
ArtsReach is a children's theatre academic year touring troupe that performs at schools, children's hospitals, and churches.  

New Spring Tour Starts February 2025

Bookings available Fridays (Feb 21 - MAY 2)  


Promotional graphic for Drops in the Ocean


Directed by Julianna Giordano

Best suited for grades K-5. 

There is a whole big wide world of stories out there, and we all have one to tell! This delightful show brings four stories to life that are all connected by water. Mermaids, Pirates, Fish, and Dragons all share a little of their world and the lessons they learned during their journeys.

ACCESSIBILITY STATEMENT: The 2024 ArtsReach Tour features a cast member who utilizes a wheelchair both on and off stage. Please be advised when booking that the performance space and the path from the loading area to said performance space must be wheelchair accessible. This includes but is not limited to ensuring unobstructed step free pathways, ramp access, curb cuts, easily accessible outlets, and propped and/or automated doors in relevant areas. A wheelchair accessible bathroom must also be available on-site upon request. If you have any further questions regarding accessibility when hosting the ArtReach Tour please email

Please use the link below to request a booking date.


After booking, you’ll receive a host and promotional packet and an agreement via mail.

The ArtsReach tour is funded solely by those who host us. A $400 fee is requested for one show. To book a date, a $100 nonrefundable deposit or a P.O. for the full amount is requested for each show. Deposits will apply to the full balance. The full payment is requested no later than 10 business days after the event ends. Make checks payable to UNH.

  • The performance area, indoor or outdoor, should provide a clear, unobstructed space.
  • Gazebos are not recommended as a performance space. The actors can set up in front of, or to the side of a gazebo.
  • The performance space should be approximately 20’ across x 20’ deep x 8’ tall.
  • The performance space should be available one hour prior to the performance time.
  • This space should be cleared of all items, furniture, debris before the group arrives.
  • Reserve the space for a total of 2 hours and 30 minutes for the UNH troupe (for the set-up, performance, and tear down time).
  • Provide 1 standard, 120 volt electrical outlet that is located within 40’ of the performance space for the sound system. This electrical outlet should have no other heavy equipment loads on the same circuit.
  • If broadcast announcements are made at your location, please request that these be done prior to the show.
  • For indoor shows, make sure all entrances/halls/stairs/performance areas are easy to access for the actors who will be carrying heavy and large stage equipment. If stairs/stairwell access is unavoidable, please call us so we may prepare the troupe.

All dates subject to change.  Performance may not be open to the public.



The ArtsREACH touring program visits schools and performs a program for PRE-K, elementary and middle school-aged students throughout the region. Shows also include a talk-back opportunity for students to learn more about the content of the show, the process of touring theatre, and more. The actors of these productions are UNH Undergraduate Theatre and Dance students from the University of New Hampshire in Durham, NH.


Michael Wood 

Administrative Services Specialist
Phone: (603) 862-3038
Fax: (603) 862-0298
D22 Paul Creative Arts Center
30 Academic Way
University of New Hampshire