Educational Studies dual major
In order to officially declare Educational Studies as a dual major, students will need to have either entered UNH with a declared major other than Educational Studies, or, if entered as undeclared, have already declared a first major. A GPA of 2.50 or better is required; therefore, students must have at least completed at least one semester of study at UNH.
While there is no deadline to declare, students will want to map out a plan to fit in all their coursework before their intended graduation. Next, complete an (1) Intent to Dual Major Form , AND (2) follow the directions in the ‘Change of Program Process’ section below
For questions related to declaring a major or pursuing a minor, or to alert us to a pending Change of Major Request, please email education.department@unh.edu.
Change of Program Process
Use this process in the following situations: declaring or changing a major within a college, declaring a major in or changing a major to a different college, adding a dual major, adding a second major:
- Sign in to my.unh.edu
- Search for Webcat and select
- Select Student Records
- Select Change Major/Option and follow prompts
Use this process in the following situations: declaring a dual degree, declaring or changing to a self-designed major, declaring a third major:
- Obtain a paper yellow change of program form from the Registrar's Office or download one here.
- Meet with your advisor, and obtain signature and your student academic file.
- Go to your current Dean’s Office, obtain signature.
- Bring your signed form and file to our office where we will instruct you on next steps.