Summer 2025 Registration Information
All summer courses require pre-registration through the NH Summer Literacy Institutes prior to registering. To request permission for a course prior to the March 24th registration opening, please complete this Graduate Course Reservation form if you have not already done so. All information collected in this form is encrypted and used only for the purpose of pre-registration for the NH Summer Literacy Institutes.
When UNH course registration opens in March, you will receive an email to direct you to officially register for your course through the Webcat (for returning students) or UNH Registrar's Office. Tuition must be paid through their office. Please register as soon as possible to protect the course from being cancelled due to low enrollment. Classes fill on a first-come, first-served basis. PO’s are not accepted and no one will be allowed to audit the program.
MST degree students: please fill out this form, and then contact Janine Wilks, our English Graduate Program Assistant, for help with finalizing your registration. Janine can be reached by phone, (603) 862-3963, or by email,
*Tuition rates for Summer 2025 are $560 per credit, NH residents; $620 per credit, nonresidents. Manchester campus rates are $570 resident and $620nonresident. Continuing Education tuition rates apply during Summer Session. **The following are mandatory fees: registration ($20); student services ($110); and technology, pro-rated based on total registered credits (1-4 cr, $28; 5-8 cr, $55.00). **Note: Some graduate programs have different tuition rates that apply for all semesters, including Summer Session and January Term.