
The English department offers a number of institutes and programs that provide unique opportunities for both undergraduate- and graduate-level students as well as for youth and adults in the Seacoast community and beyond.


A group of teachers gather outside. They are all smiling at the camera

Learning Through Teaching Program

An in-service program designed to help K-12 teachers meet their professional goals in teaching reading, writing, and literature. This innovative approach is unique because it brings teacher education into the school and teacher's classroom. It is sponsored by the New Hampshire Literacy Institutes of the English Department in collaboration with the UNH Graduate School. Learning Through Teaching also offers one-day workshops, usually in the fall.

Learning Through Teaching Program

NH Literacy Institutes 

SLI teachers

A series of English courses at the graduate level with a focus on teaching and learning of writing. Teachers gather for one or two weeks, learn from experts in the field of literacy, and leave rejuvenated for the upcoming school year.

UNH Literacy through the English Department




A photo of students wearing blue Writers Academy shirts standing under the arch in front of T Hall

The Writers Academy for Youth

A summer program for budding writers entering grades 5 through 12 in the fall. Students work with writing experts to develop their skills, and share their work with likeminded writers.

The Writers Academy


ESL Institute

A comprehensive program that teaches English to speakers of other languages, aiding both UNH degree students and members of the community.

ESL Institute