Audition Form

Molly McFolly and the Littlest Leprechaun (Summer 2023 Little Red Wagon Tour)

Statement of Academic Commitment

First and foremost, you are here to get a degree, so your academics must come first. You should not be neglecting your classes just because you are performing in or working as an ASM, SM, Choreographer, Director, AD, Designer/Asst Designer or TA in department productions. If you have a GPA lower than 2.5 at the time of auditions, you will not be considered for casting or production assignments. Instead, you should devote what would be rehearsal time to bringing up your grades and keeping up with your studies. Your health and wellbeing are of the utmost importance, and while we are here to aid your growth as artists, it is our main responsibility to support you in prioritizing your classes. If you know that when you are involved in a performance process you struggle turning assignments in on time but have a GPA higher than a 2.5, you should seriously consider voluntarily removing yourself from productions this semester so that you may concentrate on your academics. If you decide to audition and are cast but then your grades start to slip, if a director asks, you must provide a current update of grades. Our goal is to help make sure you are successful as students, so if you are falling behind in classes, the director may recommend you either step out temporarily to catch up or, if you are struggling in multiple classes, withdraw from the production.
Conflicts that are added AFTER casting may not be able to be honored.
Which show do you want to be considered for?
Casting Policy
CASTING POLICY: Theatre Majors and Minors are expected to attend all call backs for productions for which they have auditioned and to accept roles for which they have been cast. In accepting a role, you are committing to ALL rehearsals and performance dates. No conflicts will be considered that are not documented on this form. It is possible you will not be called for all rehearsals; however, unless otherwise outlined in this form, you must be available when called.
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