Community Literacy Center

CLC logo


The University of New Hampshire's Community Literacy Center (CLC) is a resource for PreK-12 learners, families, and educators that supports the literacy learning of area children through collaboration with schools, families, and community organizations.

Camp Pageturner registration opens on January 15th!

Spring programming registration is OPEN!


Tinder and Flint, the Community Literacy Center blog, shares ideas about ways to incorporate literacy research in your classroom or home.

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Contact Information


Bethany Silva

Bethany Silva
Research Assistant Professor of Education
Community Literacy Center Director
Phone: (603) 862-3733
University of New Hampshire
Morrill Hall
62 College Road
Durham, NH 03824


Ruth Wharton-McDonald

Ruth Wharton-McDonald
Associate Professor of Education
Phone: (603) 862-2380
University of New Hampshire
202A Morrill Hall
62 College Road
Durham, NH 03824

The idea for a Community Literacy Center housed in the Department of Education evolved from the relationship between partner schools and the UNH Education Department. A long-time dream of Ruth Wharton-McDonald, the Community Literacy Center connects practicing teachers, pre-service teachers, youth, families and Education Department faculty around the common goal of excellent literacy learning throughout the state of New Hampshire.

Through teacher networks, individual tutoring, group literacy activities, research, and more, the Community Literacy Center offers a student-centered, balanced approach to literacy grounded in research-based instruction. 

Join us as we create a Community Literacy Center that is a vibrant alliance of educators and learners working together toward the goal of improved literacy.

Programs for Adults

Literacy Specialists Forum

A place to share ideas, collaborate, and support each other's literacy work.

Who: reading specialists, literacy coaches, literacy specialists and other school literacy leaders.

Time: 6:30-7:30 PM

Registration link coming soon!

Coming soon!

To receive PD hours, complete registration above and check the CEUs box. Attendance is required to earn CEUs.

Become a part of a community of literacy educators seeking to share challenges, highlight successes, and connect across districts. 

The Literacy Specialists Forum (LSF) is a professional group for school literacy leaders like reading specialists, reading coaches, and literacy coaches. LSF meetings are self-governed with the leadership team selecting a topic from a list generated by the members. At meetings, LSF members discuss literacy research, problems of practice, and useful resources. New members always welcome.

Multilingual Book Club

Grades K-3 and their families

(Other ages okay, too!)

Check back in Spring 2025! 


Dover Public Library

73 Locust Street, Dover, NH

Cost: Free! Registration
This is a multilingual book club for children in K-3rd Grade and their families. Join us for a multilingual, interactive read-aloud and engaging activities as we to explore language and literature together!

1:1 Literacy Support

Grades: K-12

Read and write with a CLC tutor!


More information and registration here.

Tutoring is available when UNH classes are in sessions. New students may register any time. 

Tuesday & Thursday options available
In-person & remote options available
For youth in grades K-12


Write Free

Grades: 5-12 Thursdays


Online & In-person.  Suggested participation fee of $5/session (Program supported, in part, through donations from the 603 Challenge) Registration

Join the Community Literacy Center (CLC) on Wednesday evenings for Write Free! Have a paper that you’re writing for school? Some poetry that you’d like someone to read? CLC staff will be available to help you work on the projects of your choice. Come for as many or as few sessions as fit your schedule!


Grades K-4



Site: 109 Suite, Morrill Hall Cost: $7/session Registration
Join the Community Literacy Center to read, write, and make art!

Developing a love for literature is an important part of becoming a lifelong reader. This club seeks to help develop that love for literature by linking fun activities with fun books.

Play on Words

Grades K-4



Site: 109 Suite, Morrill Hall Cost: $7/session Registration

Join the Community Literacy Center (CLC) to write plays, act out stories, and play theater games! 

Can’t get enough of dressing up and acting out stories? Join us and turn favorite stories into plays while learning some theater fundamentals. The focus of this program is creating lots of works rather than on preparing a polished, final performance. Participants can join at any time.

Superstar Writers

Grades: 2-4 Thursdays


Site: 109 Suite, Morrill Hall  Cost: $5/session (Program supported, in part, through donations from the 603 Challenge) Registration

Join the Community Literacy Center (CLC) on Thursday afternoons for Superstar Writers! Spark your imagination with freewrites, learn writing techniques, and bring longer pieces to completion, all while connecting with a supportive group of other writers. Come for as many or as few sessions as fit your schedule!

Program FAQs

Who are the Program Leaders?
The Program Leaders are UNH undergrad and graduate students.

Why do you call them "Program Leaders" instead of "tutors"?
Although the Program Leaders can help you work to improve your writing or reading, their goal isn't instruction or assessment, like a tutor's often is. The Program Leaders are there to help you work on the project that's important to you.  

Why do I need to sign up in advance?
Knowing who will be at our programs helps us make sure our Program Leader numbers and our participant numbers are pretty close to equal. It also lets us know who to contact in case there's bad weather and we have to cancel a program. 

Do I have to go to every session?
We'd love to see you every week, but we understand that people get busy! Sign up for as many or as few weeks as you want. We do request, though, that you only sign up for weeks when you know you can attend. Spots are limited, and if you sign up and then don't show up, that means someone else will miss out. 

What are my transportation/parking options for getting to and from the CLC?
The CLC isn't able to provide transportation to or from the event. There are parking spaces outside of Morrill Hall. There is a larger visitors' parking lot a short walk across Main Street, in front of the Hamel Rec Center. You can find more information about parking at UNH here. If attending a program online (Write Free), you'll receive a link to the Zoom meeting the day before the program.

What should I bring to Write Free and Superstar Writers?
Bring your preferred mode of writing, be it a notebook, computer, tablet, phone, or parchment. Bring your creativity, and bring some ideas of writing you'd like to work on. 

What if I don't know what I want to write?
We'll have ideas to help spark your writing.

(For in-person programs) I save most of my writing in the cloud. Will I have access to wifi?

Camp Pageturner: Summer Reading and Writing Camp at the CLC

At Camp Pageturner, children spend each week exploring their passions through a literacy lens. Each day includes all the summer fun you’d expect, like field games or trips to the pool. It also includes lots of opportunities to have fun reading and writing.

Throughout the week, campers take part in fun and motivating reading and writing activities based on that week’s theme. Participants read books, use their imaginations, and take part in all sorts of creative writing.


Session 1: Play on Words (Theme – Playwriting)
Do you love to dress up in costumes and act out stories? Join us for a week of play-writing, set design, costume-making, acting, and more!

Session 2 (Full Day): Whimsical Words
During each summer’s short week, we bring it back to the basics: we read, we write, and we have a great time. 

Session 2 (Morning Only): Whimsical Words
This option is only for children who participate in the Leitzel Center’s ½-day
KEEPERS camp. Campers will spend the morning with the Camp Pageturner crew at the CLC and be walked to KEEPERS Camp at 12:00.

Session 3: YIP, YIP, Hooray! (Theme - Inventing)
Collaboration with the Leitzel Center!
What will you invent? Staff from the Robert H. Rines Young Inventors' Program (YIP) will join us as we develop ideas, solve problems, build inventions, and present our projects!  

Session 4: GLOBE-al Nature Writers (Theme – Environment)
Collaboration with the Leitzel Center!
Join us as we partner with GLOBE (Global Learning and Observations to Benefit the Environment), an international program that promotes scientific literacy and builds connections between people passionate about the environment. We will explore areas like College woods as we conduct experiments, collect data, and share with a global community of environmental scientists and scientists-to-be. 

Session 5: Write, Camera, Action (Theme – Film)
At Write, Camera, Action, we will spend the week making a movie. You will learn about writing a screenplay, producing a film, and more! On the last day of camp, we’ll have our own screening.

Session 6: Mathemagicians (Theme – Math & Magic)
Collaboration with the Leitzel Center!
Dust off your top hat and magic wand - math and magic go hand-in-hand. Join us for fun open-ended math tasks, math-related magic, and creating our own magic show.

Questions? Check out our FAQs below!

SUMMER 2025: Science Theme Collaborations with the Leitzel Center! Now, your child can explore inventing, engineering, and math AND reading and writing–all wrapped up in a typical summer camp experience!

SUMMER 2025: Want individual reading/writing instruction for your child? This summer, we’re offering our 1-1 Literacy Support option, and campers can meet with a CLC Program Leader for 4 30-minute sessions during camp hours! Choose 1-1 Literacy Support as an add-on when registering for camp.

When registering, please note that each week on Friday at 4:00 we invite families to attend a showcase or performance. Camp will still end at the regular time, and we will record if you can’t make it.

Camp Pageturner FAQs

How often will my child go to the UNH pool? We go to the pool 3 times per week.

What happens on Fridays? Throughout the week, campers work on projects that they share out on Fridays at 4:00. For Play on Words and Write, Camera, Action, the campers create a performance. For YIP, YIP, Hooray!, GLOBE-al Nature Writers, and Mathemagicians, the campers create a showcase. No showcase or performance during Whimsical Words.

What if I’m interested in 1-1 Literacy Support, but my child isn’t attending Camp Pageturner? We’ll be offering a limited number of 1-1 Literacy Support spaces that will take place outside of camp hours. You can access that registration here.

What if I’m interested in 1-1 Literacy Support during camp when my child attends camp, and also in other weeks? For children who fall into this category, select the 1-1 Literacy Support add-on when registering for camp and then purchase a non-camp 1-1 Literacy Support punchcard for the rest of the summer here

Will you be offering remote 1-1 Literacy Support? Yes!

Should my child go to Camp Pageturner instead of summer school? NO! We offer fun and engaging literacy (and STEM with the Leitzel Center!) content, but if your child has been recommended for summer school by their local school district, our camp will not help your child meet the same learning goals that their school will. 

Interested in working with the Community Literacy Center? We’re excited to have you on board!

Access our opportunities via Handshake

Questions? Call 862-3733 or email


Online Resources

  • The Community Literacy Center BlogThe CLC blog provides short articles about reading and writing research and ways that research can be used by families and educators.
  • Social MediaFollow us on Instagram and like us on Facebook where we share resources and engage in conversations about literacy.
  • Online NewsletterOur bi-weekly online newsletter shares information about upcoming programming through the center, connections, and opportunities.

Resources for Youth

Resources for Teaching and Learning

Professional Networks