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Alumni Roster
We welcome you to browse by decades to see where your friends have gone or, if you're a student or prospective student, to see where a UNH journalism education can take you.
Please note: Alumni are alphabetized according to the last names they had as UNH students.
- DJ Bean '10. Reporter, WEEI Sports Radio Network, Boston, MA.
- Ambre Earp '12G. High school English teacher.
- Kerry Feltner '10. Reporter, Rochester Business Journal, NY.
- Ella Nilsen ’13. Staff writer, Concord. N.H. The Concord Monitor.
- Nick Reid '12. Reporter, Concord, N.H. The Concord Monitor.
- Hannah Sampadian ’16. Editor, Concord, N.H. The Concord Monitor.
- Nick Stoico ’15. Reporter and copy editor, Concord, N.H. The Concord Monitor.
- Josh Adams '01. Managing editor, Forest Park Review, Oak Park, Ill.
- Julia K. Agresto ’09. Blogger, Bright Side; media communications coordinator, The New England Journal of Medicine; contributing writer to the New Hampshire Business Review. Greater Boston area.
- James Allen '02. English teacher, Triton Regional High School, Byfield, MA.
- Benjamin Amirault ’08. Marketing manager at Medicinal Genomics Corporation.
- Lisa Arsenault '03. High school English teacher, Iliff, Colorado.
- Melanie Asmar ’04. Greater Denver area. Reporter at Chalkbeat.
- Ari Becker '03. Quality assurance architect, Compete, Inc., Boston, MA.
- Jeannette Beltran ’07. Greater Boston area. Managing content editor at Uptime Institute.
- Brendan Berube '06. Editor, Plymouth Record Enterprise, Gilford Steamer and Winnesquam Echo, central NH.
- Amanda Birchenough ’00. Middlebury, Vermont. Assistant director of Annual Giving for Graduate and Special Programs at Middlebury.
- Michael Blinn ’06. Greater New York area, producer at Sports Illustrated.
- Kelly Blizzard Pearson '02. Owner/manager of Cowabunga's Play Center, Hooksett, NH.
- Ally Brehm '02, Concord. Marketing and communications specialist, New Hampshire Higher Education Assistance Foundation .
- Katie Bressack ’02. Greater Los Angeles area, board certified holistic health coach & yoga teacher.
- Kelsey Brimmer ’07. Portland, Maine. Associate editor for Healthcare Finance News at Medtech Media.
- Andrea Bulfinch ’06. Reporter, Ipswich Chronicle, Ipswich, Mass.
- Andrea Bushee ’04. Greater Boston area. Radio guest booker, The Art Sears Company.
- Anna Butler '00. Assistant editor, Home Entertainment Group, Peterborough, NH.
- Meghan Carey '06. Reporter, Eagle-Tribune, Derry.
- Brian Carroll '05. Client representative, IBM.
- Jimmy Caroll '07. Account executive , TECH B2B Marketing.
- Catherine Caruso '02, Portland, Ore. Public Affairs Specialist, U.S. Forest Service – Pacific Northwest Region
- Melissa Chapdelaine Osborn '00. Executive editor, HCPro, Marblehead, Mass.
- Shannon Chisholm Bennett '02, Portland, Maine. Assistant to the vice president for enrollment management, Maine College of Art.
- Dave Choate '07. Reporter, Portsmouth Herald.
- Sarah Cobleigh '00, Stow, Mass. Breakaway Solutions (, Maynard, MA.
- Chelsea Conaboy '04. Features editor, Portland Press Herald. Former reporter for Boston Globe and Philadelphia Inquirer.
- Patrick Connors '00. Co-director, The Farm School, Athol, MA.
- Eric Coplin '07. Director of athletic communications, St. Anselm College.
- Jeremy Corcoran '00. Reporter, Portsmouth Herald.
- Devon Cormier '04. Haverhill, Mass. Student, Massachusetts School of Law, Andover.
- Sean Cronin '08. Associate content developer, Cengage Learning, San Francisco.
- Desiree Crossley '03. Deputy managing editor for production, Portsmouth Herald.
- Bryan Crowther '03, Mission Viejo, California. Editor, Crittenden's Restaurant Insider.
- Jill Cummings '04. Copy editor, Lowell Sun, Lowell, MA.
- Mark Daniels ’07. Editorial assistant, sports department, Boston Herald.
- Rhianna Daniels '01, Portland, Maine. Editor, Security Director News, Yarmouth, Maine.
- Julia Diament '05, Scottsdale, Arizona. Operations manager, Rose and Allyn public relations.
- Jen Dillon Tripp '00. English teacher, Alvirne High School, Hudson.
- Erin Dolan '05. Writer, marketing and external relations, Clarkson University, Potsdam, NY.
- Jeremy Dominick '02. Bristol, Conn. Assistant editor,
- Karin Dubreuil '04. West Hartford, Conn. Cultural promotions and marketing coordinator, Greater Hartford Arts Council.
- Nate Evans '01. Master's student in international relations, San Diego State University.
- Christine Fagan Carmine '00. Veterinarian, Wilmington, NC.
- Jennifer Feals '06. Reporter, York Weekly, Maine.
- Jillian Fennimore '04. Reporter, Watertown Tab, Mass.
- John Wayne Ferguson '09. Island reporter, Galveston County Daily News.
- Michele Filgate, '06. Essayist, critic, and freelance writer whose work has appeared in Slice, The Paris Review Daily, Tin House, The Rumpus, Salon, The Barnes & Noble Review, Poets & Writers, The Boston Globe, Fine Books & Collections Magazine and more.
- Tessa Fitzgerald '03. Taunton, Mass. Reporter, Taunton Daily Gazette.
- Jon Van Fleet ’97. Managing editor and editor for PolitiFact NH, Concord, N.H. The Concord Monitor.
- Sonja Fridell ’07, Dover. Marketing communications coordinator, AmberWave Systems, Salem, NH.
- Steve Frothingham '00. Editor,, the journal of competitive cycling.
- Cathleen Genova '00. Quincy, Mass. Reporter, Patriot Ledger.
- Michelle Giguere '06. Study Abroad Assistant, UNH Center for International Education.
- Leah Gladu '00. Atlanta. Fashion copywriter, Macy's South.
- Shannan Goff '03. Acquisitions editor, Arcadia Publishing, Portsmouth.
- Nick Gosling '07. San Diego. Travel writer, Travel Talk Media.
- Michael Grosse '06. Documentary film maker in Newmarket, NH.
- Alyson Grover '07. Real estate agent, Boothbay Harbor, Maine.
- Petra Guglielmetti ’00, New York. Freelance magazine writer.
- Marci Hait '02, Portsmouth. Publicist, Bisson Barcelona LLC, Barrington, NH.
- Meade Harris ’04, London. Associate director-strategy, CCS TLM.
- Meg Heckman '01. Concord. Reporter, Concord Monitor.
- Matt Hersh '06, Manchester. Reporter, Salem Observer.
- Helen Hocknell '08. Account manager, Best Bark Communications, Washington, D.C.
- Nicole Howard Arsenault '01, Portland, Maine. Regional sales director, SmartCatalog.
- Biz Jacobs '09. Sports staff writer, SB Nation Boston.
- Ryann Jenkins '00, Allston, Mass. Program assistant, Public Responsibility in Medicine and Research, Boston.
- Jen Keefe '06, Dover. Reporter, Foster's Daily Democrat, Somersworth bureau.
- Laura Kennedy '09, Claremont, NH. News Editor, Eagle Times.
- Liz Kenney '03. English teacher, Noble High School, North Berwick, Maine.
- Jenn Knox '04. Copy editor, Measured Progress, Dover.
- Jim Korpi '01, Athens, Ohio. Graduate student, Ohio University, and freelance photographer. Jim's Web site.
- Kelley Kossakoski '08. Social media manager, Boston Consulting Group.
- Andrea Ladd '05. Reporter, Meredith News, Meredith, N.H.
- Katherine Lanzer '03. Copy editor, Portsmouth Herald.
- Mike Lavers '04, New York. Mid-Atlantic regional editor, Edge Publications. Editor of Edge New York and Edge Philadelphia.
- Sarah LeBrun '03. Copy editor, The Telegraph, Nashua.
- Jon L'Ecuyer '05. Reporter, Gloucester Daily Times, Gloucester, MA.
- Rebecca LeHouillier '07. Copy editor, Portsmouth Herald.
- Sean Leslie '03, Jackson, Wyoming. Base Camp Communications (media relations for adventure sports and travel).
- Kerry Lowe '04, copy editor, The Telegraph, Nashua.
- Shawn Macomber '02, staff writer, The American Spectator.
- Ashley Marks '07. Marketing assistant, Mac-Gray Services, Waltham, MA.
- Bobby Martin '06. Reporter, Laconia Citizen.
- Melissa Massello '00. Founder, editor in chief, Shoestring Magazine.
- Patrick McClary ’06, Denver. Master's student in teaching, University of Colorado.
- Amanda McGregor '00. Reporter, Salem News, Mass.
- Sarah McLean '03, New York. Assistant account executive, CBS Television Network.
- Kristen Melamed '06. Editor, The Record, Havre de Grace, Maryland.
- Brendan Moran '01, Portland, Maine. Executive editor, Current Publishing, and editor- in-chief of two weeklies: American Journal and The Current.
- Mary Morin '01. Reporter, WPTZ-TV, Plattsburgh, N.Y.
- Josh Odell '01. Writer/editor, IQ Solutions, Rockville, Maryland.
- Molly Oliveira '04, Huntington Beach, California. Music industry public relations, Courtney Barnes Group, Hollywood.
- Chris Outcalt '06, Intern with Skiing Magazine, Boulder, CO.
- Vanessa Palange '01. News editor, The Telegraph, Nashua.
- Nathan Pardue '02. Reporter, Foster's Sunday Citizen, Dover.
- Chris Parker '02, Concord, NH. Teacher's Aide, Franklin School District.
- Eric Parry '06. Reporter, Eagle-Tribune, Derry.
- Matt Perkins '06, assistant editor, Tech Target Storage Media Group, Needham, MA.
- Liz Perros '01, Beverly, Mass. Lawyer, Metaxas, Norman & Pidgeon LLP.
- Kristen Perry '04. Copy editor, Eagle Tribune, N. Andover, Mass.
- Amber Ruhl Plant '02. News editor, Captivate Network, Chelmsford, MA.
- Alexander Plummer '07. Head golf professional, Goose River Golf Club, Rockport, ME.
- Catherine Salerno '08, Boston. Editorial assistant, Cengage Learning.
- Karen Sanborn Lovett '04. Reporter, The Telegraph, Nashua.
- Matt Sanderson '07. Reporter, Villager Newspapers, Stonebridge Press, Southbridge, MA.
- Catherine Shane '08. Assistant editor, Hawthorn Publications, Portsmouth.
- Marriah Shields '01. Teacher, Winthrop, Mass.
- Jason Simpson '05. Senior manager of external communications for the Communication Systems segment of L3Harris Technologies, Londonderry, NH.
- Jenna Sizemore Gelman '03. Manager of community relations, Living Legacy Foundation of Maryland.
- Lara Skinner '02, Keene. Technical writer and editor, IT Group, Keene State College.
- Ashley Smith '04. Reporter, The Telegraph, Nashua.
- Beth Sokolik '00, New York.
- Megan Specia '09., NYC.
- Cara Spilsbury '06. Reporter, Haverhill Gazette, Haverhill, MA.
- Rochelle Stewart '04. English and journalism teacher, Rumney Marsh Academy, Revere, MA.
- Debbie Strong '03, New York. Health and fitness editor, Waterfront Media.
- Kyle Stucker '09. Senior reporter, Foster's Daily Democrat, Dover, NH.
- Anne Szeker ’06, Hoboken, NJ. Producer,
- Cody Therrien '00. Reporter, Gazette newspapers, Maryland.
- Erica Thoits ’05, Manchester. Assistant editor, New Hampshire magazine.
- Amy VanCise '04. Peace Corps volunteer, Peru.
- Jen Villeneuve '01. Editor, Arcadia Publishing, Portsmouth.
- Jeanette Vrelits-Gray '04. Copy editor, Nashoba Publishing, Ayer, MA.
- Brady Weinstock '00. Associate director of admissions, Vermont Academy, Saxtons River, VT.
- Marcus Weisgerber ’04, Arlington, Va. Managing editor, Inside the Air Force, Inside Washington Publishers.
- Tammy Wolf '07. Assistant to the editor, The Darien Times, Darien, Conn.
- Alex Wolff, '09. Reporter at The News Times in Danbury, CT.
- Melissa Wood '01, Portsmouth. Assistant editor, Accent Home and Garden magazine.
- Scott Yates '07. Photographer, Seacoast Media Group, Portsmouth.
- Jessica York Graves '03. Reporter, The (Vallejo) Times-Herald, Oakland, CA.
- Sandra Abbott '99, Nashua. Library media specialist, Bicentennial Elementary School.
- Alyssa Aldrich '90, Lee, NH.
- Tammy Annis '90, Epsom, NH. Media relations specialist, High Point Communications Group, Bow.
- Linnea Anderson Kirgan '93, Austin, Texas. Staff writer, Hoover's Online.
- Roi Aloupis Armstrong '93, Watertown, Mass. Fund coordinator, Scudder.
- David Aponovich '92. Content management strategist and director of marketing, ISITE Design Inc., Cambridge, MA.
- Kim Armstrong Jackson '91. Owns a public relations agency, Bridgewater Corners, Vermont.
- Erica Auciello Murphy '95, Manchester. Director of communications and community relations, The Common Man family of restaurants, New Hampshire.
- Melissa Bane '92, Brookline, Mass. Senior analyst, interactive marketing strategies, The Yankee Group, Boston.
- Jane Bard '90, York Beach, Maine. Education coordinator, Children's Museum of Portsmouth.
- Jeff Bartlett '91, Ridgefield, Conn. Deputy online editor for autos, Consumer Reports.
- Holly Beaverstock '95. Neighbors editor, The Telegraph, Nashua.
- Holly Bedard '98, Manchester. Editor, The New Hampshire Mirror.
- Jessica Benson '96. Reporter, The Daily News, Newburyport, Mass.
- Michelle Blanchette '94. Co-owner, Wholly Scrap scrapbooking store, North Hampton, N.H.
- Melissa Blood Pride '97. Advertising sales, Boston Globe.
- Sandra Boncek Hume '92. Freelance writer, Colorado.
- Brian Bosworth '99. English teacher, Kittatinny Regional High School, Newton, N.J.
- Chris Bousquet '99. Eight-grade English teacher, Glastonbury, Conn.
- Lara Bricker '98. Reporter, Exeter News-Letter, Exeter, NH.
- Barb Briggs '91 master's, Newmarket, NH. Programmer, UNH Space Science Center.
- Byron Brown '94, Arlington, Virginia. Legal advisor on information issues, Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C.
- Shana Brunye Hoch '97. Advertising manager, The Telegraph, Nashua.
- Joy Burke McDermott '95, Concord, NH. English teacher, Bow High School.
- Scott Burnell '95, Fredericksburg, Va. Public affairs officer, Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
- Kate Carey-Trull '94, East Windsor, CT. Freelance writer.
- Sean Carroll '91, Hoboken, NJ. Senior editor of PC Magazine's software, Internet and networking team.
- Lori Chamberland Gwyr, '98, Framingham, Mass. Night design editor, MetroWest Daily News.
- Rebecca Chase '95, Londonderry, NH.
- Linda Chestney '94G. President/CEO of Nicolin Fields Publishing & PR, and president of UNH Museum of Art.
- Lisa Chmelecki '95. Reporter, Sun-Journal, Lewiston, Maine.
- Mike Chmielecki '99, Nashua. Associate editor, BNP Media.
- Mike Clark '92. Director of market development, PTC (multi-national software company).
- Frank Coppola '98, Portsmouth. Assistant sports editor, Portsmouth Herald.
- Cara Costanzo '98, Charlotte, N.C. Copy editor,
- Karen Cox '95, Schenectady, NY. Editor, Empire Information Systems.
- Cathy Craig Fair, Boston.
- Mark Dagostino '92, Los Angeles. Staff writer, People magazine.
- Birger Dahl '92, Berkeley, Calif. Director of marketing, Give2Asia, San Francisco.
- Christine Danko '91. Senior editor, Captivate Network, Westford, Mass.
- Terri Danisevich '91, Macclesfield, England. Area sales manager for scientific solutions, ELGA Labwater.
- Laura Deame Marzi '91. Assistant vice president, Marketing, The Hartford, Simsbury, Connecticut.
- Ted Decker '92, Columbus, Ohio. Police reporter, Columbus Dispatch.
- Gina DiGregorio Aubin '92, Pembroke. English teacher, Bow High School.
- Signe DiPrizio Dugger '93, South Hadley, Mass. Development and public relations, Clarke School for the Deaf, Northampton.
- John Doherty '93, Hoboken, N.J., Senior Writer, Harrison Scott Publications.
- Tracy Donald Kittredge '96, Nashua. Editor, Parenting New Hampshire magazine.
- Lisa Downey Rodriguez '93, Orinda, Calif. VP Communications, Uplister Inc., Oakland.
- Jeremy Drown '99, Boston. Assistant regional editor,
- Sue Ducharme, '95. Editor and owner, Text Works-Equitext.
- Patrick Duffey '93, Haddonfield, NJ. Director of corporate marketing, SLACK Inc., Thorofare, NJ.
- Amy Dunham '99, Agoura Hills, California. Assistant to executive acquisitions editor, Sage Publications.
- Deanna Durnam Cayon '92, Wolfeboro, NH. Accounts director, Winnipesaukee Lumber.
- Erin Ellis Callahan '97. Executive editor, HCPro, Marblehead, Mass.
- Ariana Elmakiss Ziminsky '97, Northfield, NH. Owner, Two Cow Town Web design.
- Donny Emerick '91, Hampton, NH. Internet consultant.
- Michelle Emery Dunn '95. Director of communications, Southern New Hampshire University.
- Catherine Fahy '94, Nantucket. Arts editor, The Inquirer and Mirror.
- Erin Farrell '93, Chelsea, Mass., High-tech public relations, Miller Shandwick Technologies.
- Julia Ferrante '93, Lewisburg, Penn. News bureau, Bucknell University.
- Michelle Firmbach '99. Public affairs, Irving Oil, Portsmouth.
- Tareah Fischer Gray '94, Bow, NH.
- Joe Flynn '92. Director of product management,, Miami.
- Derek Folan '97. Assistant principal, Franklin High School, Franklin, Mass.
- Lisa Foley '99, Boston. Online content producer, Captivate Network, Westford.
- Bess Franzosa '90, Boston. Lawyer.
- Anita Katz Freed '92 master's, Danvers, Mass. Internet project manager, DCI, Andover.
- Kim Fusaro ’99, New York. Associate editor for books and special issues, Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia.
- Cathy Gagne '94, Atlanta. Pilot and investigator, National Transportation Safety Board.
- Matt Garbati ’95. Spanish teacher, Salem (NH) High School.
- Donna Gaspar Jarvis '90. Education coordinator, Center for Cultural Exchange, Portland, Maine.
- Kristin George Porter '93, Charlestown, Mass. Marketing, Fidelty Investments.
- Jeff Glenn, '95, senior sales engineer, Dirig Software, Nashua.
- Krysten Godfrey Maddocks '96. Project specialist, Measured Progress, Dover.
- Nancy Goulet '95, Boston. Web designer,
- Kevin Gray '95, Canterbury, NH. Sportswriter, The Union Leader, Manchester.
- Tricia Gray Hayes '95. USA Today Bestselling Author of Escorting the Billionaire (under pen name Leigh James), Nashua, NH.
- Katherine Dorr Gregg '93, Easthampton, Mass.
- Rebecca Griffin '97. Editor, Strategies for Health Care Compliance, HCPro, Marblehead, Mass.
- Jason Grucel '98, Portsmouth, NH. Director of marketing and corporate communications, The Taylor Research & Consulting Group, Portsmouth.
- Stacy Grugnale '90, Breckenridge, Colorado. Newspaper publisher.
- Jessica Haag Lewis ’95. Spanish teacher, Pinkerton Academy, Derry.
- Rebecca Haas '91, Portland, Oregon. Founding partner, Revolution public relations.
- Colin Haley '93, Milton, Mass. Editor,
- Matt Hall '94, San Diego, Calif. Reporter, San Diego Union Tribune.
- Carolyn Handy '95 master's, Putney, Vt. Freelance writer.
- Denise Hart '96 master's, Barrington, NH. Freelance writer.
- Mike Hayward '94, Lebanon, NH. Hayward Refrigeration.
- Shelly Hopey '99. Senior writer, V!va Travel Guides.
- Linda Hyatt Young '92, Cambridge, VT. Assistant Professor / writing specialist, Plattsburgh State University, Plattsburgh, NY.
- Melissa Inglis-Elliott '91, Effingham, N.H. Production manager, Math Solutions Publications, Sausalito, California.
- Laurie Jackman DiModica '91, Newton, Mass. Conference/publications director, National Managed Health Care Congress, Burlington, Mass.
- Brent Jones '96, San Francisco. Instructor, graduate writing program, California College of the Arts, and co-editor of the literary journal Eleven Eleven.
- Ali Jurta Westcott '93, Warner, NH. Director of Marketing and Communications, Concord Litho Group.
- Carole Kadlec Matthews '91. Senior editor for special projects,, Charlestown, Mass.
- David Katz '96, Braintree, Mass. Photography student and freelance writer.
- Barbara Keenan '95 master's, Somerville, Mass. Reporter, Standard Publishing, Boston.
- Stacy Kendall Trites '90. Wolfeboro, NH. Writer, Granite State News and freelance.
- Madeleine Kerr '93. Los Angeles. Graduate student in library science/information technology, and freelance research editor, Architectural Digest magazine.
- Daniel Kloeffler '99. Reporter and anchor, MSNBC, New Jersey.
- Suzanne Klunk '95. Portsmouth.
- Kathryn Koch '95. Plymouth, Mass. Reporter, MPG Newspapers.
- Kara Kuzirian '97. Reporter, Woonsocket (RI) Call.
- Kim LaChance '97. Long Beach, California. Freelance writer and editor.
- Laura LaPierre '92 master's. Santa Clara, California. Assistant professor of communication and women's studies, Santa Clara University.
- Lynne Yorke LaPlante Castonguay '95.
- Michelle LaRoche '94. Highland Park, N.J. Editor of training and recruiting for Dow Jones Newswires in the Americas.
- Mark Larson '97. Fourth-grade teacher, Uncasville, Conn.
- Malinda Lawrence '92. Washington, D.C. Prosecutor, white collar fraud, U.S. Department of Justice.
- Gail Leach Carvelli '91. Director of provider relations and communications, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Rhode Island.
- Peter LeBlanc '99. Nashua. Sports copy editor, The Telegraph.
- Melissa Lima '95. Editor, Course Technology Co., Cambridge, Mass.
- Andrew Longeteig '99. Portland, Oregon. Communications specialist, American Red Cross.
- Christine Looby '97 master's. West Hartford, Conn. Assistant director of college relations, St. Joseph College
- Lea Lorber Martin '98, Nashua. Editor, Great Source Education Group, Wilmington, Mass.
- Alisha MacLean McDevitt '95, Bedford, N.H. News director, WMUR-TV, Manchester.
- Theresa MacPhail '94. Ph.D. candidate in medical anthropology, UC-Berkeley.
- Rebecca Mahoney '99, Tampa, Florida. Information services writer and editor, PricewaterhouseCoopers.
- Maria Noel Mandile Groves '99, Allenstown. Clinical herbalist and freelance health journalist. Wintergreen Botanicals.
- Pamela Margaritis Langone '93. Communications director, Easter Seals NH, Manchester.
- Beth Marzoli Tripp '98, Commerce Township, Michigan. Freelance copy editor.
- Carolina Mata '90. Director, KitchenAid innovation, Whirlpool Corp., Benton Harbor, Michigan.
- Kerry McCarthy '97, San Francisco. Online magazine editor.
- Molly McCarthy '99, Syracuse, N.Y. Writer/editor, office of communications, LeMoyne College.
- Karen McDonald Morrissey '90, Haverhill, Mass. Events director, Simmons College, Boston.
- Eileen McEleney Woods '91, Upton, Mass. Layout/makeup/slot editor, Boston Globe.
- David Melanson '99, Lexington, Kentucky. Information specialist, external affairs office, University of Kentucky.
- Jenn Menendez '97, Portland, Maine. Sportswriter, Portland Press Herald.
- Ryan Mercer '96, Winooski, Vermont. Chief photographer, Burlington Free Press.
- David Moore '91, Concord, NH.
- Chris Morris '96, Windham, NH. Copy editor, Boston Globe.
- Laurie Morrissey '93 master's, Hopkinton. Assistant director of publications, St. Anselm College.
- Michelle Morrissey '97, Beverly, Mass. Director of publications, Brooks School, Andover, Mass.
- Kate Morse Yeomans '95, Newburyport, Mass. Freelance writer and editor of Maptech's Embassy Cruising Guides for mariners. Kate's site.
- Kurt Mullen '94, Boxford, Mass.
- Colleen Murphy '93, Irvington, N.Y.
- Sarah Nielsen '96, New York. Special events coordinator, Rolex.
- Jeff Novotny. Sports copy editor, Concord Monitor.
- Kim O'Brien Root '94, Newport News, Va. Reporter, Daily Press.
- Erin O'Leary '99, Monterey, Calif. Army specialist, Russian linguist.
- Rachael O'Neil Abell '98, Beverly, Mass. Sr. Proposal Manager, Oracle, Burlington.
- Joe Oberkrieser '99. Night editor, Eagle-Tribune, N. Andover, Mass.
- Mike Olliver '90, Arlington, VA. Post-production manager, Henninger Video.
- David Olson '92. Editor in chief, Salem News, Mass.
- Heather Osborne '92, Los Angeles.
- Jason Ouellette '95, Biddeford, Maine. Sportswriter, Journal-Tribune.
- Tim Ouellette, '91, Nashua, NH. Computer World magazine.
- Paula Pisani '93, Santa Barbara, Calif. Copy editor, Santa Barbara News-Press.
- Emily Polk '98, Northampton, Mass. Senior editor, Corporate Social Responsibility Newswire.
- Marne Perreault '91. Director of giving, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, Harvard University.
- David Pugh '93, New York. Vice president, asset management technology, NBC Universal.
- Brendan Quigley '96, Norwood, Mass. Rock musician and crossword-puzzle constructor.
- Sarah Quinn '99, Portland, Maine. Editor, Portland Press Herald, writer for
- Mark Quirk '96, Rochester, NH. Sportswriter, Foster's Daily Democrat.
- Katelynn Randall '93, Lee, NH.
- Jody Record '95, Portsmouth, NH. Editor, Campus Journal, UNH.
- Jennifer Reilly '95, Dracut, Mass.
- Lauren Richenburg Libitz '99, Somerville, Mass. Corporate communications specialist, Genzyme, Cambridge.
- Nancy Roberts Trott '90, Seattle. Regional news director for Western bureaus, Associated Press.
- Gail Robertson '91, Portsmouth, NH. Customer service, Timberland.
- Sue Robinson '94, Madison, Wisc. Assistant professor of journalism and communication, University of Wisconsin.
- Jon Root '94. Page designer, Fall River Herald News, Mass.
- Courtney Roskilly '98, Medford, Mass. Marketing associate, Digitas, Boston.
- Tammy Ross '95. High school English teacher, Wilmington, Mass.
- Barbara Rummler '96, Rye Beach, NH. Freelance editor.
- Emily Saarela '93, Kansas City. Senior managing editor, Transmission & Distribution World and Energy Manager magazines.
- Glenn Sabalewski '92, Barrington, NH. Managing editor of production, Seacoast Newspapers.
- Clay Sauls '94, New Orleans.
- Ed Sawyer '91, Plymouth, NH. Freelance photographer and website designer.
- Marina (Flis) Schauffler '91 (master's), Falmouth, Maine
- Elliot Scharff '99, San Diego. Web support and quality assurance manager, Luth Research Inc.
- Jason Schreiber '96, Fremont, NH. Correspondent, The Union Leader.
- Julie Schum Kirkwood '98, health and science writer, Eagle-Tribune, N. Andover, Mass.
- Tapley Shepherd Trudell '99, San Antonio, Texas. Librarian, San Antonio Public Library.
- Michelle Silvestri '98, Ossipee, NH. Proposal specialist, Cabletron Systems, Rochester.
- Hilary Smiley Marshall '97. Director of the annual fund, Mass General Hospital, Boston.
- Laura Snyder Smith '94, Kennebunk, Maine. Editorial designer, York County Coast Star.
- Karen Spiller '97, senior media relations representative, BAE Systems, Nashua.
- Chris Spring '98, Assistant District Attorney, Middlesex County, Mass.
- Jennifer Spugnardi, '98, Poughkeepsie, N.Y. Copy editor, Poughkeepsie Journal.
- Paula St. Louis-Shute '92, Villa Park, Ill.
- Jennifer Stanley '92. Investment consultant, AIS Group, Wilton, Conn.
- Andrew Steere '97, Dover, NH. Photographer.
- Helen Stock '95, Nashua, NH. Reporter, The Telegraph.
- Laurie Storey-Manseau '93 master's, Hopkinton. Principal, StoreyManseau LLC marketing and public relations, Concord, NH.
- Fiona Strater Robinson '93, Kittery, Maine. Editor-in-chief, Seafood Business magazine and editor, Kosher Today, Portland.
- Lydia Strohl '90, Pittsburgh, Penn. Freelance writer.
- Erin Sullivan Squeglia '91, Belmont, Mass., Director of Publishing and Product Delivery, Forrester Research, Cambridge.
- Donovan Taylor '92, Nashua, NH. Reporter, Milford Cabinet.
- Julia Thompson '95, Portsmouth.
- T.D. Thornton '90, Rowley, Mass. Writer specializing in thoroughbred racing.
- Annmarie Timmins '90, Concord. Reporter, Concord Monitor
- Jon Van Fleet '97, Nashua, NH. Regional editor, The Telegraph.
- Jenn Vento, '98, Portsmouth, NH.
- Lisa Viall Mento '92. Librarian, Goodspeed Opera House, East Haddam, Conn.
- Wendy Walsh Brown '93. Reporter, Santa Fe New Mexican.
- Kellie Wardman O'Reilly '91, Goffstown, NH.
- Rick Watrous '93 master's, Concord, NH. Freelance writer and teacher.
- Nathan Webster '95, Stratham, NH. Freelance writer and photojournalist, MFA student at UNH.
- Pete Welburn '91, Arlington, Va. Vice president and general manager, Netviz software.
- Kimberly Wilson '94, Pompano Beach, Florida.
- Lisa Wolff '97, Portland, Maine. Managing editor, Gourmet News, Yarmouth.
- Patty Adams '83, Beverly, Mass. Freelance textbook editor.
- Bryan Alexander '89, Los Angeles. West Coast deputy bureau chief, People magazine.
- Maureen Anderson '89, Salem, NH.
- Jill Arabas '82, Glen Ridge, NJ. Assistant business editor, The Associated Press, New York.
- Todd Balf '83, Author and freelance writer (New York Times Magazine, Outside, Fast Company, Men’s Journal, Travel & Leisure and many other magazines).
- Bruce Ballenger '85 master's, '95 Ph.D., Boise, Idaho. Professor of English, Boise State College.
- Bob Barrett '88, Abington, Mass.
- Joe Battenfeld '83, Roslindale, Mass. Political editor, Fox 25 News, Boston.
- Kim Billings '81, Director of Advancement Communications, University of New Hampshire.
- Cara Bonta Coffey '88, Greenwich, Conn. Editorial production manager, Envision Pharma, Southport, Conn.
- Joel Brown '81. Staff writer for BU Today and Bostonia and longtime writer for both the Boston Globe and Boston Herald.
- Gerald (Ged) Carbone '82, Peace Dale, R.I. Reporter, Providence Journal Bulletin.
- Carmelle Caron Druchniak '80. Senior communications manager, Stonyfield Farm, Londonderry, NH.
- Matthew Case '89, Camp LeJeune, N.C. Naval hospital administrator.
- Dennis Cauchon '81, Charlottesville, Va. Assistant national editor, USA Today.
- Gregory T. Cope '80, Francestown, N.H., runs a woodworking business, New Hampshire historic sash and windows.
- Lois Moore Cyr '84, Castine, Maine.
- Steve Damish '83, Raynham, Mass. Managing editor, The Enterprise, Brockton.
- Michael D'Antonio '81, Long Island, N.Y. Freelance writer.
- Pam Dey Vossler '81, Darien, Conn. Creative services director, Better Homes and Gardens magazine.
- Karen DiConza Andreas '88. Regional publisher, North of Boston Media Group, Andover.
- Nate Dow '80. Sunday sports editor, Boston Herald, and freelance music and film critic.
- Brendan DuBois '82, Exeter, NH. Fiction writer.
- Teresa Dudek '87, Manchester, NH.
- Cheryl Dulak-Morris '84, Manchester, NH. Reporter, The Telegraph, Nashua.
- Susan Flynn Leighton '89, Beverly, Mass. Feature writer, Salem News.
- Laura Flynn McCarthy '81, Bow, NH. Freelance magazine writer.
- Joe Friedman '82, Rowayton, Conn. Associate director, NBC Nightly News and Dateline NBC.
- Rachel Gagne Collins '81, York, Maine. Freelance writer.
- Beth Germano '83, W. Roxbury, Mass. Reporter, WBZ-TV, Boston.
- John Gold '84, Saco, Maine. Web site designer.
- Julie Grasso '84, Haverhill, Mass. Staff writer, Liberty Mutual, Boston.
- Alan Greenwood '81. Sports editor, The Telegraph, Nashua.
- Amy Grossman Dunkle '83, Brookings, South Dakota. Managing editor, Brookings Register.
- Julia Hanauer-Milne '85, Durham, Maine. Elementary school teacher, Cumberland/North Yarmouth.
- Tim Hilchey '84, Paris. Copy desk supervisor, Bloomberg Marketplace at the International Herald Tribune.
- Jennifer Hilliard '84, Cockeysville, MD. House counsel, Senior Campus Living Inc., Baltimore.
- Andrea Holbrook '86. Features editor, Gloucester Daily Times.
- Karen Honeycutt '82. Assistant professor of sociology and mass media, Keene State College.
- Art Illman '80, chief photographer, Community Newspapers, Framingham, Mass.
- Joy Jacobson '83, Brooklyn, New York. Freelance writer, editor, poet.
- Dana Jennings '80, Upper Montclair, NJ. Deputy. editor/culture editor, New Jersey section, New York Times.
- Rick Kampersal '89, Lynnfield, Mass. Director of executive communications, Fidelity Investments, Boston.
- Deirdre Wilson Kartstein '83, Beverly, Mass. Features editor, The Boston Parents' Paper.
- Dot Kasik '89 master's, '98 Ph.D., Portsmouth, NH. Service learning office, UNH.
- Paul Keegan '80, New York. Freelance writer.
- Kathryn Kross '82, Washington, D.C. Washington broadcast director, Bloomberg News.
- Jay Kumar '89, Beverly, MA. Senior editor, HCPro, Danvers, MA.
- Ellen Kunes '81, New York. Editor in chief, Health magazine.
- Gary Langer '80, New York. Director of polling, ABC News.
- Diane Loiselle '83, St. Petersburg, Fla. High school teacher.
- Jackie MacMullan Boyle '82, Westford, Mass. Sports columnist, Boston Globe.
- Nancy Marrapese '82, North Quincy, Mass. Sportswriter, Boston Globe.
- Joanne Marino '89, Somerville, Mass.
- Susan Galipault Mattei '81, Shelburne, Mass.
- Laura Meade Kirk '80, N. Attleboro, Mass. Reporter, Providence Journal-Bulletin, and adjunct professor, Rhode Island College.
- Kris Snow Millard '85, Portland, Maine.
- Lisa Miller '80, Somersworth, NH. Associate professor of journalism, UNH.
- Tom Mooney '82, reporter, Providence Journal.
- Margaret Morrill '89, Concord, NH. Program specialist, NH Dept. of Health and Human Services.
- Bill Nader '81, Hong Kong. Executive director for racing, Hong Kong Jockey Club.
- Rob O'Regan '83. Executive news editor, PC Week, Medford, Mass.
- Elissa Paquette '84, Wolfeboro, NH. Instructional support, Brewster Academy.
- Susan Pocharski '87, Westport, Conn. Entertainment editor, Ladies Home Journal.
- Christopher Pollett '88. Principal, Rye Junior High School, Rye, NH.
- Maggie McKowen Rantz '84, Boca Raton, Fla. Freelance editor.
- Cheryl Rock '82. Assistant metro editor, Eagle-Tribune, N. Andover, Mass.
- Matt Sanner '89, San Francisco. Freelance technology writer.
- Julie Schiro Doyle '82. Assistant director of development research, UNH Foundation.
- Peter Schlesinger '83, Lima, Peru. Ecological scientist working for Carbon Decisions International.
- Margaret Shirley '84 master's. Newburyport, Mass.
- Marla Smith '87. Duxbury, Mass. Founder, Back Porch Soap Company.
- Jonathan Steiner '86, Bradford, NH. Director of marketing and member relations, NH Municipal Association.
- Nancie Stone '82 master's, Dunbarton, NH. English teacher, Pinkerton Academy, Derry.
- Virginia Stuart '80 master's, Durham, NH. Writer/editor, UNH.
- Kevin Sullivan '81, London. Reporter, Washington Post.
- Paul Sweeney '87, Wilmington, Mass. Sports information director, Tufts University.
- Paul Tolme '89, Arcata, Calif. Newsweek correspondent, Ski Magazine contributing writer and freelancer focusing on environment and recreation. Paul’s web site.
- Paula Tracy Cowie '83, Rumney, NH. Staff writer, The Union Leader.
- Barbara Walsh '81, Winthrop, Maine. Freelance writer.
- Amanda Waterfield Brodkin '89, Ypsilanti, Mich.
- Terry Williams '80, Derry. Publisher, The Telegraph, Nashua.
- Jean Buchanan Corson Wolff '82, Lee, NH.
- Steve Adams '71, Durham, NH. Communications coordinator, UNH Sea Grant program.
- Ralph Adler '76, Brentwood, NH. Senior research associate, RMC, Portsmouth.
- Susan Ahearn-Pierce '73, Silver Spring, MD. News anchor, Metro Radio Networks.
- Betsy Bair '77, Groton, Mass. Editorial director, The Meetings Group Magazines, Primedia Business, Stow, Mass.
- Charlie Bevis '75, Chelmsford, Mass. Senior writer, Financial Research Corp., Boston.
- Norman Boucher '73, Sharon, Mass. Freelance writer.
- Patricia Bowie Orman '71. Associate professor of mass communication, Colorado State University, Pueblo.
- Tim Brewster '73, Portland, Maine. Reporter, Portland Press Herald.
- Paul Briand '75, director of operations, retired, Seacoast Media Group, Portsmouth.
- Pat Broderick '71, San Diego. Reporter, San Diego Business Journal.
- John Christie '70, Portland, Maine. President, Central Maine Newspapers.
- Carol Harvey Clapp '70, Readfield, Maine. Freelance writer/photographer.
- Priscilla Cummings '73, Annapolis, MD. Writer of children's books.
- Michael D'Antonio '77, Miller Place, NY. Freelance writer.
- Betsy Donovan Marro '78, San Diego.
- Andrea Dudley '74, Pelham, NH. Director of public affairs, NYNEX.
- Dan Forbush '75, Stony Brook, NY. Founder, ProfNet.
- George Forcier '75, Conway, Mass. Managing editor, Greenfield Recorder.
- Royal Ford '72, Nottingham, NH. Reporter and columnist, The Boston Globe.
- Joe Freda '78, Kenoza Lake, NY. Novelist and creative director, PrePress Solutions.
- Marion Gordon Torres '77, Simi Valley, Calif. Real estate appraiser.
- Denise Grady '78 (master's), New York. Science writer, The New York Times.
- Libby Grimm '77, Sanibel Island, Florida. Assistant editor, Times of the Island magazine.
- Jan Harayda '70, Princeton, N.J. Novelist and freelance writer.
- Sue Hertz '78, Newburyport, Mass. Associate professor of journalism and faculty fellow, College of Liberal Arts, UNH.
- Maureen O'Connell Hurley '77, Buffalo, NY. Vice president and general counsel, Rich Products Corp.
- Jon Kellogg '70, Harwinton, Conn. Executive editor, Waterbury Republican American.
- Lois Kelly '77, Cumberland, R.I.. Founder, Thunder House interactive marketing.
- Michael Kelly '79, syndicated columnist and former editor-in-chief of the Atlantic Monthly, died in April 2003, covering the war in Iraq.
- Terry Knowles '73, Weare, NH.
- Lynn Lessard '75, Bedford, NH. Corporate communications specialist, Matthew Thornton Health Plan, Bedford.
- Allen Lessels '76, Contoocook, NH. Sportswriter, The Union Leader.
- Patricia Lorange Taylor '71. Bridgeport, Conn.
- Jean MacDonald, '76, Jamaica Plain, Mass. Shareholder Publishing, Fidelity Investments, Boston.
- Kate McClare '78, Fort Lauderdale, Fla. Executive editor, Onboard Media, Miami Beach.
- Millie McLean '79, Rehoboth, Mass. Copy editor, Providence Journal-Bulletin.
- Joy McGranahan Clough '77, Rochester, NH. Owner, Write on Top.
- Ed McGrath '77, North Reading, Mass. Business owner.
- Susan Mercandetti '75, New York. Senior nonfiction editor, Random House.
- Pat Miller '75, Rochester, NH.
- Michael Minigan '78, Sonoma, Calif.
- Steven Morrison '78, Sacramento, Calif. Government relations, California Society of CPA's.
- Laurie Morrissey '77, Hopkinton, NH. Freelance writer and adjunct professor.
- Ken O'Quinn '74, Cape Elizabeth, Maine. Corporate writing coach, Writing With Clarity.
- Tom Osenton '76, Durham. Adjunct professor of marketing, UNH.
- Beth Osgood Dodge '76, Meredith, NH.
- Jeff Palmer '75, Alexandria, VA. Director of Marketing and Communications, The Vinyl Institute.
- Ted Pease '78, Logan, Utah. Professor and department head, Utah State University Department of Communication.
- Randall Peffer '73, Andover, Mass. Freelance writer and teacher, Phillips Andover Academy.
- Sharon Penney '76, Franconia, NH. Regional transportation planner, North Country Council.
- Janet Prince '79, New Castle, NH. Director of strategic partnerships, School of Community Economic Development, Southern New Hampshire University.
- Pat Remick '74, Portsmouth, NH. Freelance writer and editor of ALQ Real Estate Intelligence Report.
- Elaine Sexton '76, New York. Executive publisher, Harris Publications Inc.
- Ken Sheldon '76, Jaffrey, NH. Freelance writer.
- Lynne Tuohy '77. Reporter, Hartford Courant.
- Ric Tracewski '75, Concord, NH. Features editor, Concord Monitor.
- Nora Tuthill '79, Kensington, NH.
- Lou Ureneck '72, Boston. Chair, Department of Journalism, Boston University.
- Matt Vita '78, Chevy Chase, MD., deputy editor for sports, Washington Post.
- Jan Waldron '75, Cambridge, Mass. Freelance writer.
- Nicholas Wallner '71. Branch manager, AAA Northern New England, Concord.
- Larkin Warren '77, New York. Magazine editor and freelance writer.
- Warren Watson '73, Muncie, Indiana. Director, Journalism Institute for Digital Education, Activities and Scholarship (J-Ideas), Ball State University.
- Karen Westerburg '74, Hollis, Maine. Elementary school librarian.
- Ron Winslow '71, New York. Deputy editor, health and science, The Wall Street Journal.
- Leonard Witt '78 master's. Assistant professor of communication, Kennesaw State University, Georgia.
- Holly Young '73, Durham, NH. Educational marketing and information coordinator, UNH Cooperative Extension.
- Peg Vreeland Aaronian '67, Exeter, NH. Self-employed writer/editor.
- Becky Call Carr '69, Sterling, VA. Teacher, Sterling Middle School.
- John Christie '69, editor in chief, Maine Center for Public Interest Reporting. Formerly editor and publisher for newspapers owned by Tribune Co, Dow Jones and the Seattle Times Co.
- David Cohen '66, Gloucester, Mass. Production editor, Boston Globe Sunday Magazine.
- Roger Donle '68, Orlando, Florida.
- John Donovan '68, Manassas, VA. Public affairs specialist, U.S. Army.
- Bruce Fuller '68, Bayside, Wisc. Investment broker, Milwaukee.
- David Hubler '65, Annandale, VA. UPI, Washington, D.C.
- Gail Kelley '69, Durham, NH.
- Susan Knight '68, Remsen, NY. Communications specialist, Blue Cross and Blue Shield.
- Katie McCarthy (Serotkin) '69. Manager of technical publications, Ascent Technology, Cambridge, Mass.
- Andrew Merton '67, Durham, NH. Professor of English, UNH.
- Susan Plant Rayman '67, Newport, NH. Public information officer, NH Dept. of Education.
- Peter Randall '66, Hampton, NH. President, Peter E. Randall Publishers.
Books by Alumni

By Elizabeth Marro ’78
Berkley, 2016
During an interview with the San Diego Union-Tribune, Marro was asked what got her thinking about this book. She answered, “I wish I could just point to one simple thing, but I think it was sort of how a bunch of things came together. My background as a journalist. My role as a pharmaceutical executive. We moved from New Jersey to San Diego in March of 2001, and we went to war the next year. My antennae were just quivering in all kinds of ways, asking me to pay attention.
“You’ve probably heard this from other authors, but you know how you start with your worst nightmare and you kind of figure it out on the page? I’m a mother, a mother of a son, and I raised him by myself. I’ve thought about how people who go to war do it, but what about the parents? How do they do it? What goes on in the heart and the mind of somebody who thinks that she’s got her whole life figured out and she doesn’t? I wanted to explore that.”
One of the book’s reviewers, Caroline Leavitt, New York Times bestselling author of Is This Tomorrow and Pictures of You, writes, “How do you survive the unendurable? Marro’s gorgeous debut is about war, grief, guilt, and grappling with the truths you don't expect, and finally taking the risk and acknowledging the ones that you do. Moving and full of heart.”

Tim Keefe: A Biography of the Hall of Fame Pitcher and Player-Rights Advocate
By Charlie Bevis ’75
McFarland, 2015
Bevis says, “Tim Keefe was not just an outstanding baseball pitcher in the 1880s but also an artisan steeped in the independent nature of the apprentice-journeyman-master system that his father and he had worked in as carpenters. Keefe was a knowledge worker, not just a man who threw a baseball. As a master craftsman, he wrote two treatises on pitching strategy, taught his craft to college players at Harvard, and operated his own sporting goods business. Most intriguing to me was that Keefe was so miffed at the diminution of his baseball job by the capitalists of the emerging industrial revolution that he helped to establish the Brotherhood of Professional Base Ball Players, an ill-fated precursor to today’s athlete unions.“
Bevis is a member of the Society for American Baseball Research. He has written for Nine, The Cooperstown Symposium, The National Pastime and Base Ball, and he is the author of several baseball books. He is an adjunct professor of English at River University and University of Massachusetts-Lowell.

Hope: A Memoir of Survival in Cleveland
By Amanda Berry, Gina DeJesus, Mary Jordan, and Kevin Sullivan '81
Viking, 2015
Sullivan, senior correspondent for The Washington Post, and Mary Jordan, national political correspondent for the Post, worked with Amanda Berry and Gina DeJesus on Hope: A Memoir of Survival in Cleveland, published by Viking. In this book Berry and DeJesus, two women kidnapped by infamous Cleveland school-bus driver Ariel Castro, share the stories of their abductions, captivity, and dramatic escape.
Sullivan says he and his wife, Jordan, got involved in the project because the lawyers for Berry and DeJesus knew the two journalists, and brought them together with the two women “to see if we clicked, and we did.”
“So the four of us decided we would take on this project together. We spent hundreds of hours with them over the last year and a half, gaining their trust and helping them tell their story. The most rewarding part of this project has been getting to know these two young women. They were totally ordinary girls—Gina was 14 and in the 7th grade, and Amanda was 16 and working at Burger King—when they were taken and thrust into this unfathomably horrible experience. Yet somehow they found absolutely extraordinary strength and reliance inside themselves. They never gave up hope and they managed to outlast their captor. It was truly an inspiration for me and Mary,” says Sullivan.
The Cleveland Plain Dealer says the book is “[A] breathtaking accomplishment. What could have been a record of two victims who endure the unendurable at the hands of a monster, is, instead, the story of two young and frightened girls as they come of age and, against all odds, come to an understanding of themselves and their tormenter. They emerge from the house on Seymour Avenue with an insight and compassion that many adults never grasp.”
The book is now in its fourth week at the top of The New York Times best-seller list.

Write Choices: Elements of Nonfiction Storytelling
By Sue Hertz '78
CQ Press, 2015
UNH Professor Hertz is author of Write Choices: Elements of Nonfiction Storytelling, published by CQ Press.
Hertz says, “After years of teaching graduate and undergraduate nonfiction writing courses, I grew frustrated with the walls that academia had placed between the narrative nonfiction forms. Based on my own writing and reading and teaching, it struck me that writers of all the forms, from memoir to personal essay to narrative journalism to video and podcasts, faced the same questions at the same junctures in the storytelling process. We all need to find an idea, and content, and a focus. We all need to create a structure that will lure the reader from beginning to end. And we all need to face the myriad of other storytelling choices, from who is the narrator to what tense is most effective.
“And then, of course, are all the choices included in revision. Write Choices seemed a common sense approach to nonfiction storytelling, a celebration of all that the forms share rather than focus on what divides them. And because I love hearing other people's stories, I interviewed over 75 nonfiction artists, from journalists to memoirists to videographers and photo essayists.“
One of the book’s reviewers, Benoit Denizet-Lewis, New York Times Magazine writer and assistant professor of writing and publishing at Emerson College, says, “To write well is hard. To teach writing well might, remarkably, be harder. Sue Hertz has written a gem of a book that makes both the writing and teaching of nonfiction storytelling easier. Write Choices is required reading in my magazine and nonfiction writing classes.”

The Great Fire, One American's Mission to Rescue Victims of the 20th Century's First Genocide
By Lou Ureneck '72
Harper Collins, 2015
Ureneck, professor of journalism at Boston University, is author of The Great Fire, One American's Mission to Rescue Victims of the 20th Century's First Genocide, published by HarperCollins. Ureneck says he began the project, about the rescue of tens of thousands of refugees during the genocide that swept Turkey, because he wanted to tell the story of Asa Jennings, a Methodist pastor from upstate New York who in 1922 commanded the evacuation of 350,000 helpless refugees from the shores of Smyrna (today İzmir) in Turkey following the Great Fire of Smyrna.
The Asa Jennings story “struck me as one of the great stories of an American hero that hardly anyone knows about,” says Ureneck. “So the research began with Jennings but soon branched out to others who were present at Smyrna for the fire and rescue. The research broadened also into an exploration of America's response to the century's first genocide.
“The challenge was mastering a lot of material so I could write with authority. I spent four years doing the research and drew from archives in five countries. I made four trips to Greece and Turkey. Language was sometimes an obstacle. Turkish records in the period were written in Turkish but rendered in Arabic script. This required me to hire a translator to sit next to me as I went through newspapers at the Izmir (Turkey) archives.
Ureneck adds, “The work was tremendously satisfying. I feel that I've told an important story. How well I've told it -- well, I will leave that to readers. But I feel fortunate to have been supported in this work by HarperCollins, which provided the advance that allowed me to travel to distant libraries to read the original documents that form the narrative of the story.”
Publisher’s Weekly calls The Great Fire “fresh, haunting, and potent.”

Cabin: Two Brothers, a Dream, and Five Acres in Maine
By Lou Ureneck '72
Viking Adult, 2011
A reviewer for The Boston Globe writes that “in his newest book, ‘Cabin,’ Ureneck heads to the Maine woods on a Thoreauvian mission to simplify life and find his truest self by building a lakeside cabin. But unlike Concord’s legendary recluse, Ureneck forges a powerful bond with his brother and his family… In “Cabin,’’ Lou Ureneck has created something bracing, beautiful, and profoundly heart-felt.”

August Gale: A Father and Daughter’s Journey into the Storm
By Barbara Walsh '81
Globe Pequot, October 2011 describes "August Gale" as "about two heartrending odysseys: one into a deadly Newfoundland hurricane and the lives of schooner fishermen who relied on God and the wind to carry them home; the other, into a squall stirred by a man with many secrets: a grandfather who remained a mystery until long after his death."

Sammy in the Sky
By Barbara Walsh '81, illustrated by Jamie Wyeth
Candlewick, 2011
"Sammy" is about how, after Sammy the hound dog loses his life, his human family keeps his spirit alive by celebrating all the things he loved. describes it as “A deeply affecting tale of love, loss, and remembrance— told in clear-eyed prose by a top journalist and illustrated by a renowned American painter.”

Lie After Lie: The True Story of A Master of Deception, Betrayal, and Murder
By Lara Bricker '98
Berkley, 2010

When the Game Was Ours
By Jackie MacMullan '82 with Earvin Magic Johnson and Larry Bird
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2009
Jackie MacMullan's When the Game Was Ours with Earvin Magic Johnson and Larry Bird, was a New York Times best seller. Jackie is an ESPN analyst and a former columnist for the Boston Globe. Jackie covered the NBA for Sports Illustrated from 1995-2000 and has served as a correspondent for a wide variety of cable television networks including CMNSI, NESN, and WHDH-TV. She is also the author of Bird Watching: On Playing and Coaching the Game I Lovewith Larry Bird and Geno: In Pursuit of Perfection with Geno Auriemma.

Sing Me Back Home: Love, Death and Country Music
By Dana Jennings '80
Faber & Faber, 2008
"If you truly want to understand the whole United States of America in the twentieth century, you need to understand country music and the working people who lived their lives by it." So writes Jennings, an editor at The New York Times, in a book that’s part music history, part memoir of growing up poor in rural New Hampshire. The St. Petersburg Times called Sing Me Back Home "one of the best things written about American music in the past two decades." Jennings takes themes of specific songs from what he considers country’s golden age, 1950-1970, and connects them with the characters and events in his own family.

Major: A Black Athlete, a White Era, and the Fight to Be the World's Fastest Human Being
By Todd Balf '83
Crown, 2008
This story of race and racing centers on Marshall “Major” Taylor, one of the nation’s first black superstars. An athlete, poet and celebrity, Taylor lived a century ago, when the scars of the Civil War were still fresh and when cycling briefly replaced horse racing as the nation’s favorite sport Much of the book centers on Taylor's his rivalry with a white man, Floyd McFarland, to be the fastest bicyclist in the world. Reviewers have called the book "literary sportswriting at its finest" and "perhaps the greatest American underdog story every told."
Todd's previous books: The Darkest Jungle: The True Story of the Darien Expedition and America's Ill-Fated Race to Connect the Seas; The Last River: The Tragic Race for Shangri-La; The Story of Manny Being Manny, A children's book about Manny Ramirez, illustrated by Todd's father, artist Oliver Balf.

A Ball, a Dog, and a Monkey: 1957 -- The Space Race Begins
By Michael D'Antonio '81
Simon & Schuster, 2007
When the Soviet Union launched the first orbital satellite, Sputnik I, in 1957, Americans panicked, then went space-crazy. A Ball, a Dog, and a Monkey tells the story of this country's early efforts to succeed in space: a time of exploding rockets, Florida boomtowns, competitive craziness and a wealth of UFO sightings. Booklist says, "Besides narrating countdowns, missile failures, and nuclear explosions, D'Antonio evokes the boomtown atmosphere of Cape Canaveral through two young reporters, Jay Barbree and Wickham Stivers, who cut their teeth on the space-age story. An entertaining writer, D'Antonio delivers the technological heroics on which spaceflight fans are keen."
Some of Michael's previous books: Hershey: Milton S. Hershey's Extraordinary Life of Wealth, Empire, and Utopian Dreams; The State Boys Rebellion (2005)

We Went to War: New Hampshire Remembers
By Meg Heckman '01 and Mike Pride
Monitor Publishing Company, 2008
In We Went to War, men and women from New Hampshire remember how World War II transformed—and often threatened—their lives. More than six decades later, they tell their own stories in words that are often poignant, sometimes tragic, and always human. In 2007, Meg Heckman '01 and Mike Pride of the Concord Monitor set out to find members of the World War II generation still living in New Hampshire sixty-two years after the war ended. We Went to War compiles the stories the two writers collected and adds several chapters. Although some of the women and men interviewed for We Went to Warrecall the gung-ho spirit of the time, they do not candy-coat their experiences. The war was about death and mutilation. This generation’s “job,” as its members saw it, was to do their part and come safely home. And one other thing: to remember, no matter how much they wanted to forget.

The New England League: A Baseball History 1885 - 1949
By Charlie Bevis ’75
McFarland & Co., 2007
Author Charlie Bevis, a member of the Society for American Baseball Research, delves into the history of the New England League during the pivotal early years of minor league baseball. Chapters explore baseball’s ties to the regional economy and the textile industry, as well as the groundbreaking first examples of playoffs, night baseball and integration. Charlie has written for numerous baseball publications and is the author of two previous books, Sunday Baseball (2003) and Mickey Cochrane (1998).

Backcast: Fatherhood, Fly Fishing and a River Journey Through the Heart of Alaska
By Lou Ureneck ’72
St. Martin’s Press, 2007
When Lou Ureneck was 49 and his son Adam was 18, they took off together for a 110-mile Alaskan river trip. “My life was in a ditch,” writes Ureneck, who directs the journalism program at Boston University. “I was broke from lawyers, therapists and alimony payments and fearful that my son’s anger was hardening into life-long permanence. I wanted to pull him back into my life.” From the mountains to the Bering Sea, the two confronted bears, nasty weather, violent currents and their own differences. The memoir has been praised by a host of prominent writers, including Bill McKibben, who calls it “one of the finest meditations on fathers and sons that I've ever read.” The book won a 2007 National Outdoor Book Award.

By Brendan Dubois ’82
St. Martin’s Minotaur, 2007
Publisher’s Weekly calls Twilight, the 11th mystery by DuBois, a “quietly devastating cautionary tale” about the future of the war on terror. Young Canadian journalist Samuel Simpson joins a team of UN war-crimes investigators working in upstate New York after a major terrorist attack against the United States. Danger surrounds them. Worse, Samuel begins to suspect there is a traitor on his team, someone who is working not only to conceal important evidence but to betray and kill them all.

Not by a Long Shot: A Season at a Hard-Luck Horse Track
By T.D. Thornton '90
Public Affairs/Perseus Book Group, 2007
The publisher calls this book "a gritty, passionate behind-the-scenes portrait of a year in the life of thoroughbred racing's working class, by a racetrack insider." The track is Suffolk Downs in Massachusetts, a.k.a. Sufferin' Downs, "where grizzled thoroughbreds come to end their careers, hopeful young jockeys aspire against daunting odds to begin them, and diehard fans cheer, curse and gamble on the entire fascinating spectacle." The insider is Tim Thornton, who has both covered the track as a reporter and worked there as media director. Publisher's Weekly says Tim "possesses a deep sympathy for and understanding of the dynamics and contradictions that sustain this threatened world." Tim says he aimed for a “caustically honest” chronicle showing how minimum-wage stablehands and hard-luck horses do the work that allows the upper echelon to bask in the spotlight.

Geno: In Pursuit of Perfection
By Geno Auriemma with Jackie MacMullan '82
Warner Books, 2006
Jackie, a Boston Globe sports columnist, ghostwrites the life story of the famously ferocious UConn women's basketball coach whose teams won five national championships and broke records with a 70-game winning streak.
From the New York Times review of Geno: "Most people would take pride in such accomplishments, but not Auriemma. He remains fearful, haunted. His only certainty is that it will all come crashing down around him. It's little wonder his players feel so protective toward him. Clearly, his outsider's insecurities -- as an immigrant, a poor kid, a man in a woman's game -- go a long way toward explaining his success. They also explain much of the charm of this book."

Provincetown Follies, Bangkok Blues
By Randall Peffer '73
Bleak House Books, 2006
From the Publishers Weekly review: "Peffer explores sexual ambiguity in this offbeat legal procedural/whodunit. Callow public defender Michael DeCastro undergoes a baptism of fire with his first murder case: the defendant, Tuki Aparecio, is a Provincetown drag queen from Thailand (via Vietnam) accused of killing her lover, Alby Costelano, before setting a fire to cover her traces. Despite himself -- and his imminent wedding to an increasingly annoyed fiancée -- DeCastro finds his feelings toward his client evolving into romantic ones, which lands him in some compromising positions. The narrative alternates between Michael's sexually confused point-of-view and Tuki's flashbacks to her dark past in Bangkok and to the events leading up to the crime."
Santa Claws, The Christmas Crab
By Priscilla Cummings '73
Tidewater Publishers, 2006
Beneath Chesapeake Bay, Spud, a feisty young blue crab, hates to nap. Waking his underwater friends, Spud launches a rollicking Christmas Eve party that is interrupted by an unexpected traveler in need of Spud’s help. This is the latest of a dozen children's picture books by Priscilla Cummings, who has also written five young adult novels.

The Prison Angel: Mother Antonia's Journey from Beverly Hills to a Life of Service in a Mexican Jail
By Mary Jordan and Kevin Sullivan '81
Penguin Press, 2005
After a wealthy childhood in Beverly Hills, two failed marriages and much spiritual searching, Mary Clarke put on a homemade habit and headed to the most notorious prison in Tijuana, Mexico, where she has lived and worked since 1977. From Publishers Weekly: "Jordan and Sullivan, who report from Mexico for the Washington Post, paint a portrait of this remarkable woman with a light touch, rarely digressing into lyricism or political backstories."

Things Worth Fighting For
By Michael Kelly ’79
Introduction by Ted Koppel
Penguin. Paperback, 2005; hardcover, 2004
Publisher’s synopsis: Until 2003, when he died at age 46 while covering the war in Iraq, Michael Kelly was widely regarded as one of the pre-eminent journalists of his generation. This collection of his most memorable stories and columns — drawn from the Washington Post, New York Times, New Republic, and other publications — puts on full display the dazzling panoply of his gifts: for physical description and scene setting; for telling detail, brilliant simile, and satirical insight; for prose that is at once mathematically precise and lyrical. From his searing portraits of political figures to his stunning wartime dispatches from the front lines, Things Worth Fighting For represents the work of a journalist who time and again demonstrated a talent for penetrating to the heart of the matter — for getting the story other writers missed and telling it with a verve few writers could match.
Mike’s previous book: Martyrs’ Day: Chronicle of a Small War

Manhattan on the Rocks
By Janice Harayda '70
Sourcebooks Landmark, 2004
From Booklist: Laura Smart, 25, can't wait to start her exciting new job in New York at the magazine Cassandra, run by sleek, sophisticated talk-show host Cassandra Lovelace. Laura can't get out of Cleveland fast enough. Harayda, a former senior editor at Glamour, provides an inside look at life at a New York magazine through an appealing heroine's eyes.

Dead Men Tapping: The End of the Heather Lynne II
By Kate Morse Yeomans '95
International Marine/Ragged Mountain Press, 2003
A collision, a damaged boat, four trapped fishermen, and a rescue gone wrong. From The Boston Globe: "Kate Yeomans... recounts the collision and the ensuing federal trial with a sure sense of drama... Her powerful account will remind readers of Sebastian Junger's The Perfect Storm."

The New York Times Crossword All-Stars: 50 Puzzles from One of Will Shortz's Favorite Constructors, Brendan Emmett Quigley
By Brendan Quigley ’96
St. Martin’s Griffin, 2003
Here’s what the publisher says: Puzzle fans, take note. In this book you'll find puzzles like none other the Times has published: hip, fun, and full of surprising, adventurous answers and clues. All this has made Brendan Emmett Quigley, a rock guitarist who was just 23 when the Times published the first puzzle he ever created, one of Will Shortz's favorite puzzlemakers. For the book, Shortz wrote an introduction and edited ten puzzles of Brendan’s that had never been published before.
UNHers, take note: Brendan sold that first puzzle in the spring of his senior year in Durham. Here’s a profile from the UNH magazine by journalism prof Jane Harrigan and a 2007 profile from the Boston Globe Sunday magazine.
Alumni Awards

2003 International Reporting
Kevin Sullivan '81 and Mary Jordan of the Washington Post
"For their exposure of horrific conditions in Mexico's criminal justice system and how they affect the daily lives of people." View details on the Pulitzer Prize site
Also in 2003: The prize for breaking news reporting went to the Lawrence (Mass.) Eagle-Tribune, whose president and publisher, Chip Rogers, graduated from UNH in 1983. The paper won for its stories on the accidental drowning of four boys in the Merrimack River. And the 2003 Pulitzer for photojournalism was shared by 15 photographers from the Rocky Mountain News in Denver, including 1981 UNH graduate Mark Osler. (He didn't take journalism courses here -- but hey, he did go to UNH.) The paper won for its photographs documenting Colorado fires that began in April and lasted through the summer.
In 2009: Kevin Sullivan and Mary Jordan were named Pulitzer Prize finalists for International Reporting. They wrote a series of stories about the burdens faced by women around the world.

1999 Breaking News Reporting
A Hartford Courant reporting team including Lynne Tuohy '77
"For its clear and detailed coverage of a shooting rampage in which a state lottery worker killed four supervisors, then himself." View details on the Pultizer Prize site

1988 General News Reporting
Barbara Walsh '81 and a team at the Lawrence (Mass.) Eagle-Tribune.
"For an investigation that revealed serious flaws in the Massachusetts prison furlough system and led to significant statewide reforms."

1984 Local General or Spot News Reporting
Newsday team of reporters including Michael D'Antonio '81
"For their enterprising and comprehensive coverage of the Baby Jane Doe case and its far-reaching social and political implications."

1954 Editorial Writing
Don Murray of the Boston Herald. (Don graduated from UNH in 1948, founded the UNH journalism program in 1963, and was internationally known as a writer and expert on the writing process, not to mention locally known as a columnist for the Boston Globe.)
For a series of editorials on the "New Look" in National Defense that won wide attention for their analysis of changes in American military policy.

Gary Langer '80 won Emmy Awards in 2008 and 2005 for for his work at ABC News. Langer, the network's polling director, received the awards for his part in ABC's "Iraq: Where Things Stand" coverage, which included the first national news polls conducted in Iraq. The two awards are the only Emmys ever to cite polling. Langer has also received three other Emmy nominations, including one in 2004 for a survey of Americans' views of the health care system that supported a weeklong series, "Critical Condition: Healthcare in America."
By fall 2008, Langer's unit at ABC News had done three polls in Afghanistan and five in Iraq, aiming to deepen news coverage by exploring the daily lives of ordinary residents. The work required finding a company willing to work in dangerous areas, training local residents to do in-person polling, translating and re-translating the questionnaires, and, as Langer says, "doing a lot of worrying about people's safety." More on the Iraq polls
Since joining ABC in 1990, Langer has produced surveys on topics ranging from politics, presidential elections and consumer confidence to terrorism, obesity, pain control, religious beliefs, drugs and sex. He has also established standards and procedures through which his unit reviews virtually all survey research that ABC News is considering using in its broadcasts, to ensure its validity, reliability and balance.
Formerly an AP reporter, Langer has appeared on ABC News broadcasts and other television and radio programs in the United States and around the world, and has written on public opinion for the op-ed pages of major newspapers. He is a trustee of the national Council on Public Polls and past president of the New York chapter of the American Association for Public Opinion Research. He lives in New York with his wife and two daughters.
Nov 17, 2022: Jason Simpson '06, won a 2022 Association of Marketing and Communications Professionals MarCom Award - Platinum. In previous years, he won a 2019 International Association of Business Communications Golden Quill Award, a 2018 Telly Award, and a 2014 Ragan Communications’ Employee Communications “Best Electronic Magazine” Award.
May 10, 2011: Tom Mooney '82 won two national awards today from the Society for Professional Journalists: in the category Deadline Reporting (Daily Circulation 50,001-100,000) for "Historic floodwaters swamp Rhode Island," Tom Mooney with team, The Providence Journal; and in the category Feature Reporting (Daily Circulation 50,001-100,000) for "Central Falls: What It Takes," by Jennifer D. Jordan, Tom Mooney, Tatiana Pina and Karen Lee Ziner, The Providence Journal.
Historic floodwaters swamp Rhode Island
Jackie MacMullan ’82, a highly respected pro basketball reporter who worked for The Boston Globe for three decades and recently collaborated on a best-selling book with Hall of Famers Larry Bird and Magic Johnson, has received the 2010 Curt Gowdy Media Award from the Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame in Springfield, Massachusetts. MacMullan is the first female reporter to receive the honor in the award’s 21-year history.
The Gowdy Media Award is named in honor of the legendary sports broadcaster and former Hall of Fame Board member and President, the late Curt Gowdy. The prestigious award is presented annually to members of the print and electronic media whose longtime efforts have made a significant contribution to the game of basketball.
Annmarie Timmins '90 has been awarded a Nieman Fellowship for 2010-11. A reporter for the Concord Monitor in Concord, NH., Annamarie plans to explore the effects of specialized mental health courts and prison policies on offenders with mental health problems. She is the 2011 Donald W. Reynolds Nieman Fellow in Community Journalism.
Maine Press Association
- Steve Bodnar '08, Bob Drake Young Writer's Award, a Continuing Story Award, and an Arts/Lifestyle Feature Award
- Laura Snyder Smith '94, Keith Drago, Jonathan D. Benton, Dave Choate, and Scott Yates picked up awards in the story and photo categories.
American Association of Sunday and Features Editors 2008
- Steve Damish '83, managing editor of The Enterprise in Brockton, Mass., won two awards in AASFE's national feature-writing contest. He took first place in feature specialty reporting for three stories and second place in general feature writing for a fourth. All the stories were part of a series updating Wasted Youth, the paper's examination of teenage addiction.
NEAPNEA (New England Associated Press News Executives Association) 2008
- Lynne Tuohy '77, and Lisa Chedekel, Hartford Courant. Sevellon Brown Public Service Award for a series on a nursing home chain.
- Tom Mooney ’82, Providence Journal. First place, feature writing (60,000+ circulation), for a story on the man who solved a mysterious diving death.
- Steve Damish '83, The Enterprise, Brockton Mass. First place, feature writing (30,000 - 60,000) for "Dawn of Recovery," about the struggle of a local man to come back from heroin addiction. The story was part of a series on addiction for which Damish has won numerous awards. (See 2007.)
- Karen Sanborn Lovett '04 and Ashley Smith '04, The Telegraph, Nashua. First place, feature writing, papers under 30,000, for
"In Transition," a series about the transgender community. - Melanie Asmar '04, Concord Monitor. Second place. feature writing, for "I’m Here," a story that can’t be explained until you've read it. Mel also wrote a column about getting to know the woman in the story.
- Ashley Smith ’04 and David Brooks, The Telegraph, Nashua. First for business and consumer coverage for stories about FairPoint Communications.
- Annmarie Timmins ’90, Concord Monitor. Third place for beat reporting and third place, with Kate Davidson, for continuing coverage (of the shooting of Franconia police officer Bruce McKay).
- Susan Flynn ’89, Salem News. Third place, local column.
- Alan Greenwood ’81, The Telegraph, Nashua. Third place, sports column.
- Kerry Lowe ’04, The Telegraph, Nashua. Third place, business page design.
New Hampshire Press Association 2008
- Chelsea Conaboy '04, Concord Monitor. First place, feature writing.
- Alan Greenwood '81, The Telegraph of Nashua. Second place, sports columnist.
- Terry Date, Eagle-Tribune. Third place, feature writing.
New England Society of Newspaper Editors 2007
- Barbara Walsh '81 received the 2007 Yankee Quill Award for being "a feisty project reporter who writes about important public matters and issues and whose work has changed society for the better."
Associated Press Managing Editors 2007
- APME honored The Enterprise of Brockton, Mass., and managing editor Steve Damish '83 for "Wasted Youth," a series of stories on youth drug addiction. Competing with papers from across the U.S. and Canada, The Enterprise was named one of four finalists for the APME Public Service Award.
New England Press Association
- Steve Damish '83, The Enterprise, Brockton Mass. New England Daily Journalist of the Year. Also first place for investigative reporting, general news, health reporting, and feature writing.
- Terry Date, Eagle-Tribune New Hampshire edition. First place, transportation reporting.
- Jill Fennimore '04, Watertown Tab, Mass. First place, health reporting.
- Alan Greenwood '81, The Telegraph, Nashua. First place, sports column.
- Susan Nolan, Portsmouth Herald. First place, human interest feature.
- Nick Gosling '06, Ellsworth American, Maine. Second place, environmental reporting.
- Chris Haas '07, Exeter News-Letter. Second place, transportation reporting (for a story written while he was an intern).
- Karen Sanborn Lovett '04, Keene Sentinel. Second place, human interest feature.
- Scott Yates '07, Portsmouth Herald. Second place, feature photo.
- Erica Thoits '05, The Current, Scarborough, Maine. Third place, health reporting.
NEAPNEA (New England Associated Press News Executives Association) 2007
- Karen Sanborn Lovett '04, Keene Sentinel. First place, feature writing.
- Andrea Bushee '04 and Al McKeon, The Telegraph, Nashua. First place, enterprise reporting.
- Vanessa Palange '01, The Telegraph, Nashua. First and third place for business page design.
- Steve Damish '83 and Maureen Boyle, The Enterprise, Brockton, Mass. Third place, enterprise reporting
New Hampshire Press Association 2007
- Melanie Asmar '04, Concord Monitor. New Hampshire Writer of the Year.
- Chris Outcalt '06, Portsmouth Herald. Rookie of the Year.
- Andrea Bushee '04 and Albert McKeon, The Telegraph of Nashua. First place for "Who's Watching Your Child," a series on safety at area child-care centers.
- Lisa Arsenault '03, Concord Monitor. Second place, business writing.
- Chelsea Conaboy '04, Concord Monitor. Third place, community journalism.