TILDE: Transformational Inquiry in Literacy and Digital Environments

To participate in contemporary life, students must learn to effectively navigate and create online information. Prior to COVID-19, New Hampshire had written state standards addressing the importance of teaching digital literacies. The onset of the pandemic, however, forced school districts to quickly implement remote learning. This rapid shift to digital tools and teaching methods has revealed significant inequities in access to, resources for, and knowledge of digital literacies in our state — factors that will limit educational opportunity for many students. In response, the TILDE project will look across K16 education to investigate how K12 and college educators transitioned to remote learning to develop recommendations for state policy and teachers’ professional learning to enact more equitable implementation.

Bethany Silva, research assistant professor of education; Alecia Magnifico, associate professor of English; Christina Ortmeier-Hooper, associate professor of English; Laura Allen, assistant professor of psychology