Declaring a Major

Auditions Required

To declare a major in the music B.A. program, students must give evidence of satisfactory musical training by taking an admission audition.  Students must declare music as a major before the beginning of the junior year, but it is highly recommended that they declare as early as possible, considering the large number of required courses.

To declare a major in the B.M. program, students must demonstrate a high degree of musical competence or significant creative ability during an audition or examination. Selection is made on the professional requirements appropriate to each option. Students must formally declare the B.M. as a degree program before the beginning of the sophomore year. Continuation into the upper level of the program is subject to review by the department faculty.

view audition Information

If you are a continuing student (i.e., NOT an incoming first-year student or a transfer student) and have auditioned and been accepted into a music major, complete the change of program process outlined below so that your official records are updated.

Change of Program Process

Use this process in the following situations: declaring or changing a major within a college, declaring a major in or changing a major to a different college, adding a dual major, adding a second major:

  1. Sign in to
  2. Search for Webcat and select
  3. Select Student Records
  4. Select Change Major/Option and follow prompts

Use this process in the following situations: declaring a dual degree, declaring or changing to a self-designed major, declaring a third major:

  1. Obtain a paper yellow change of program form from the Registrar's Office or download one here.
  2. Meet with your advisor, and obtain signature and your student academic file.
  3. Go to your current Dean’s Office, obtain signature.
  4. Bring your signed form and file to our office where we will instruct you on next steps.