MAIN STAGE SEASON- Production Information & Marketing Form

The information provided in this form will be used as a jumping off place for the creation of marketing materials. Please provide as much information as possible in order to assist in the ease of marketing creation. 
The typical marketing package for each show is as follows:
•    Listings in Area Event Calendars (Maine, NH, Mass)
•    Poster Hanging (Dover, Portsmouth, Newmarket, Durham, Campus, potentially Somersworth/Rochester)
    o    Also, letter size posters sent to Res Life and Housing for hanging in the dorms/apts.
•    Email Blasts
    o    Included in Monthly Newsletter
    o    2.5 weeks
    o    1 week
    o    Monday of show week
    o    Opening
    o    Right before the weekend
•    Request to department to send out personal emails
    o    2.5ish weeks in advance
    o    Offer template text and access to images
•    Social Media Posts every 1-2 days (Instagram, Twitter, Facebook)
    o    These are also practicum assignments, so they are supposed to schedule daily posts ahead of time
•    Facebook Events- All scheduled at the beginning of the year. 
    o    1st Semester all live in August
    o    2nd Semester all live in January
•    Press release
    o    3 weeks advance of show
•    Dining Hall/MUB Table Tent week before show
•    Mention in the What’s On in COLA email from the Dean’s Office
•    Street Signs downtown Durham
•    MUB Tables 
    o    Day before opening
    o    Day of Opening 
•    Dover Chamber of Commerce Peek of the Week Email blasts
    o    Two Weeks, One Week, and Week of
•    Orca TV Ad
    o    Included for 2.5 weeks and through the end of show
•    Included in the Season Brochure mailed out in August
•    Large Poster in Theatre Lobby
•    Large Poster in MUB display case
•    Promotional photoshoot to send with press, emails, social, etc…
•    Dress Rehearsal photoshoot
•    Promotional Video
•    Practicum Projects-
    o    Could include but not guaranteed: windshield flyers, writing on markerboards in classroom, flash mobs, sidewalk chalk announcements
One file only.
20 MB limit.
Allowed types: gif, jpg, jpeg, png, psd, pdf, doc, docx, pptx, xls, xlsx, avi, mov, mp3, wav, zip.
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