History Spotlight

History and French major | Digital Director at NECN
Read more about how Marc Fortier is using his History major.
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History Major | Manager of Social Media at UNH
Read more about how Jason Boucher is using his History major.
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History Major | eCommerce sales and marketing part at Eco-Products
Read more about how Matt Kobzik is using his History major.
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History Major | Self-Employed Professional Musician
Read more about how Kimberly Bird is using her History major.
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Classics and History Majors | Business Consultant
My name is Alex Johnson and I graduated from UNH in May 2011 with a BA in both Classics and History – I got the "Wow, so you REALLY want to teach!?" treatment – and when it comes to how I wound up in the Classics program and what I've done since, my path has been very zig-zaggy, for lack of a…
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History and Political Science Majors | 8th Grade American History Teacher
Read more about how Matthew Barry is using his Political Science and History majors.
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International Affairs and History Major | President, KAMTEK East Asia, Ltd
When I entered UNH in 1988, the International Affairs (IA) program was new and unique. Beyond the three core courses, the program allowed each student to tailor the program in a manner that was most beneficial to his or her future--to build a program around our own dreams. For me, that involved…
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History and English Major | Works at Cystic Fibrosis Foundation
Read more about Lindsay's success during her History and English degree on UNH tales.
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Anthropology and History Major | Deputy Director, Carsey School, UNH.
Read more about Curt Grimm's success using his Anthropology and History degree on UNH Tales. While obtaining my BA in Anthropology and History at UNH, I was very intrigued with the international development work being done in Africa by Anthropology Professors Stephen Reyna and Richard Downs.  After…
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Classics, History and Philosophy Majors | Research Fellow at Kobe University in Kobe, Japan
Convinced that college was best spent exploring as many different paths as possible, Cory McKenzie (’15) of Hampstead, New Hampshire, followed many a rabbit trail during his years at the University of New Hampshire. Entering UNH as a history major, Cory dabbled in the histories of the Russian…
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History Major | Fulbright Scholar in Mexico City
  What were you doing 1 year out of college? I had just finished Peace Corps training and was beginning service as an economic development consultant in the Dominican Republic. I was assigned a consulting project to help an NGO collaborate with tourism companies in order to develop ecotourism…
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