UNH English PhD 50th Anniversary Conference

The English Department is hosting a celebration and conference to mark the 50th anniversary of the awarding of our first PhD in 1972. The event—on Friday, September 22, 2023—will run from 10AM to the evening on the first floor of Hamilton Smith Hall. English PhD alumuni/ae’s achievements and insights will be the centerpiece of the event. We plan an exhibit of alumni books, and some returning alums will participate in conversations about their work—in scholarship, administration, teaching, nonprofits, and other areas—and about the state of the humanities. The schedule will include roundtables featuring short alumni/ae talks in Hamilton Smith Hall 150 and will end with a reception at 5PM in Hamilton Smith Hall’s Atrium. This is an open event, and members of the English Department and the UNH community are welcome to drop in and join the celebration.

Event Schedule

For more information, contact Professor Brigitte Bailey.