
UNH student on Johnson Hall Stage

Reserving Space

Space can be reserved in classrooms, theatres and dance studios managed by the Theatre & Dance Department.  To view availability and request space, visit https://unh.emscloudservice.com.

Paul Creative Arts Center

Virtually all of Theatre and Dance's classes meet in the Paul Creative Arts Center and in New Hampshire Hall. The Paul Creative Arts Center (PCAC) houses two theatres, three dressing rooms, a well equipped scene shop, a costume shop, a green room, storage facilities, classrooms, and the offices of all the faculty and staff, and the department office in room D22, as well as rooms and offices for the Departments of Art and Music. New Hampshire Hall houses the Newman Dance Studio and the smaller "stage" studio.

Johnson Theatre

Johnson Theatre is a fully equipped, 667 seat, proscenium theatre. Major Department of Theatre & Dance productions are produced on the Johnson stage. Adjacent to the stage is the scene shop. Johnson Theatre is the largest auditorium space on campus. It not only hosts Theatre & Dance events, but performances for the Department of Music and other performances that require a large auditorium. The Theatre & Dance Box Office is located in the Johnson Theatre lobby.

Hennessy Theatre

The Hennessy Theatre is a small, 130 seat black box theatre. The Hennessy Theatre is used for most Theatre & Dance subscription season productions, Mask and Dagger, and most student productions. The Hennessy Theatre has undergone major renovations in the past few years to include a larger seating capacity and a new electrical and sound system.

New Hampshire Hall

The Newman Dance studio is a large, 3500 sq. ft, fully equipped dance studio that houses the Department of Theatre & Dance's dance classes. A removable marley floor is used as a dance surface. The Newman Dance Studio has an excellent sound system, and is often used as a rehearsal space for the annual musical and the annual dance concert because its size replicates the Johnson Theatre stage. Newman Dance Studio is surprisingly large, as from the outside it looks quite small.

New Hampshire Hall also houses the 2500 sq. ft Dance Stage Studio. Which is actually the former stage when University Theatre performed in New Hampshire Hall before PCAC was built. Mirrors and a marley floor make the stage space able to handle either acting/movement classes, or dance classes.