Declaring a Major

teacher in front of whiteboard
Undergraduate students interested in declaring a major in educational studies have the following options:

Educational Studies dual major 

In order to officially declare Educational Studies as a dual major, students will need to have either entered UNH with a declared major other than Educational Studies, or, if entered as undeclared, have already declared a first major. A GPA of 2.50 or better is required; therefore, students must have at least completed at least one semester of study at UNH. 

While there is no deadline to declare, students will want to map out a plan to fit in all their coursework before their intended graduation. Next, complete an (1) Intent to Dual Major Form , AND (2) follow the directions in the ‘Change of Program Process’ section below

For questions related to declaring a major or pursuing a minor, or to alert us to a pending Change of Major Request, please email

Change of Program Process

Use this process in the following situations: declaring or changing a major within a college, declaring a major in or changing a major to a different college, adding a dual major, adding a second major:

  1. Sign in to
  2. Search for Webcat and select
  3. Select Student Records
  4. Select Change Major/Option and follow prompts

Use this process in the following situations: declaring a dual degree, declaring or changing to a self-designed major, declaring a third major:

  1. Obtain a paper yellow change of program form from the Registrar's Office or download one here.
  2. Meet with your advisor, and obtain signature and your student academic file.
  3. Go to your current Dean’s Office, obtain signature.
  4. Bring your signed form and file to our office where we will instruct you on next steps.