In addition to General Theatre, the theatre major offers options in Acting & Directing, Dance, Design & Theatre Technology, Musical Theatre, Secondary Theatre Education and Youth Drama.
Performance opportunities include six main stage faculty-directed productions, three touring productions, and ore than 20 student-directed productions including plays, musical theatre, dance, puppetry, improvisation, comedy and creative drama.
The award-winning faculty provides theatre majors with superlative training within a broad liberal arts context. Students may take courses in acting, voice and movement, dialects, directing, choreography, design and theatre technology, the history, theory and criticism of drama and theatre, youth drama, secondary school certification, playwriting, storytelling, puppetry, ballet, theatre dance (jazz and tap), aerial dance, and musical theatre. Students interested in performance, technical and historical aspects are trained to step into professional careers. The program affords means for independent study and internships, special projects and active personal involvement in lecture and laboratory classes with the possibility for integration with other departments. To assist with financial needs, the department awards scholarships to undergraduates each spring.
Any incoming student with prior experience in theatre or dance should speak with an adviser in order to be placed in the correct class level.
General Requirements
The general theatre major allows students to explore a variety of areas. In the freshman and sophomore years, the student should enroll in at least two theatre and two general education courses per semester. The minimum grade requirement for Dance Option and Secondary Education courses is B-. For all other emphasis areas, the minimum grade requirement is C-. Any grade lower than the minimums stated above will not count toward the major. Under department policy, students who complete both COMM 401 and COMM 402 satisfy the liberal arts language competency requirement. All majors must take courses in the following areas: Performance, Design/Theatre Technology, and Theory/History as well as complete a practicum course every semester and complete a capstone course. Although timing will vary with each emphasis, it is strongly suggested that all introductory courses be taken prior to the end of the student's sophomore year. Major department courses may not be used to satisfy discovery category requirements except in the case of a second or dual major.
Theater Practicum
The theatre and dance major practicum has been developed to assure a breadth of experience in the major. Students are required to take at least one practicum for every semester they are a major in the Theatre and Dance Department. All practicum credits must be earned for work done at UNH and supervised by the Theatre and Dance Department. Approximately 35 work hours are required per practicum class. Each practicum course is graded pass or fail. The student must meet with the practicum instructor no later than the second week of the semester for job description, procedures, and assignments. Failure to do so may result in receiving an “F” for the course.