
Teacher Licensing

The state of New Hampshire Department of Education Bureau of Credentialing issues teacher licenses in New Hampshire. The University of New Hampshire provides recommendations for licensure to the state upon completion of an educator preparation program. At that time, a teacher candidate must file an application with the NH Department of Education. Applications are available online through the New Hampshire Educator Information System.

In addition to the recommendation for licensure provided by UNH, at the completion of a student’s educator preparation program, candidates for licensure must provide Praxis core and Praxis II scores (as required by content area), submit an official transcript showing award of degree, complete a background check, and pay required fees.

Teacher candidates recommended by the University are eligible for a BEC-Beginner Educator Certificate (license).

Areas of Teacher Licensure at UNH

The University of New Hampshire has state approved programs and is authorized to prepare students for teacher licensing in the following areas. Course requirements worksheets for several programs on the list below can be found here:

Professsional Educator Preparation Programs - Content Areas Format/Level Offered
Chemistry Teacher for Grades 7-12


Classical Languages Teacher (Latin) MEd, MAT
Dance Teacher BA, MEd, MAT
Early Childhood Education Teacher (birth - grade 3)


Early Childhood Special Education Teacher (birth - grade 3) MEd
Earth Space Science Teacher for Grades 7-12 MEd, MAT
Elementary Education Teacher (K-6) (K-8) MEd

English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) Teacher1

MEd, MAT, Licensure
English Language Arts Teacher for Grades 5-12 MEd, MAT
Health Education Teacher MEd, MAT
Health Education and Physical Education Teacher1 (integrated) BS, MEd, MAT
Life Sciences Teacher for Grades 7-12


Mathematics Teacher, Middle Level (to Alg.1/Integ 1) BS, MEd, MAT
Mathematics Teacher, Upper Level (Pre-Alg to AP Math) BS, MEd, MAT
Music Teacher BM, MEd, MAT
Physical Education Teacher MEd, MAT
Physics Teacher for Grades 7-12 MEd, MAT
Science Teacher for Grades 5-8 MEd, MAT
Social Studies Teacher for Grades 5-12 MEd, MAT
Special Education Teacher (age 5 through 22) MEd
Theatre Teacher BA, MEd, MAT
Visual Arts Teacher MEd, MAT
World Language Teacher (French) MEd, MAT
World Language Teacher (German) MEd, MAT
World Language Teacher (Russian) MEd, MAT
World Language Teacher (Spanish) MEd, MAT
Other Specialty Areas Format
Special Education Administrator Licensure

1 Health & Physical Education Teacher Professional Educator licensure PEPP offered at BS, MEd, and MAT level through integrated program. 

  • Health only is available at MEd, MAT level.
  • Physical Education only is available at MEd, MAT level.
  • Health only or Physical Education only NOT available at BS undergraduate level.

Requires application to the Special Education Administrator Graduate Certificate Program.

Praxis Testing Requirements for licensure in New Hampshire

For additional information about UNH Programs and Professional Licensure/Certification Eligibility, see Professional Licensure Disclosure Information.