The Center for the Humanities hosts and sponsors interdisciplinary conferences; supports faculty programs, projects, and lectures; and offers faculty fellowships, an endowed chair, stipends, and workshops.

National Endowment for the Humanities Summer Stipends (for projects beginning May 1, 2025)
The National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) Summer Stipend competition consists of two phases.
The Center for the Humanities invites interested faculty to submit preliminary NEH Summer Stipend proposals by 11:59 pm ET on Wednesday, August 21, 2024. The preliminary proposal must include a cover letter, narrative, workplan, bibliography, and CV (compiled and submitted as one Doc or PDF, please). See guidelines below. The NEH requires institutional nomination for tenured and tenure-track faculty; non-tenure-track faculty are exempt from nominating requirements. A panel of UNH faculty will meet to recommend a nominee for the NEH competition.
Tenured or tenure-track faculty of institutions of higher education must be nominated by their institution. The Center for the Humanities at UNH administers that nomination process. You may not submit directly to NEH without first submitting a UNH preliminary proposal in August. Please see Phase I instructions above. UNH's Research Development office will assist UNH nominees with the NEH and grants.gov final application process: NEH Summer Stipend Guidelines.
UNH Cover Sheet – Please include the following information:
- Applicant Name
- Applicant Department
- Project Field of Study
- Address (either home or work)
- Brief Summary of Project (150 words maximum)
- List of any applications you have submitted for external support in calendar years 2023 and 2024, indicating a) the funding agency, b) the amount of award applied for, c) the project title, and d) whether the grant application was successful or not.
To complete the rest of your UNH proposal, please include the application components in the table titled GUIDANCE FOR NARRATIVE, WORKPLAN, BIBLIOGRAPHY, RESUME, and APPENDICES on p. 10 of the guidelines.
Project Narrative – Must not exceed three single-spaced pages. Please use NEH headings and see guidelines for what to include in each section:
- Significance and contribution
- Organization and methods
- Competencies, skills, and access
- Final product and dissemination
Project Workplan -- Not to exceed one page
Project Bibliography -- Must not exceed one single-spaced page.
Résumé/Curriculum Vita -- Must not exceed two single-spaced pages.
Appendices -- OPTIONAL
- editions or translations: provide a sample of the original text (one page) and the edited or translated version (one page)
- database projects: provide a sample entry (one page)
- visual materials: provide a sample (one page)
Reference Letters - Not required for preliminary applications. However, please be prepared to supply two letters of reference to NEH by their September deadline. If selected as one of UNH's nominees, you will be asked by NEH to provide the email addresses of your referees, and NEH will contact them. Reference letters should provide important information about you and your project. Referees should discuss the project's significance to the field, the intended audience, the likely outcome, the general quality of your work, and your ability to carry out the project successfully. Ideally, no more than one referee should be from your home institution. There is no length restriction.
Please note that our guidelines and headings were updated in 2022 to align the preliminary UNH application with the new NEH application.
Funded by the Center's general endowment and the Ben and Zelma Dorson Endowment in the Humanities, Faculty Research Fellowships provide a semester-long opportunity for junior and tenured faculty to pursue humanities research with no teaching obligations.
An interdisciplinary panel will read all applications. Although the panel will be urged to give special consideration to proposals from junior faculty, there are no "senior" and "junior" categories. The Center's goal is to support excellence and innovation in humanities scholarship at UNH.
The Center is particularly interested in encouraging humanities faculty to seek external funding for subsequent phases of their research. Proposals that detail plans to apply for outside funding often gain a competitive edge in panel discussions. Applicants should identify potential funding sources and deadlines, and discuss how that funding would further the applicant's research.
Fellowships may be held in either semester. Fellows may occupy a research office in the Center on a space-available basis.
The fellowships are available to full time, tenure track faculty from any UNH department or program so long as their research falls within the humanities and their proposals are supported by their department chair and dean. Fellows may combine their fellowship with a semester-long sabbatical leave, if they have the endorsements of their dean and department chair. A selection committee convened by the Center will award the fellowships.
Faculty who have held Center for the Humanities fellowships are welcome to apply for a subsequent fellowship to be held at least five years following the previous award.
Application Deadline
Monday, September 30, 2024. (Please share application materials with the Dean's Office by September 23 to ensure enough time for Dean Dillon to compose the required letter of endorsement. You must still submit your materials to the Center for the Humanities after securing that endorsement.)
Faculty Fellows Application Guidelines

The fellowships are available to faculty from any UNH department or program so long as their research falls within the humanities and they have the support of their department chair and dean. Faculty who have held Center for the Humanities fellowships are welcome to apply for a subsequent fellowship to be held at least five years following the previous award. Faculty fellows may combine their fellowship with a semester-long sabbatical leave, if they have the endorsements of their dean and department chair. A selection committee convened by the Center will award the fellowships.
Criteria for Selection
Applications will be judged on the basis of the conception, definition, organization, and description of the proposed project; the significance the work is likely to have in the applicant's field and in the humanities broadly conceived; and the probability that the fellow will complete his or her project or a substantive and well-defined segment of the project.
The Center is particularly interested in encouraging humanities faculty to seek external funding for subsequent phases of their research. Applicants should identify potential funding sources and deadlines, and discuss how that funding would further the applicant's research.
Application Deadline
September 30, 2024 (to dean's office for endorsement by September 23)
Application Materials
- Cover Sheet
- Proposal Narrative - No more than three single-spaced pages in 12 point type to include the following sections. Be sure to write for a non-specialist, cross-disciplinary panel of reviewers.
- Executive Summary – Write a brief, one-paragraph executive summary of your proposed research.
- Project Description – Provide a more detailed description of your project and your experience in relation to this specific work.
- Impact – Address the significance of your proposed work in your field and for the humanities in general.
- Work Plan– Outline the anticipated timeline for your proposed work, including potential publishers, if applicable.
- Additional Funding for Subsequent Research – For priority consideration, identify outside funding sources with deadlines and detail your plans to apply. This section may be appended to the three-page narrative limit.
- Project Bibliography of no more than one page.
- Vita of no more than two pages.
- Endorsement from dean. [To allow the Dean of the College of Liberal Arts sufficient time to write an endorsement of proposals for humanities center fellowships, please submit a copy of the proposal narrative to the Dean's Office at least five working days in advance of the deadline for submitting your proposal to the Center for the Humanities. Please note that all materials must still be sent by you to the Center for the Humanities. The dean's office will not forward them.]
- A letter from your department chair is no longer required. Upon receipt of your application, we will contact your chair for their endorsement.
- Two or three letters of recommendation sent directly to the Center for the Humanities. (See below.) At least one of the letters must come from recommenders outside of UNH. Letters should address the significance of the research and the abilities of the applicant to engage in the project.
Please submit cover sheet, proposal narrative, bibliography, and vita--preferably collated as one attachment--by email to humanities.center@unh.edu.
Letters of endorsement and recommendation should go directly to the Center for the Humanities via mail or email:
Mail: UNH Center for the Humanities, McConnell Hall, Suite 102, 15 Academic Way, Durham, NH 03824
Email: (PDF format on institution stationery, signed) to humanities.center@unh.edu.
General Proposal Guidelines
Organized thematically, the Saul O Sidore Memorial Lecture Series presents speakers in engaging presentations directed at the broad university community as well as the public beyond the university. Funded in part by an annual gift from the Saul O Sidore Memorial Foundation, the series has, for more than thirty years, been a highlight of the academic year.
We welcome colleagues from across the university to submit proposals on timely and important themes. Topics need not be in the humanities. Recent Sidore series have focused on personal genomic medicine, cultural heritage, global activism, public health and personal liberty, the drug wars, and sustainability.
The series has generally presented five or six lectures over the course of either the academic year or one semester. You are also welcome to recast the format. For example, it might be desirable to offer the lectures in a series of evening presentations over the course of a week or two or to hold a single symposium that brings together all your presenters.
Faculty members may submit proposals as individuals or groups, and they may involve staff and students in their planning. A panel convened by the Center for the Humanities will review proposals. Proposals should include:
- A cogent discussion of the proposed lecture series theme and its significance to the university community.
- A list of prospective speakers with a summary of their credentials. Please note that the Sidore Foundation does not fund speakers who are on the rosters of speaker bureaus or have agents, and they encourage us to present interesting and engaging speakers, even if those speakers are not well known.
- A discussion of the series format and scheduling.
- A budget outlining expenses. See sample budget below.
Proposals should not exceed five pages.
In recognition of the considerable time and effort involved in organizing the Sidore Lectures, up to $3500 of the award may be used for staff support, or a summer stipend. In the case of collaborative proposals, the funds can be applied to smaller summer stipends for more than one person. Please stipulate a use for the stipend in your proposal.
The Center for the Humanities will continue to be the primary on-campus sponsor of the Sidore Lectures. The Center will provide limited administrative support for the series by offering guidance on financial management and publicity through the Center's webpage and email distribution list.
Project directors will be responsible for inviting and scheduling speakers and venues, planning publicity, and other substantive responsibilities.
For an overview of the process of directing such a lecture series, please contact the Center for the Humanities' assistant director (katie.umans@unh.edu, 862-4356).
Please submit materials via email to humanities.center@unh.edu.
If you have questions about a proposal, please contact Katie Umans (katie.umans@unh.edu or 862-4356).
The Center welcomes the chance to talk with you about a topic or to help you develop ideas for a series.
The deadline for proposals for the 2025–2026 series is November 13, 2024. Please submit your proposal to the Center (humanities.center@unh.edu) as an email attachment by 5 p.m.
Sample Budget for Sidore Series
Each year, the Sidore Series is supported by the Sidore family foundation with administrative support from the UNH Center for the Humanities. What follows is an approximate budget based on income and costs associated with previous years. Organizers should consult with the UNH Center for the Humanities about any major shifts in available funds or anticipated costs.
Budget Item | Approximate Cost |
Administrative/faculty stipend | $3,500 |
Honoraria (6 x $1500 e.g.) | $9,000 |
Travel for speakers (airfare and ground) | $4,600 |
Publicity: posters, flyers, mailings, graphic design, paid social media promotions, student support, NHPR ads, etc. | $5,000 |
Accommodations for speakers (2 nights each) | $2,400 |
Meals with speakers and members of UNH community | $1,300 |
Refreshments at events | $1,200 |
Misc. costs (supplies, etc.) | $1,000 |
Venue (room rental, AV support, parking) | $2,000 |
TOTAL BUDGET | $30,000 |
Sidore Master Classes
Separate from the major Sidore Series each year, the Center will continue to invite proposals, on a rolling basis, for discrete Sidore Master Classes, designed to support teaching sessions or workshops that address critical or controversial issues (which need not be in the humanities).
Up to $5,000 will be available for a visit by an expert in any area—arts, humanities, sciences, technology—who will help interested UNH faculty, staff, and students and interested residents of the state build new skills or learn new applications or contexts for their skills. These funds are intended to support demonstrations, trainings, hands-on learning sessions, and other interactive models. They are not intended to support public talks, presentations, or general performances or exhibitions.
Those who have ideas for events are encouraged to write the Center for the Humanities at any time with a request and a proposed date. Eligible costs might include venue rental, honoraria, performer fees, installation costs, supplies, A/V support, receptions, etc.
Previous Sidore Series
- 2023–2024 Parliament Funkadelic
- 2022–2023 Ethics of Encounter: Research, Communities, and Repair (a Dunfey/Sidore Symposium)
- 2021–2022 Aging in America: Justice for All?
- 2020–2021 Honoring the Mother of All People: Contemporary Indigenous Leadership in Revitalizing Environmental and Cultural Sustainability
- 2019–2020 What Is a Criminal? Exploring Mass Incarceration in NH and the US
- 2018–2019: Contextualizing and Reframing the Opioid Crisis in New Hampshire
- 2017–2018: Who Owns the Past?
- 2016–2017: Who's Human Now? Historical and Philosophical Ideas About Humanity and Personhood
- 2015–2016: Personal Genomic Medicine
- 2014–2015: #change: Inside Global Activism
- 2013–2014: Your Liberty or Your Health? Exploring the Tensions among Public Health, Individual Liberty, and Government Authority
- 2012–2013: The Drug Wars: Views from the South and the North
- 2011–2012: Sustainability Unbound
- 2010–2011: Sea Stories for the Future
- 2009–2010: The Ghana Connection
- 2008–2009: Can Schools Reduce Inequality?
- 2007–2008: Exploring Democracy at Home and Abroad
- 2006–2007: Violence Against Women: Complicating the Legacy of Andrea Dworkin
- 2005–2006: Modernity and Evil
- 2004–2005: Research and the Public Interest
- 2003–2004: Eating as a Moral Act
- 2002–2003: Educating Bodies: Culture, Power and Socialization
- 2001–2002: Globalization and Social Movements
- 2000–2001: Education for the New Millenium
- 1999–2000: Women and Religion
- 1998–1999: Bioethics
- 1997–1998: Blackness and Whiteness
- 1996–1997: The Idea of New England
The Center awards grants of up to $3,000 in support of expenses related to research and other humanities endeavors including: public programs, visiting speakers, curriculum development, and interdisciplinary conferences. Our intention is to be as flexible as possible in support of an excellent and creative program, project, or conference in the humanities. These awards can also support interdisciplinary conferences hosted at UNH.
If the end date will be later than June 30 of the year in which you receive your award, please note this, with justification, in your timeline. If you encounter an unanticipated need to extend your work beyond June 30, you must write to the Center with a new budget and timeline, as well as an explanation for the change. Center approval is required to approve payouts past the cut-off.
In the past, such grants have supported travel for research purposes, the acquisition of special research materials, library collection development, visiting speakers, public programs, the purchase of research equipment, technical assistance, conferences, public programs, and other expenses associated with faculty projects in the humanities. The grants might also provide support for interdisciplinary undertakings such as faculty seminars and colloquia. They can provide seed money for projects, particularly those leading to major proposals to outside funding agencies. They can contribute to ongoing projects such as summer institutes for schoolteachers. In sum, Programs, Projects, and Interdisciplinary Conferences Grants are intended to be responsive to the needs and goals of the faculty.
All UNH faculty are eligible to apply, so long as the project falls within the humanities.
Proposal Deadline
September 30, 2024
For projects, please submit a proposal with the following sections:
- Cover sheet with this information:
- Project Title
- Names and positions of UNH project organizer(s)
- Expected timetable of project
- Proposal narrative no longer than five single-spaced pages of 12-point type which addresses these questions:
- Purpose and details about the project
- Project design and plan of work
- The significance of the project or research to the humanities
- How will the project be promoted and publicized?
- How will the results of the project be evaluated?
- Budget noting any other sources of funding (secured, pending, or still to be solicited).
- Vitae of project organizer(s), not more than two pages each.
For interdisciplinary conferences please submit a proposal which covers the following elements:
- Cover sheet with this information:
- Conference title
- Names and positions of UNH conference organizers
- Names and titles of external co-sponsors
- Date and location of conference
- Proposal narrative no longer than five single-spaced pages of 12-point type which addresses these questions:
- What are the goals of the conference?
- How are the qualifications and experiences of the organizers and presenters related to the conference goals?
- How significant is the conference topic or theme for research in the humanities?
- What is the conference design?
- Who are the key presenters, and are they tentatively committed to participate?
- How will the conference be promoted and publicized?
- How will the results of the conference be disseminated?
- Budget noting any other sources of funding (secured, pending, or still to be solicited).
- Vitae of conference directors, not more than two pages each.
Please email applications, as one file, to humanities.center@unh.edu.
Requests to support various endeavors in the humanities can be made at any time and are considered on a case-by-case basis, but please note that (as of July 2024) we are currently in the process of finalizing our FY25 budget and cannot yet commit specific amounts. We can, however, consider whether your request will be eligible and can confirm an amount once we know what we have to allocate across the coming FY.
Discretionary grants support research, curriculum development skills, travel for research and for external funding development, visiting speakers, public and outreach programs, and other humanities projects. They are not available for travel to conferences in the U.S. (although they may support travel to conferences abroad, in the absence of other funding) or programs, such as visiting speakers, whose audience is limited to individual classes. One area that we are no longer able to support is costs associated with publishing, whether that be indexing, subvention, or other aspects of the process. Talks and presentations by visiting scholars must have monetary sponsorship from at least one additional department beyond the host department in order to be considered.
To apply, write or email the center director, providing a succinct description of the project including a budget. If your proposal considers any aspect of race, ethnicity, migration, or identity formation, please note in your email that it aligns with our new public humanities initiative.
How to Access Your Center Funding
For payments within UNH (such as catering, space rental, parking, or printing), the Center’s Assistant Director can provide you with fund/org numbers to use.
Most purchases (like supplies or vendor payments) should be processed in Ushop. You may sometimes use a Pcard for incidental expenses and submit receipts via the PRA system.
Travel and business meals can be handled via reimbursement. You will need to include receipts, or other documentation (including agendas for conferences attended), as well as the original email from the Center’s Director authorizing use of Center funds. Please note USNH policies require reimbursements to be processed within 45 days of date of purchase or completion of business trip. Completed forms should be forwarded to the Center for approval and signature.
An honorarium may be offered to express appreciation to an outside scholar for their time, expertise, and engagement with the campus community, though it may not be negotiated ahead of time. As above, note the need for the relevant tax forms and note that international participants may need to do additional/different forms and honor different tax requirements. Completed honorarium request forms, signed by the sponsoring faculty or staff member, should be forwarded to Center for approval and then submitted via Ushop.
Services: Individuals from outside UNH will need to register through PaymentWorks to receive reimbursements, honoraria, or other UNH payments for service. Services that are longer term in scope should be set up through a Purchase Order, with invoices for payments.
If you are hiring someone to provide services, please work with USNH Procurement and/or HR to establish the best way to arrange payment. It may be helpful to start by providing the individual’s name and contact information, their status, the scope of work, the dates of work, and your desired payment. It is very important to do this before the individual has done any work as retroactive pay is tremendously complicated and not always permitted. UNH faculty and staff can be compensated via additional pay requests, also ahead of time.
Please note that your discretionary grant funds must be expended by the end of the fiscal year for which they were awarded.

We will not be making any new awards in 2022. Those with public humanities projects they would like to develop are encouraged to apply to submit a proposal for a Hayes Fellowship (if work is NH-focused) or for general Programs & Projects funding. If you are uncertain of the best competition for you, we are happy to hear about your project and advise.
$5000 Fellowship in Publicly Engaged Humanities
With generous support from the Senior Vice Provost for Research, the Senior Vice Provost for Engagement and Outreach, and the Provost, the UNH Center for the Humanities is offering one Fellowship of $5000 in Publicly Engaged Humanities. This award will enable an individual humanities scholar or team to undertake a collaborative project, partnering with community or other public organizations, bringing humanities scholarship to bear in the context of advancing democracy, civic life, and the public good. We are particularly interested in funding initiatives at UNH Manchester as well as the Durham campus.
For examples of publicly engaged projects from our first three years, please see our Public Humanities Profiles.
Many universities have encouraged their faculty to undertake engaged scholarship, partnering with communities and public organizations for mutual benefit. This is especially consonant with the mission of land-grant universities, which were created for the public good. Faculty who do engaged scholarship typically represent areas of the university other than the humanities, fields considered to have applied dimensions. Our initiative aims to expand the cohort of scholars who practice engaged work.
Our goal is to provide resources for colleagues whose work demonstrates the importance of the humanities for the public good. The humanities have sometimes been critiqued as insular, not able to speak clearly to audiences beyond small disciplinary groups. More broadly, universities are increasingly criticized as remote from public issues, concerns, and priorities. The Fellowships in Publicly Engaged Humanities will broaden the participation of UNH humanities faculty in engaged work, helping the institution reimagine the nature and scope of engaged scholarship. The Fellowships will be one way to demonstrate the importance and utility of the humanities in public life.
Required criteria:
- Sustained work that blends academic humanities expertise and community interests, focusing on mutual benefits and a clearly defined outcome, and leading to a product that exemplifies engaged scholarship
- Project-oriented collaborative and committed relationships or partnerships pairing humanities scholars or teams with organizations at the community level or elsewhere in the public realm
- Work that has the potential to attract external funding
Although these are not required, we are especially interested in proposals that include the following:
- Risk-taking and innovation
- Interdisciplinary collaboration, among humanities scholars or linking humanities scholars to colleagues in the arts, STEM, or social science disciplines
Tenured or tenure-track faculty must lead the project. Student participation in faculty-led projects is welcome.
Community work need not be confined to New Hampshire or even the United States, so long as it represents a sustained relationship and benefits the community with which the scholar is partnering.
The program emphasizes sustained collaboration and partnership with community organizations, mutual respect among academic and community partners, and the recognition that knowledge and expertise are not the exclusive purview of academic practitioners. In that context, the program will not give funding priority to projects such as lectures by faculty in libraries, faculty books written “because the public will be interested,” and other such endeavors, all of which are indisputably valuable but do not demonstrate the kind of ongoing partnerships we intend to encourage.
UNH Manchester
We are particularly interested in UNH-M’s participation in this program. The city of Manchester should be an especially fertile place for the sorts of projects we expect to support, and we hope that UNH-M faculty will be especially interested in this initiative, as well as Durham faculty who may wish to work in the Manchester area. The UNH STEM Discovery Lab, located on the UNH-M campus, works with K-12 students and teachers, includes language arts among its priorities, and is particularly interested in collaborating with humanities faculty, both in Manchester and Durham. Professor Mihaela Sabin, faculty director, invites faculty to contact her to discuss project ideas at mihaela.sabin@unh.edu.
The $5000 Awards
The fellowship awards may be used in any way that advances the fellows’ engaged scholarship. In some cases, the funds may support direct project expenses. They may also be paid as direct fellowships, enabling faculty members to devote significant time to the project.
Guidelines for proposals
Proposals should include a narrative of up to five single-spaced pages outlining the project, situating it in the humanities, demonstrating how it meets the criteria outlined above, and discussing the need for such a project. It should provide information on project participants, community partners, and the terms of the collaboration with an off-campus entity. We encourage the inclusion of a letter of commitment from community partners. Finally, the proposal should discuss the project’s results, including what the community partner will gain, any scholarly product that will result, and how the project is in the public interest.
Please append a c.v. of no more than five pages, a letter of commitment or agreement from the community partner, and a short budget for the $5000 award.
Additional information
For further information, please contact Katie Umans, Assistant Director, UNH Center for the Humanities.
Email: katie.umans@unh.edu
Phone: (603) 862-4356
Proposals should be submitted electronically to the Center for the Humanities by October 28, 2019. Please submit to humanities.center@unh.edu. A panel will consider all proposals with a goal of making an award by the end of November.
Resources for Public Humanities
For information on engaged scholarship at UNH and on a number of other organizations involved in public humanities projects, these links may be useful.
The James H. Hayes and Clare Short Hayes Chair in the Humanities
James H. Hayes was a colorful UNH alumnus, a successful New Hampshire businessman, a generous philanthropist, and a civic leader devoted to New Hampshire politics and traditions. In 1992, James H. Hayes endowed a faculty chair at the University of New Hampshire for research and teaching to "concentrate on New Hampshire's history, culture and government."
There is currently no open call for proposals for the Hayes Chair.
The Center solicits applications for Hayes Fellows to receive funding for projects aligned with the mission of the Hayes Chair. James H. Hayes was a colorful UNH alumnus, a successful New Hampshire businessman, a generous philanthropist, and a civic leader devoted to New Hampshire politics and traditions, who endowed a faculty chair in the Humanities at the University of New Hampshire to “concentrate on New Hampshire’s history, culture and government.” The fellowship funding must be used to develop or extend research projects that fit that description and that might, in time, demonstrate suitability for broader and longer-term impact in New Hampshire and at the University of New Hampshire. All full-time tenure-track and CCLEAR faculty working on humanities topics are eligible to apply.
Fellows will receive $5,000 in direct research support, with an additional $5,000 ($10,000 total) available to fellows with publicly engaged projects with external community partners.
Applications will be judged on the overall quality of the proposal, intellectual merit, focus on New Hampshire, relevance to the citizens of the state, alignment with UNH’s strategic priorities, and clarity and appropriateness of the proposed budget.
The Center is particularly interested in Hayes Fellowship proposals that 1) address issues of race, ethnicity, migration, and identity formation within the state and, in so doing, directly advance COLA’s and UNH’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Strategic Initiatives (see especially #5: “Our research will include issues of racism, diversity, and inclusion”) and 2) that document pieces of the state’s history and current events to raise consciousness about diversity in New Hampshire (particularly in ways not already familiar to the broader public).
We strongly encourage potential Hayes Fellows to seek commitments for partnering directly with New Hampshire communities (or institutions or individuals within such communities, broadly defined to include communities of race and ethnicity, but also of language, gender, sexual orientation, age, disability, and the like) to co-create and disseminate knowledge (e.g. traditional scholarship, digital collections of artifacts, public history/storytelling archives) with a demonstrated benefit to the community partner. In recognition of the fact that collaborative projects will be more complex in their needs and will likely include compensation for community partners’ time and effort or travel, publicly engaged projects will be eligible to apply for up to $10,000.
As well as proposing and developing curriculum around their research, faculty are strongly encouraged to involve students in their work and to showcase their contributions in the Undergraduate Research Conference (URC), Black New England Conference (BNEC), or other appropriate venues.
All proposed Hayes Fellow projects must lay out feasible goals and a realistic timeline for development and implementation and include a clear budget with major categories of expenses made clear, including whether you are requesting $5,000 (individual project) or $10,000 (collaborative project) and, in the latter case, which resources will flow to community partners or external participants.
Applications should include
- a project narrative (no longer than three pages)
- a budget
- a two-page CV for the project director, as well as any additional UNH faculty or other academic collaborators involved
- a letter/email of commitment from any intended community partners
Summary of Eligibility
Requirements—projects must
- focus on New Hampshire’s history, culture and government.
- be proposed by full-time tenure-track /CCLEAR faculty working on humanities topics.
- demonstrate intellectual merit, feasible goals, and a realistic timeline.
- include a budget with categories of spending made clear.
Additional Funding Priorities—preference will be given to projects that
- have external non-academic community partners (for which applicants are eligible for an additional $5,000 in funding).
- align with UNH’s strategic priorities.
- address issues of race, ethnicity, migration, and identity formation within the state and /or raise consciousness about diversity in New Hampshire.
- involve students in their work and showcase their contributions.
Final Application Deadline: Friday, October 11, 2024.
Please send all final application materials to HUMANITIES.CENTER@UNH.EDU.
Draft Application Deadline: September 13, 2024.
If you would like to receive feedback on a draft, please submit it by September 13 to humanities.center@unh.edu. We will return it to you within two weeks with comments and suggestions for strengthening your proposal and any requests for clarification before final submission.
In addition, we will be holding walk-in appointments (which can also be conducted online) on September 6 and 10. These sessions can be used to discuss ideas and plans, ask questions, clarify budgets, or otherwise support the development of your final project and proposal. You are welcome to take advantage of both the walk-in hours and the draft review but need not do one to do the other and can forego both and still submit a proposal in October. The extra layers of support and feedback are offered on an as-needed, as-wanted basis.
The Center for the Humanities is pleased to announce a major new public humanities initiative in Race, Ethnicity, Migration and Identity. REMI will support and disseminate humanities research that partners UNH faculty members, staff and students with communities to launch and sustain innovative and deeply collaborative projects examining race, ethnicity, migration and identity formation, with the goal of creating traditional scholarship, digital collections of artifacts, public history/storytelling archives, and other products to document various pieces of history and current events. The work of faculty and students must be situated in direct partnerships with communities and organizations and will constitute not only research conducted about or disseminated to the public, but research performed in conjunction with elements of the public. As well as proposing and developing curriculum around their collaborative research, faculty are strongly encouraged to involve students directly in their work and to showcase their contributions in the Undergraduate Research Conference (URC) or other appropriate venues.
Small discretionary grants and Programs and Projects funding will be available to those interested in exploring the creation of a REMI project and may be applied for at any time, following the discretionary grant guidelines and noting that this is a REMI project. The Center will provide other support and training for work in public and digital humanities and welcomes suggestions for skills or practitioners to include, including via the submission of Sidore Master Class proposals, when those criteria are met.
Those with more developed ideas or existing community partnerships based in New Hampshire are encouraged to consider applying for one of our new Hayes Fellowships, which will provide substantially more material support. To determine if your REMI project is eligible for Hayes funding, see Hayes Fellowship guidelines here.
NEHC Competitive Seed Grants 2024
Request For Proposals
The New England Humanities Consortium (NEHC) is offering competitive seed grants for research initiatives in the humanities that seek to capitalize on the collaborative network and potential of the consortium. Applications seeking to sustain, and build on, previously funded NEHC initiatives that demonstrated success are also welcome. Awards of up to $5,000 will be made. (For projects whose total budgets exceed $5,000 applicants must list additional committed funding sources and amounts.) Priority will be given to applications demonstrating concrete plans for consortium membership involvement. Such involvement can take different forms, but will typically involve, e.g. direct collaboration between two or more member institutions and/or active solicitation of faculty, staff, or students exclusively from member institutions. Potential areas of funding interest include the following (this list is by no means exhaustive):
- Collaborative research projects
- Digital Humanities projects
- DEI-related Humanities projects
- Public Humanities programming
- Programming with State Humanities Councils
- Programming reflecting the Humanities and the Pandemic
- Summer Seminars
- Study, writing, or working groups
- Shared speakers across institutions
- Collaborative course design
- Exhibitions and Public Performances
To apply, please click: RFP 2024 Application
Applications are welcome from individuals or teams, but the PI must be on the faculty of a NEHC member institution.
Application Requirements and Procedure
Please submit materials electronically by 11:59 p.m. EST October 1st, 2024. Proposals will not be considered without verification that the proposal and its budget follow Institutional policy and procedure prior to this date. We invite you to share your proposal and budget with the Director of the Humanities Center / Institute at the lead PI's institution for this purpose as early as possible [and by September 23].
Applications for the NEHC RFP must include the following:
1. Cover page (1 page) stating
- Title of the project
- Name, department/program/school location, and NEHC school representation of PI(s)
- Requested NEHC funding amount (Awards of up to $5000)
2. Project narrative (2 pages, single spaced, 1” margins, 12 pt font) detailing:
- The goals of the project
- How those goals address those of NEHC
- Plans for involving NEHC member institutions and which institutions in particular will be involved
- How those goals will be pursued
- Names and roles of participants
- Expected outcomes and/or deliverables
- External funding sources, if any
- Project timeline describing completion of project goals and outcomes
3. CV (2 page) of Principal Investigator(s)
4. Budget and Award Period:
- Total budget. (For projects whose budgets exceed $5000, please list additional committed funding sources and amounts, as validated by an attached letter of support.)
- The award period will typically not exceed one (1) calendar year and must be stated in the application timeline. The awardees will be required to submit a detailed summary of the project at the end of their funding term.
Please see this document for FAQs.
See here for information about past award recipients.
Questions and requests for more information are encouraged and should be directed to humanities@colby.edu.