Students auditioning will be considered for UPPs, Into the Woods AND Much Ado About Nothing. Students auditioning will be considered for UPPs, Into the Woods AND Much Ado About Nothing. Please check this box if you are NOT interested in auditioning for EITHER show, and are only auditioning because it’s a requirement of THDA 755. Only Auditioning for THDA 755 Name: Telephone: Email: Hair Color: Height: Your Major: Your Option (if in THDA): Acting & Directing Dance Design & Theatre Technology General Musical Theatre Secondary Theatre Education Youth Drama Minor: Graduation Year: -Select-20212022202320242025 THDA Classes Taken: THDA Roles: Non-THDA Classes/Roles: Special Skills: Conflicts *PLEASE NOTE: In accepting a role, you are committing to ALL rehearsals and performance dates. NO conflicts will be considered that are not documented on this form. It is possible you will not be called for all rehearsals; however, unless otherwise listed below, you MUST be available when called. UPP rehearsals will take place beginning October/Nov and go up Dec 1-5. Into The Woods rehearsals will take place approximately early November through winter break, then first day of Spring classes until close. Much Ado runs March 4-6. rehearsals START on January 25th. One-time Conflicts: Recurring Conflicts: REQUIREMENTS FOR VIDEO AUDITION Students should record their audition package in a single take, not multiple shots. All auditions should start with a slate (state your name, the show your monologue is from and the title of the song you are singing…if you are singing). Students can perform EITHER the monologue OR song first (assuming they are doing both) and just take a short moment in between the two. They do not need to slate between their monologue and song. Accompaniment should be pre-recorded and play along in the background of your video. Plan to shoot from the waist up and upload your file to YouTube. Please listen to your video and make sure the sound is balanced (need to hear you AND your music clearly). Files should be uploaded to YouTube and shared as a private video with comments disabled. The only people who should be able to see your video are the people who have the link. The link should be included on your audition form. Please make sure a password is NOT needed to watch the video (test that out by sending it to someone you trust and make sure they can access it). Link to Audition Video: Casting Policy: CASTING POLICY: Theatre Majors and Minors are expected to attend all call backs for plays that they have auditioned for and to accept roles for which they have been cast. When we have joint auditions, the directors make casting decisions based on what we think will be the best educational experience for students, and we expect you to take on the opportunity. In accepting a role, you are committing to ALL rehearsals and performance dates. No conflicts will be considered that are not documented on this form. It is possible you will not be called for rehearsals; however, unless otherwise outlined in your conflicts on this form, you must be available when called. I have read and understand the above casting policy: Yes No CAPTCHA This question is for testing whether or not you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions.