600 level courses* and one 700 level course*
  • One 600 level course* and two 700 level courses*
  • Three 700 level courses*


  • an Honors Thesis

*These courses must be designated as Honors courses, using the Honors Designation Form, during the first three weeks of registration*

Note: Courses in the 600 level category may be taken in Spain in the UNH Study Abroad Program in Granada with prior approval and supervision by a member of the UNH Spanish faculty. All arrangements must be made with the supervising professor before departure for Granada.

Spanish 799: Seniors Honors (4 cr.)

In addition to the three 700 courses required to complete the major, Honors students must write a Senior Thesis (Spanish 799). In this course, which is the last taken among the Honors courses, the student will undertake a research project supervised by a Professor in the Spanish Program. The topic of the Senior Honors Thesis will be chosen by the student under the guidance of a Professor familiar with the subject. The work includes the following phases: proposal development, bibliographical search preparation, critique of drafts, and submission of a written thesis. The student will finally make an oral presentation of the project to faculty and students in the department.


  1. Eligible students who are interested in doing Honors in Spanish should talk to their advisor to receive information about the program and complete the application form.
  2. During pre-registration time, the student should meet with the professor with whom he/she will take the Honors course to fill out the “Honors in Spanish Proposal Form.”  A copy of the completed form must be given to the coordinator of Honors in the Major, who will keep it in the student’s folder. The student will register for SPAN 799 with a signature from their Honors advisor.
  3. The proposal for Spanish 799 must be completed and submitted to the coordinator of the Spanish Honors Program before the end of the semester prior to that in which the work will be done. It is the student’s responsibility to make all arrangements with the professor who will supervise the project. The initial contact with the supervising professor to discuss the project and obtain approval should be made well before pre-registration.