Survey Research (Minor)

Survey Research (Minor)
workers in the Survey Center

What is survey research?

In the survey research minor, you will learn how to design, conduct and analyze public opinion surveys. With a strong grounding in theory and practice, you will better understand the strengths and weaknesses of survey data, making you a better consumer of survey research in your career. The survey research minor is a natural complement to majors in political science, international affairs, justice studies, psychology, sociology and anthropology, but survey research is used in almost all fields, including business, agriculture, health and human services, and engineering.

Why study survey research at UNH?

UNH is home to the UNH Survey Center, a full-scale, non-partisan academic survey research center nationally known for its public opinion and political polling. You will apply the skills you learn in the survey research minor to real survey research projects in the Center. You’ll study under faculty who have decades of experience conducting and analyzing survey research. The skills and experiences you’ll accrue will provide a strong foundation for advanced study in survey methods and make you more competitive in the job market.

Potential careers

  • Advertising and promotion specialist
  • Market research analyst
  • Nonprofit director
  • Political strategist
  • Public policy analyst or manager
  • Public relations specialist
  • Survey researcher
  • Urban or regional planner
Associate Professor of Practice
Phone: (603) 862-2226
Office: Survey Center, 9 Madbury Road Ste 401, Durham, NH 03824

Curriculum & Requirements

The survey research minor will provide students with the skills necessary to design, conduct, analyze and present survey research in a variety of professional settings. This minor will enable students to gain a strong grounding in the theory and practice of survey research, as well as learn how public opinion forms and changes over time. Students will apply what they have learned at the UNH Survey Center, nationally recognized for its public opinion and political polling. Students who complete this minor will be poised to pursue an advanced degree in this subject and, ultimately, a career in the field.

The survey research minor requires five courses (20 credits), as follows:

Core Course
POLT 512Public Opinion in American Politics4
Introduction to Research Methods Course
Select one (1) from the following:4
POLT 595
Smart Politics
SOC 601
Methods of Social Research
JUST 501
Research Methods
Statistics Course
Select one (1) from the following:4
SOC 402
PSYC 402
Statistics in Psychology
Advanced Research Course Elective
Select one (1) from the following:4
HMP 711
Introduction to Healthcare Operations Analytics
HMP 712
Healthcare Operations Management
MKTG 752
Marketing Research
PSYC 531
PSYC 552
Social Psychology
SOC 620
Drugs and Society
SOC 625
Mental Health and Society
SOC 725
Social Demography
SOC #797
Special Topics (Only topic: Survey Research in Practice)
OR other elective based on student's field of interest and approved by the coordinator
Capstone Practicum
To be chosen in consultation with the coordinator4
Total Credits20
  • Students must receive a grade of C or better for a course to count toward the minor requirements.
  • Once students have declared the minor, they are required to meet with the coordinator or appropriate affiliated faculty advisor at least once per semester for regular review and assessment of their program, learning outcomes, and progress toward the degree. 

Transfer or Articulation Agreements with Other Institutions

Transfer credits may be approved by the coordinator to count toward the minor. If the transfer credit is accepted by the university and fits within the scope of the minor, it will be considered.


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